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  • in reply to: Doctor appointment #27980

    A blood test should definately be able to tell. Good luck. 🙂

    in reply to: negative result of PT #27979

    It could be accurate, but then again it could also not be. It all depends on your body. It took me 3 weeks after a late period to find out that I was pregnant. But some people find out after being one day late. If you dont start your period then go to your local health department or doctors

    in reply to: I want others opinions. #27978

    Hi, I am 34 weeks pregnant and not to freak you out but breast soreness was my first pregnancy symptom. I knew I was pregnant right then because I have’nt had breast soreness since they were growing when I was like 14 and 15 and never had it with periods. I did put off testing for 3 weeks though. Even though my husband and I both were pretty positive I was prego, I kept telling myself, oh I will probably start my period anyday. I know it is hard to be patient. If it will make you feel better just go out and buy tons of tests and take one every other day or so to make the time go by faster. Even though the first one I took showed up positive within 2 seconds of peeing on it, I ended up taking 9 pregnancy tests. It was fun seeing how fast and dark the line could show up.

    in reply to: Do abortion clinics go by the lmp or how far along #27419

    it is very much a baby. a baby has lived at 21 weeks. watch a silent scream on you tube. it is an ultrasound of an abortion at twelve weeks and that BABY was kicking the instument that was ripping its limbs off and trying to get away. youre baby is quite a bit farther in development than twelve weeks. There are sooo many people out there looking for a baby to adopt and here you are being selfish and literally wanting to throw youre child away.

    in reply to: it’s my choice #25987

    That is so incredibly not normal and sounds a lot like youve had or are having a miscarriage. There should be no bleeding and no SHARP pains while you are pregnant. LIke Meg said, you need to go to the emergency room.

    in reply to: Bad news. #25977

    Yes. It is possible. My mom has had that happen to her 3 times. Did you cramp and how much did you bleed and what color was it? Ive been bleeding for like 2 weeks everywhere from pink to bright red. But im not bleeding enough to go to the E.R.

    in reply to: Pregnant! #25968

    I really dont know what i would do without her. She is the only reason im not freaking out about being pregnant. I know she will always be there for me no matter what, so it doesnt matter what anyone else says.

    in reply to: Pregnant! #25963

    Ive lived with just my mom since i was one, so im really worried that hes going to blame it on my mom. Shes worried about this too. He tends to enjoy putting her down, and this will be a good opportunity to tell her how awful of a mother she is. I feel really bad for putting her in this situation. Especially since she is a very good mother, and this occurred strictly from the choices i made. I know he loves me, but he is all about tough love and told me a few months ago that if i get pregnant and end up on the streets he will buy a new fridge so i can have the box. :blush:

    in reply to: Period Problems…. Input? #25948

    So i took another test this morning and it was definately positive… Im making a doctors appointment monday. But, im still bleeding. Its nothing like my period, but instead like blood blood. Is this normal or should i be worried?

    in reply to: Period Problems…. Input? #25938

    Im still bleeding a bit… Grrr…. Its been a week and half! Its just soo very light. Is this normal in pregnancy? Im taking another test in the morning and if there is another line i will make a doctors appointment. Ive heard that if there is any kind of a line than it is positive. But the line is so light and since im still bleeding i just dont know. I dont want to go to the doctor and just look stupid… :dry:

    in reply to: Period Problems…. Input? #25928

    Thank you for the response meg! I have had sex. My first thoughts were to take a test. Soo, i took two. The first at night, which was absolutely negative. The second in the morning. It looks like there is a very very light line. Its kind of hard to see. Today the pink got a little darker, but it is still nothing at all like my normal period. I would think that i am about to start, but this has been going on for more than a week now. Just on and off. Should i just wait a week or so and test again?

    in reply to: Again……. Need advice #23439

    I will definately take your advice into consideration. It is something we have discussed multiple times. We are for sure stopping a year before we get married so our wedding night will still be exciting. I really do appreciate your concern for me. Thank you so much for taking your time to help. Different topic, could i still be pregnant or should the test definately be positive by now?

    in reply to: Again……. Need advice #23435

    To: Mweber

    I understand that i do sound very immature and irresponsible. That is The reason i have waited fifteen days before posting any questions. I have only had sex with one person. That person has only had sex with me. We mutually made this decision. I have only had unprotected sex once and it was while i was on birth control. We are planning on getting married the September of 2010. We spend as much time as we can together. We both have jobs and often work opposite shifts and days. I work until eleven at night and then go to school the next day. Waking myself up at 5 30. The two days a week that i do not work, i come home, take care of my 4(will be 5 next week) siblings that range from 14 to 2, next week there will be a newborn, i cook dinner, clean, bathe kids, tuck them in, and then i can shower myself, go to bed, and wake up at 5 30 the next morning. I do this and maintain a 3.3 gpa. I spend the night with my boyfriend friday and saturday nights because i have to be at work at 9 the next morning and he lives right next to my job. Those two days are the only times we spend any amount of time together but our relationship is still as strong as any. I love him with all of my heart and always will. I know that for a fact because there is something called commitment. Something i am to him and he is to me. We have our rough times but nothing can change the way we feel. We have talked about not having sex anymore. But like the decision to have sex it needs to be mutual. We do not feel the need to cease that act at the moment. We made the conscious, thought over decision and are prepared to be responsible for the consequences it may bring. I thank you very much for being concerned for my well being and i understand that from your point of view i seem very immature and childish, but please take account for the things of which you do not know. Please do not judge me. I have not judged you. Thank you so much for your opinion and advice. Love, lisa

    in reply to: Is there something wrong with me? #23369

    I had that same problem after i miscarried. Everytime i went in walmart i went straight for the baby section. I actually went on today and looked at nurseries. lol I want a baby, but i know now isnt the time, so i bought a reborn doll. I dont know if you know what those are but they are very life like dolls. Its fun to dress. lol Maybe thats weird or childish. Idk but it helps me wait. Also i am preparing for my future child, by taking vitamins and trying to eat healthy so i am in the best possible condition when it is time to have a child. I also buy neutral outfits or blankets every once in a while and put them in a box. It helps to know you are doing something for you future child. I hope i have helped, if not by suggestions than by knowing you arent alone.

    in reply to: home birth? #23340

    My mom has had her last two babies at home. It cost her 1500 dollars for each. Im not from south africa so i dont know how much that is there if its not the same. She organized a payment plan with the midwife. She said she liked the home births a lot better than the hospital because she was more relaxed and comfortable, and its safe because the midwife has oxygen if the baby needs it and has an obgyn on call if theres any emergencies. Good luck!

    in reply to: can i be pregnant??? #23301

    NO. You cant. he has to “go” in or around you. The around part is rare but possible. So, i wouldnt worry unless he went inside of you.

    in reply to: I am 15 weeks pregnant and very young #23109

    Hi! Disappointing my parents is my biggest fear. I am not pregnant at the moment, but have been before, (miscarried) and i had a very supportive mother. Which almost made it harder because i knew that she wanted better for me and she deserved to be proud. It was hard dealing with my family and i didnt even get through the first trimester. The guilt is just something you have to live with. And know that they raised you to be your own person and make your own mistakes so you can grow and become a better person. You have made a mistake, are dealing with the consequences and hopefully will learn. Good job! Congratulations on your baby!

    in reply to: My Little One #23031

    Wow. I have lost 2 babies. But early. Only a few months along. I cant imagine going through that. I am so glad that she has a husband like you to support her. Like the other women said, hold her. Let her cry and hold her. She is so lucky that she hasnt had to go through this alone. I admire you and her both. I have never talked to her, but i have read her story and she seems to be such a strong woman. She has gone through so much loss, but still has the will to live. So much stronger than i can ever be and you both have gone through so much more. Good luck with your new baby.

    in reply to: TWINS #23009

    That is very exciting! But it is very sad that youre mother has the power to decide if you keep your children or not. I hope you find another way if you want to keep your babies. Good luck. And congratulations on your daughters!

    in reply to: I might be pregnant. Please help!! #22890

    Hi! Im lisa. You could be pregnant, although it takes 6 to ten days for the egg to implant, which means even if you do take a test it wouldnt show up. I know this seems like forever away but you will probably need to wait a month before you can get an accurate result. Symptoms like tender breasts and fatigue dont really show until the egg is implanted if not later.

    in reply to: Can positives be false? #22888

    Hey guys! My tests just got lighter. Never darker. There is still MAYBE a line, but a very very faint one. I spotted for five days a little bit and then i started bleeding sunday. I still am, just a little and no cramping. So maybe my hormones are just freakin out and its my period? I dont know. Advice or suggestions?

    in reply to: Can positives be false? #22788

    To anyone who wants to know: My doc appointment was at 8 15 on fall break. I over slept. I know, very irresponsible. I am supposed to start my period on friday but yesterday a little bit of brown stuff came out again. Like barely a little bigger than a pin point, and then the same thing happened again today. I still dont know whats going on. I took another test a few days ago and it was negative. As times passes arent they supposed to get darker? I know i havent had a miscarriage because i know what those are like. Maybe my body just sucks

    in reply to: Maternity Dresses #22655

    i found some more formal dresses at But they are all around $200.

    in reply to: Maternity Dresses #22654

    OOo. i found some really cute dresses at for only like 20 bucks. They arent all that formal but theyre still really cute and maternity.

    in reply to: Maternity Dresses #22653

    I dont know where to find those cheap.. But you can always improvise. You can get a dress that is tight around your bust and then loosens. That is what one of my friends did last year for prom. Or you could get a dress and take it to a tailor and have them fix it to fit you. Hmmm.

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