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ParticipantWhen I found out I was pregnant I also experienced the same feelings you are feeling. I’m sure the feeling are normal. Once in a while, I still get those feeling even though my son is almost five months old. And I was the same age as you when I found out I was pregnant, I turned 17 a month after my son was born. If you ever want anyone to talk to, I’m here.
ParticipantI don’t really have any advice for you, because I’m in the almost exact same position as you are. I’m 17 right now and have a 4 month old son and all I can think about right now is having another baby. I, like you, have names picked out, look at baby stuff all the time, stuff like that. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I’m always here.
ParticipantI think a lot of it depends on how you actually handle the situation and how determined and mature you are. I’m 17 and my son is by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. However, a lot of that has to do with the fact that before i got pregnant, i was not very determined to do my school work or graduate and my life was not really on track. once i got pregnant i realized that i need to work hard not only for myself but for my son and his future. I will not say it is easy by any means. Its been one of the hardest things i’ve ever gone through, but also one of the best. So like i said in the beginning, it depends on the situation a girl is in.
ParticipantHi, my name is Terah and I’m 17 right now. I was 16 and a junior in high school when my son was born. Let me tell you that it’s been difficult.
I was supposed to go to an alternative school for next school year and now I’m trying to get back into my old high school so I can graduate with my class with a high school diploma. That’s not the only problem I’ve had either. People have been a problem because I was told I couldn’t do things and I lost a lot of friends and all of that because of being pregnant and having my son. It can get pretty straining, both emotionally and physically.
But that’s enough of a lecture, let me let you in on a little secret. For the past 2 months all I’ve wanted was to get pregnant again, even though my son is only 3 months old. I’ve listened to a lot of people saying the same thing and it’s finally hit me that I need to wait and stablize my life before I create another. The feeling will subside with time and with talking to people a lot. That’s what helped me.
I wish you the best of luck with whatever you do decide to do.
ParticipantI think Brailyn is a really cute name. I was getting unsure about my son’s name before he was born too. Now I know it was perfect, and I’m sure you will too. 🙂
ParticipantI had to get my boyfriend’s name put on the birth certificate because I recieve public assistance. I’m not sure if that’s just a rule in Wisconsin, or if it is all over the U.S. If you want to receive child support I think you have to put the father’s name on the birth cerificate. Hope that helped.
ParticipantA lot of girls had suggested telling their parents through a letter, which could be an option, but I think maybe you should call them and then if they freak out, it would give them time to relax and then you could fly back home and have a real conversation with them, but either way, like kirsty said, you’ll feel much better once they know, no matter how they react.
ParticipantI was induced when my son was born three months ago. Basically when they induce you, they give you an IV with some medication and that helps speed up the labor, at least that’s what they did for me. Two weeks early is still considered term to most doctors, so that shouldn’t be anything to worry about, especially if you have a big baby. I’m sure everything will be fine for you. Good luck. I’ll be praying for you and the baby.
Participantwhat an amazing birth story…congrats!
Participanti really didnt start showing until i was 6 months pregnant, so from my experience, its normal.
Participanthey, i was looking at this post and i had a period just like that. it was really weird because mine are like yours and are usually heavy 3-4 days. did you find out if you were pregnant or not? because whatever you found out would be really helpful to me.
Participanti watched the show and i absolutely loved it! even my boyfriend got into it. lol.
ParticipantIt’s a definte possibility. Although, if you’ve been really stressed out or not eating or something like that, it could also make your period late. But it would be a good idea to take a test now. If you took one in early June, it may have been too early to tell. Keep us updated.
ParticipantCongratulations! I’m happy that everything turned out okay in the end for you.
Participanti found out i was preggo about 7 weeks along…i think…i know i waited a month after i started thinking i was to find out, because i was so scared that i was…so it was probably 6 or 7 weeks…the only symptoms i had were sore breasts and a missed period…so i didn’t have much to go on…when are you going to find out?
Participanti like the names elizabeth, piper, niya, and taylor…especially niya…its so cute
Participantcongratulations! I hope you and the baby stay healthy.
Participantcongrats! two beautiful baby girls. i wish i had twins…lol. So have you thought of any names?
Participantwhen i was pregnant with my son, i didnt get to sleep very well from the second trimester on…i had horrible leg cramps, bad heartburn, and no matter how i slept, i couldnt get comfortable…with the leg cramps, it seemed to help if i propped my legs up for a few minutes a day, like when i was watching tv…rolaids were my best friend for the stupid heartburn because i got it so often…sleeping, i’ll still haven’t figured out…my sons 5 weeks old and i havent slept through the night for at least 8 weeks…hope this helps a little bit…:)
ParticipantIt was a vaginal birth. And part of the reason I’m so worried is because the bleeding was exactly like my period, but not. Any bleeding before that I know was from the birth, so that’s why this confuses me so much, especially because I completely stopped bleeding and everything a while before this. So, since it’s a possibility, does anyone know when I should take a test?
ParticipantThat doesn’t offer me a whole lot of hope that I’m not. lol. I know if I am, everything will turn out okay, but it’s kind of nerve wracking, especially since I don’t know if I am or not or when I can take a test.
ParticipantThank you for your post. It’s nice to know that as a teen mother, I can still feel proud and appreciated.
ParticipantMelRea, i liked what you said about how it takes a strong person to raise a baby when they are still a child themselves. It’s nice to hear someone acknowledge that teen mothers are really strong people. And memaw, i really look up to you and the fact that you and your husband got married and stayed together. It really gives me hope for me and my boyfriend who plan on getting married, because there’s so many people telling us that it will never work. It’s helpful to know that even though the world is against teen mothers (and the dads too) that anything is possible. So to both of you: thank you.
ParticipantI named my son Aiden Thomas. I love the name Thomas but that’s my baby’s daddy’s name, so it would have gotten too confusing for me. lol. I also love the names Ethan and Cole.
ParticipantI’ll share my story with you and hopefully it’ll help. I’m 16 years old right now and I have a son who is turning a month old tomorrow. I’ll be turning 17 on May 31 and my boyfriend will be turning 19 at the end of September. I found out I was pregnant in a hospital with the only people around me being police officers and a social worker. I had never told my mom that I thought I could be pregnant, but I did tell my boyfriend and a couple friends of mine. After me and my mom got into a major fight, I had threatened to kill myself and she called the police, hence why I was in the hospital withe the police and social worker. I took a pregnancy test at the hospital and it came out positive. All I did was cry, I was so scared. And I had no one to talk to, since I didn’t have my cell phone. The police called my mom and told her and asked her if she wanted to have me sent to a mental hospital. She luckily said I could come home and picked me up. After she found out I was in a much better mood because all the stress of not knowing and not letting her find out my fears went away. My boyfriend was shocked when I told him, but he had been waiting for the news as long as I had. Telling my dad (my parents are divorced) and my boyfriend’s parents was scary, but we got through it and my boyfriend’s dad was actually happy. To make a long story short, I had a relatively uneventful pregnancy. I didn’t lose any friends due to my pregnancy and ended up getting closer to my mom and my boyfriend’s parents. This whole month that I’ve been a mother has made me cover every emotion imaginable. But I’m happy with where I’m at and how my life is going. I’m still going to graduate high school, by getting an equivelency diploma, and i still plan on going to college to study nursing. I don’t see this pregnancy as destroying my life, but actually making it better and proving how strong I really am. Before I got pregnant I was failing school and getting into lots of fights with people, but now I’ve stablized my moods and my grades have went from mostly Fs to mostly As…I hope my story helped some…Keep me updated as to what happens with you. If you have any questions, just sign my guest book. Good luck making your decision.