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Participantif your period is late… then take a test…. that is really the only way that you will know… and if you go to your doctor and ask him he/she can give you a test and it will be more accurate… that way you know for sure…
and if it makes you feel better…. i had the same feeling..and i am 13 weeks preggie… :cheer:
i hope this helps… and please post again when you find out…Hermia2012
Participantlike i tell everyone.. you can do only what you set your mind to… if you love you child and dont want to give her up then dont… and if you think that would be what is best for her then do that… and if you want her in your life see if you can find a person or couple that will do an open adoption…. that way you can still see her and watch her grow up through pictures and letters and maybe visits…. that is always an option… but follow you heart and do what you think is right.. that is the only and best thing that you can do for your baby..
email me…
Participantfollow your heart and do what you think is right… and if that end with you staying in washington to go to school… then that is what you do… you will know when the time comes what the right decision is… and no matter what if you love you son then he will always love you too… i really hope that helps…
Participantstephine… it is not the hormones… it made me cry to… i dont see how some one can do that… i never could anyway… that is so sad..
that poem is amazing…
thank you for that…
im printing it off so i can show it to a friend of mine…who is thinking about abortion..Hermia2012
Participantif you feel in your heart of hearts then you will know that you did the right thing.. that had to be hard.. but it will be ok..
Participantoh honey… girl.. i know how you feel… i lost my first child… that was so beautiful.. my son is suppose to be two in january…. but he is not here… the pain will take a backseat.. and you will smile again.. trust me… i know that it is hard but it will get better.. just alway remember the love that you felt for her… i am with you and i will keep you in my prayers..
Participanti know that it can jbe frustrating..and i am probably a mom that you dont want to hear from but i am going to let you in on a secret… the partner that you want so bad…
well honey…. you spend more time raising the dad then you do the baby… i have been both a single mom and a mom in a relationship.. and i will tell you… THE MAN KNOWS NOTHING….i love my husband dont get me wrong..but sometimes he is harder to deal with then just having a baby…. i know that it can be frustrating but i will tell you something.. i will make you stronger to know that no matter what you can do it one you own… and one of these days… you will find a man who will love you and your baby… he will accept you both as if the child was his and wont thinks twice about it… so dont worry… you will get use to it and you will have life level out for you… well i will keep you in my prayers…and know that you are woman and that you can do it on your own without any help…now my rant on your babys daddy…
he is an ass and doesnt deserve you or YOUR perfect little baby… dont worry about him… he is stupid and trust me he has it coming.. and he will be punished for being stupid…email me anytime that you want to…
Participanttalk to your doctor and take a test. and it will help you be able to know and start to plan what you are going to do. because if you are you will need to know soon that way tou can take care of your self better. and if you arent then you can see what you can do about the random spotting… so go to the doctor… that is the best and only advice i have to give…
i hope that helps..Hermia2012
Participanti dont think that it is the baby that you need to get rid of… i think you need to lose the boyfriend…. it sounds to be that he is just dumb and that he is trying to control you… and you dont need to do that… you are a woman… remember that.. you are strong in your own nature… naturally… and that is something that he cant ever take away from you…
if you want to give your baby up for adoption then you can do it.. that is better than abortion… but that is also your choice… and for the most part in most state you dont have to list the daddy… so dont even associate that loser with YOU and YOUR baby…
and you make the decisions your self…Hermia2012
ParticipantBaby girl… look i know how you feel… it is a crappy situation but it is your situation… and only you can make the decision.. if the father isnt going to be there that is ok… i never had a father for my first baby… and i went through it.. and my situation was one where i had a lot of pressure to get an abortion… but i didnt.. i am now so glad that i didnt. even tho my son is not with me i am still proud that i went through with the pregnancy… and you know what.. i was only 16 going on 17 when it happened… and i am now 19.. and i survived. and you can to.. and if you dont think that you can take care of your child the way you think that it should be taken care of… then honey.. do the baby a favor… dont kill it.. give it up for adoption.. i know that is a hard decision but it is a far cry from abortion…. and dont sweat your parents… they will be shocked but they wont go ballistic…
Stay Strong… not only for the baby.. but for you too… and you can do it without a daddy…
you ever need to talk email me..…Hermia2012
Participantwell it could be like i was with my son… i had my periods till i was 4 months along… ( that was when i found out!!!! LOL) or it could be the mental factor.. have you been trying to have a baby…
well just go see and doctor and keep us posted…Hermia2012
ParticipantAWESOME!!!!! that is wonderful… i am so happy for you.. keep us updated on the baby…
Participantdont take whatn that person said to heart… that was rude and un called for. so dont let it get you down…
Participant🙁 i really know how you feel… i had the same thing happen to me. i lost my son to premature birth. so i know .. i really do… i am bawling right now… damn… i dont have anything more to say i guess… so write me sometime.
Participantthere are some things that IMAJACKSON that i agree with.. but well my first question is do you live in the USA.. and what part cause i know that where i live several guys say things that they dont mean… when they are scared and angry they will pop off and say things that are not true and that later that they dont believe that they really said.
but there are the guys that you can take for face value. and i dont want to judge your man but he might just be the scared and angry type or he might be the true kind. men can be really mean and confusing sometimes.
my other stance on this is that he might actually might have wanted you to get an abortion and when you didnt do it that made him feel like what he wants doesnt matter to you which could have set him off a little. which could explain the weird and confusing behavior.
and also it seems that everytime he gets in to a fight with his mother his attitude towards you changes. it almost seems that everytime you to get close to making up and getting back together him and his mother fight and she says something that may set him off and again…i dont really know.. but email me sometime that way we can talk..Hermia2012
Participanttweleve is awfully young but it was brave of you to continue.. and you can make it. just stay in school… and all will be will…
email me when you have the baby.Hermia2012
Participantgo to there is alot of names there.. here is the website…. …
and congrats on the little baby.Hermia2012
Participantyeah try adoption… i was adopted and i am so glad that my biological mother had the courage to do that. adoption is an option… please think about that… and that would be showing the world how much you really love your baby…..
please keep thinking about that and dont get the abortion… please continue to really think about that.Hermia2012
Participanthey girl that sucks… but she is right… he is probably just worried but if he makes you nervous and he doesnt stop then you probably might want ot find a new doc. but wait on the ultrasound part. they will come one of these days. trust me.
Participanthey girls… i see that there are many in this situtation… and guess what… ALL OF YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! that is what is awesome…. is that all of you can.. each sitution is different but you all can make it. i am not in this situtation but i have seen it happen to many of my friends and some of them.. well there parents didnt care, others did, and some of them had only me to support them. so i am glad to see that all of yall can help each other.
Participantemail me please… you have not wasted anyones time especially mind. i am here for you. my heart aches for you. you can get out of this. dont let your baby go through what you have had to go through…. why make your self anymore. you dont desearve this. please leave. i am begging you…..:dry: 🙁
i am so worried about you. please listen to us… you need to leave.Hermia2012
Participanthey it is nice to see that some guys care. thanks for coming on and asking. well there is programs for people like you… well …what state do you live in…. and email me at anytime and i can help you set something up. just keep wishing and letting your wife know that you love her and that you are going to support her in everything. you guys can do this. i watched my sister go through this and everything is ok. it will all turn around.
email me so we can talk more. my heart goes out to you.Hermia2012
ParticipantDONT GET AN ABORTION!!!!! you love your baby that is all that matters!!!!!!
Participantif you love your child then you can do it. and if you are a woman then you can do it. and especially if people tell you that you cant i think that is just a bet to prove them wrong. well way to go. you did it. and you proved them wrong. you are a wonderful person and you will make a great mother.
ParticipantWAY TO GO GIRL. these are the stories that bring tears of joy to my eyes. thank you for having the strength to leave and keep finding a way to stay away. and the centers will help you. stay strong. remember all the people on here love you and support you.