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      I found out that I was 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant on my 16th birthday. Tomorrow (9/1/08) I will be six weeks. Im so confused I’m excited but at the same time I’m scared and very Nervous. I was wondering if anyone had these feelings when they found out.

      I also told my mom and she keeps remindng me that I’m only 16 amd in a way it hurts. Just wondering if anyone has had these feelings


        Of course! Those feelings are completely natural. Pregnancy brings hormones which can confuse you. So many feelings and emotions are coming in at once and it can be difficult to deal with.

        Talk to me whenever you’d like. 🙂 It’s nice to be able to hear other girls who are going through a similiar situation to you.

        I’m 20 weeks and know the gender in 2 days!! 😀


          When I found out I was pregnant I also experienced the same feelings you are feeling. I’m sure the feeling are normal. Once in a while, I still get those feeling even though my son is almost five months old. And I was the same age as you when I found out I was pregnant, I turned 17 a month after my son was born. If you ever want anyone to talk to, I’m here.


            Just because your 16, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have your baby and take care of it to. My mom had me 2 weeks after her 15 birthday and has raised me and my 8 year old sister alone our whole lives and we’re doing fine. I had my son when I was 15 and He is a year old now and I’m doing just fine too. and my sons father isn’t around either. so you can do it.:)


              oooooh yeeeah. i’ve totally been there and most teen mothers out there have been. my 18th birthday is on the 9th and baby’s daddy is 16 1/2 years old. when my mom found out, she started crying and sent me through this huge guilt trip on how she expected so much more of me and thought i would never make this ‘mistake’. she pressured me and tried to bribe me into an abortion. i refused which just pissed her off. i’m now 4 1/2 months pregnant. i still have my ups and downs but for the most part i’m excited :]. my mom is too but she’ll every once in a while still say things that really hurt.
              you have to realize that whatever you decide, it affects YOU….YOU are the one that has to live with your decision. i have never in my life, met a mother that regrets keeping her child.
              i know you can do it :] and you can talk to me anytine you want!

              age doesn’t affect the amount of love you can give your child.

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