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ParticipantOOH never mind I thought you said you had your period on Feb 14. Well in that case you could be having symptoms like I said you count from the 1st day of your last period. Good Luck
ParticipantDon’t take a test yet you will not get any results. If you are pregnant then you would be 1 week, 2 days if your last period was on Feb 14 of 2010. You do not get any symptoms until at least 4/5 weeks. Right now there isn’t anything you can do but wait. Also remember you do not count from the sex you count from the 1st day of your last period. Wait until you miss you period to take a test it will be more accurate that way. Good Luck
Participantaww he is so adorable
ParticipantNow its better I talked it out with her
ParticipantOh I get where you’re coming from I feel so big all the time lol
Participant[b]1 question..How you do it? That’s crazy but it proves that you are really strong emotionally. Good for you =]
Well, I got pregg at 15 and now I’m 16 31 weeks along and I’m living with the babys dad and my mom and we all kinda help each other. I also model and act =] good money well hope to hear from you soon.[/b]iswaggaliciious
ParticipantIt could be the implantation bleeding but at the same time it could be something else. I’ve spotted before 2 weeks after my period when I wasn’t pregnant. Its best to get a test tho if you miss your period.
Participant1st start with getting a new midwife your ignored when you thought that you lost your mucus plug and that’s kinda messed up. Hopefully you will deliver full term and much luck to you =]
Participantugh tell her to do her job and quit messing aroud
ParticipantWhat? Tell her to stop telling you that you are too big and do her job! Some people are bigger than others during pregnancy and she needs to get over that. My friend looked like she was 9 months only at 6. Tell her your concerns or get a new midwife ok? Hope you feel better
ParticipantHappy for you! I also have 7 weeks left =D but you never know I’m a high risk to have my son anytime now but something tells me that hell know when to get out 😉
ParticipantYour story is really touching nena that little angel had to be precious
ParticipantBTW: you could be too early to tell some people have lower hormones than the others and thats what the test is about.
ParticipantWell if you are a week late and if you are pregnant that would make you 5 weeks along in which you would not have A LOT of symptoms but could have some. Most of them are in your head for example my friend thought she was 6 weeks and kept talking about how her belly is getting rounder and bigger but found out the test was wrong and was not really preggo. Well if you want to be then hopefully you are and I wish you good luck =]
ParticipantI could of been off DCF custody I’m on it only because I agreed in the court because if I’m in DCF custody I have MASS HEALTH and my mom got Fallon (co-payment) which got “problems” on putting me on even tho I’m under 18. Now I will have another hearing in which its my decision if I wanna stay in DCF custody and I dont know yet I will have to contact Fallon.
ParticipantBY THE WAY I’m 15 and 30 weeks pregnant and will be 16 on JAN 19
ParticipantHey hun, NOBODY can legally force you to have a abortion. I’ve went through a situation like yours and its best to stand up for your baby. My mom told me EVERYDAY up till I was 3 months that if I wont get a abortion she will kick me out. She did for a week. Then begged me to come back. Now she says she respects me for making the right choice in keeping the baby and that I’ve done a wonderful thing. When once I was really down telling me how I think I messed up my life she said ” When you will look your baby in the eyes THEN say it was a mistake because by choosing life you did a wonderful thing that is NOT a mistake. Don’t worry I will help you through this,”…You need to give your parents couple of months to come to their senses because its just a process that brings up a lot of emotions but they will see a blessing in your situation…For now you just got to stand up for the baby like a real mother should. Be strong hun and don’t do anything you don’t want to because it will be a burden that YOU will carry. My mom also told me few days ago ” You would of messed up your life if you did get a abortion and regret it for the rest of your life,” and she said she is proud of me because of how I faught for what I believe in.
ParticipantOh yea just in case you don’t know don’t prepare your self for a specific birth plan just keep in might that the doctor may need to give you epidural you never know…I just wanted to keep you informed just in case mama[/i]
ParticipantSome people are more mature than others and more ready just because you are young does not mean you cant be a good parent
Participantyea I know hopefully you wont get anymore they really are a pain in the a_ lol
ParticipantYea we are in love but I’m not really ready for marriage I’m way too young for THAT kind of commitment first off I want to give me and him some more time.
ParticipantInstead of asking every few months if you’re preggo why not get a test? Your period could be messed up because of the pill its a side effect. Well we cannot really tell if you are or not but get a test and if you are dont take those pills
ParticipantThat is up to you. If you want him in your life then go for it but if you dont then do you. Think about it first and try to lay down and imagine what would happen with each of the choice.
ParticipantSo what happen with your daughter? Why cant you see her? Is she ok? sorry you are not stating enought details for me to reply