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  • in reply to: 17 pregnant and single #15942

    hey hun my situation was similiar to yours i was with this guy and i got pregnant and when i told him he bailed out and hasnt been there since… i was 3 months when i found out and now my baby boy is 5 days old… so i was alone through out the whole thing basically… and i back up what the other girl says try not to stress… stress can hurt your baby and i know you dont want that and hun if you dont want him there then dont go anywhere with him i dont care if he acts sweet and all its your choice where or not he will be in the babys life… with me i just left the father section on the birth certificate blank so yeah well if you ever need to talk im here hun…..

    in reply to: Work…no work…HELP #15745

    hun its different for everyone some of us our pregnancies wont allow us to work but some of us are lucky like me for instnce im going to be induced in 4 days and im still working as a matter of fact i work at McDonalds… im the man well basically their only american closer…lol i work any where from 50 to 65 hours a week so yeah it just really depends on ow your pregnancy is gong and if you want to work…. its your choice no one elses

    in reply to: Shocked, Scared & Confused.. #15403

    hun you may think yo know how your family will react but actually they probably wont react the way you think….. i thought my mom was going to rip me apart and kick me out when i told her so i waited til i was 6 months before i told her… and you know what the only thing she was mad at me about was that i waited so long to tell her… she was calm she asked me what i had planned to do and everything but now she is trying so hard to make everything ok for me and for my coming baby… which i will be having in like 2 or so weeks!!!!!

    in reply to: Baby Names #15402

    well what kind of name do you want??? american cginese…lol so yeah im going to have a boy and his name is going to be Alex Manuel Vidol James…. yeah just let me know what kind of name and i can give you some

    in reply to: Help needed #14498

    its your choice no one elses at all…. just give your family some time and they will come around i promise they always do…my mom when she found out she didnt talk to me for like a month but then i started showing and now she is behind me 100%…take care and let us know what you decide

    in reply to: Decision time #13429

    hey i have been there i thought the same thing…would i actuaaly be able to do this on my own… and you know what i know i can do this on my own… the father left and moved back to mexico…back to a whole nother country!!!! but hey it makes you strong and you want to give your child a good life so you will be determind to do it and then you’ll succeed….

    in reply to: help my friend #13394

    yeah have her watch this video its called "The Hard Truth" and the website is http://www.truthnet.org/abortion

    in reply to: YOU WILL NEVER BELIVE THIS!!! #13370

    yeah i completely know how you feel!!!! and a situation somewhat similar happened with me…. just not at school and not with cops but i thought my babys life was in danger so i was hitting kicking pulling and everything

    in reply to: help my friend #13369

    just talk to her…see what she really wants to do…and let her know that telling her parents wont be as bad as she thinks it will be i thought my mom was going to kill me when i told her and look my mom is supportive which is exactly what i need my step father is the exact same way but more happy because he’s going to have another grandchild!! just talk to her and make her explore all the decisions before she decides… butin the end it is her decision and you have to respect that

    in reply to: I’m 16 and just ruined my life #13357

    hey girl… i know what your going thro…but im going to tell you something my sister was 17 years old when she gave birth to her beautiful son…she didnt think she could be a mother at that young of age she thought that she wasnt ready at all and that her life would change dramasticly but girly….. her son is now one and she said once you have that child…its worth it all the change and everything is so worth it…she tells me everyday that he is the joy of her life and she doesnt know what she would do without her son…she still goes out every once and a while and has fun without her son but she misses him to much she said that she would rather spend time with him than away from him just think about it all….. and im here..

    in reply to: Early Pregnancy Worries #12890

    yeah i feel that way a lot…. mainly when im at work but yeah i get the back aches really bad and once and a while i feel bloated so its normal

    in reply to: Baby’s Daddy #12889

    hey girly…dont stress it can happen and your son will unerstand

    in reply to: im 17 and 20 week preg n i think my man is cheatin #12843

    girly your situation doesnt sound good…well talk to him and o course he wil probably lie but if you have to take a break i feel bad for saying that but maybe it might be good to do at the moment

    in reply to: So Scared! #12840

    hey girly…yeah its normal feeling like that…at first i was debating whether or not i should keep my baby but i look at my nephew and my sister (my sister had my nephew when she was 17 and now he’s one) and i dont know what was going thro my head when i thought of abortion…i look at my nephew and yeah he wasnt supposed to happen so early but my sister stepped up and kept him and i look at him and hes a miracle hes the most joy you could ever ask for so i made my decision…yes it may be hard well actually i know it willbe hard but im keeping..girl look on the other bulletins and there is one called "Abortion:The hard truth" http://www.truthnet.org/abortion/ you watch that and then you make up your mind…girl think it thro before you make any decisions and watch that video…and whatever your boyfriend says its not really his decision…its yours no one elses… well let me know how it all goes!!! God Bless

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/11/15 16:19

    in reply to: He’s an alcoholic, I am pregnant, #12728

    girl you need to get away from him… and I know what you mean when you say thta Flaggstaff doesnt have much… i live in Az also so i have been there but girl if there is anyway possible move to phoenix… it may seem impossible but phoenix has so many opportunities for you… and you will be away from your boyfriend and all…. if you need any help with anything i can help im here…..

    in reply to: deperately need help #12697

    i know exactly how you feel… but you have to move on stop dwelling over this guy i dwelled over the father of my baby for so long that i started slacking off in my health and at work… it will only drag you down and you need to stay healthy for your baby and tell your parents they will help out with finacial parents always do…

    in reply to: questions… #12604

    girl i know what your saying…. but most girls it doesnt get better throughout your pregnancy im 5 months and i get dizzy and lightheaded all the time and sometimes i feel like crap… i even passed out while i was at work

    in reply to: confused #12373

    girl for me they do…. one day i was sick throwing up all day couldnt eat anything or drink anything and the next i was fine then i didnt feel sick for a while later

    in reply to: He has another son. He is still married. #12343

    its up to you on what you do…just go thro all the options and make the choice yourself… read what people have to say about their abortions, adoptions, and having the child themselves…. i can tell you this it may be hard if you have this child but my sister says that everyday she sees her beautiful son she thinks of what a blessing he is to her no matter what

    in reply to: He has another son. He is still married. #12330

    hey girl im in a somewhat similiar situation…. i was dating a guy and i got pregnant and then when i told him i found out that he had a wife.. but dear i no longer talk to him and im 5 months pregnant… i decided that i wasnt going to give my baby a fate that she/he didnt deserve(abortion) he is going to be there for you dear and for the baby so if i can do it being single then you can do it having the father there and you are a grown woman screw what your parents think or say its your life hun… so live it and dont make a decision you will regret

    in reply to: preocupada #11907

    hola. necesitas ir a los médicos y necesitas hablar con él acerca de lo. que la única cosa que puedes hacer en este momento porque no quieres problemas por tu bb

    in reply to: worried #11890

    hey there well yes you do need to take a test because i missed my period for 2 months but i refused to think i was pregnant and my friend told me that i needed to take it whether i wanted to or not so i did and yeah im pregnant almost 5 months now but you may think your mom will think but you dont know that she may at first but then shell come around trust me

    in reply to: Someone, anyone…help #11833

    hey family is really a big help when my sister had her baby everyone was helping and chipping in somehow… the father wasnt there either so just think about it hard and if he decides that hes not going to be there then your better off without him

    in reply to: Someone, anyone…help #11824

    hey hun!! i understand what your going thro trust me. my ex which is the father doesnt want the baby exactly and im 4 months pregnant but i know that since he doesnt want to be there i cant force him to. at first i screamed at him i begged him to be there to at least care but it did nothing but just make me feel worse why fight for something you already know your not going to win so i gave up and gave it to God. At the moment im dealing with the court to get child support and they are going to grant it to me how much a month im not sure but once the baby is born it starts…. just let it go and let yourself be excited about this child i dont think your child wants to come into this world and his/her mother depressed, do you??? think of your child

    in reply to: im only 14 #11711

    hey well im guessing you havent told your parents yet well girl i hate to say this but you need to you may think your mom will freak but you dont know that for sure and almost everyones parents flip at first but they come around and they will be behind you 100% tell them what you want that you want to stay where you are at and if they say they have to move well then see if you cant work something out with everyone so you can stay either with your boyfriend or a friend or something family member if they live close

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