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ParticipantPlease call your midwife or doctor asap. It could be a m/c or ectopic pregnancy or any number of things. Your and baby’s health comes first.
Please let us know how you’re doing.
ParticipantI’m 100% with you on how fun baby names can be π
i think Jasper has to be my favorit, but i suck at choosing girls names lol but i think eliza is very cool.Good luck with the pregnancy.
ParticipantHunny, my heart goes out to you. I know that you must have so much on your mind already, that this is the last thing you want to be thinking about. You can’t base a relationship on dishonesty. The best thing you can do for everyone involved, including your baby, is to find out the truth and take it from there.
Participantbest advice that I could give you, is to wait untill you’ve missed a period and then take an hpt. Anything is possible depending on what phase of your cycle you were on during the time that you had unprotected sex.
just play the waiting game.Evangeline
Participanthiya π it doesn’t sound like you are. it could just be a vitamin deficiancy thats making you feel lethargic and a bit sick. Maybe see your gp and get a second opinion?
keep us posted
Participantthere’s nothing wrong with an FML post… sometimes a good vent is just what we need. Please please please get an hiv test… pregnancy could be the least of your worries.
keep us postedEvangeline
Participantsalaam nadza how have you been?! missed my crazy online politician lol add the wall under your applications so we can chat…. it’s quicker than forum posting π
Participanthiya, doesn’t sound likely to me, just judging by the time frame and where you are in your cycle…. but starnger things have happened. Give it a few days and take an hpt. Keep us posted π
LOve Eva
ParticipantHi Hun and welcome to SUG. I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go through all of this on your own.
i think that speaking to a counselor might be the first step into the right direction. having someone cunsel you through the grief of losing a child, as well as help prepare you for telling your folks could be really benificial.Also, parents usually just want what’s best for you and that’s why they’re a little harsh on us sometimes. Sometimes planning what you want to say and how you think they’d respond can be helpful. or, if you tell another adult, maybe even your pastor and have them go with you when you tell your folks.
I really hope that find the strength to speak to them and that you find healing.
ParticipantHi Maia…. you just need to tell them it’s your body, your baby and your decision. It’s so easy for everyone to tell you what they think you should do, when they’re not the ones that ultimately have to live with the very far reaching consequences of a termination.
I know that there are women who have terminated their pregnancies without any emotional backlash, i am not one of those women…. And since you’ve already decided that you want to keep your little one, i believe that you need to stand strong by that decision.
I wish you all the best
ParticipantHiya, I’d try doing a blood test if i were you… if it’s still negative, speak to you ob/gyn and find out what’s up.
Good Luck
Participant[i]Hi Carson π welcome to SUG. I am truly sorry that you’re in this situation and feeling the way that you are. I wish that I had a quick fix for you, but I’m afraid that it’s not always that easy… The best advice that I could give you is to let your emotions come to you naturally. If you want to cry… then cry, don’t let anyone stop you from mourning your little angel. It gets a little better as time passses, honestly, I can’t promise that it ever goes away completely, but you’ll learn to live with the decision. There’s also nothing wrong with missing or remembering your baby, and it’s normal to regret such a big decision.
I guess that the whole healing process depends how you start handling it from day one.If you need someone to talk to, who knows what you’re going through, feel free to pm me.
Love Eva[/i]
ParticipantHiya π Take another test in about ten days, just to be 100% sure. It could always be stress, a change in diet or even excersising more than usual that can cause a late period.My BFF thought she was pregnant and it turned out to be IBS (way random).
Good Luck and keep us posted.
Love EvaEvangeline
ParticipantHi Lupe π It is possible for you to conceive naturally (if I’m not mistaken) but I believe that it depends on the severity of your PCOS. If that doesn’t work, you will have to indergo fertility treatment.
If you do fall pregnant, there are ALWAYS risks, but more so with PCOS. The medications that you take to treat your PCOS is not suitable during pregnancy, so that’s something that you’ll need to discuss with your gynea.There’s also a link of PCOS and high insulin levels during pregnancy ( I’m not sure of the proper medical term for this though). ANyway, too much insulin can cause the baby to grow too big, which apparently brings on preterm birth. Also the insulin can cause blood clots in the placenta, depriving the baby of vital nutrients.
Please, if you do TTC have a serious discussion with your gynea. I know that you’ve had a forced termination and I’m so worried about what a m/c could do to your state of mind.
Love Eva
ParticipantI never carried to full term and I’ve had an abortion… so woulldn’t be able to confirm the whole breast feeding saga… but a friend of mine’s boobs shrunk back to a AAcup after her daughter was born and she breast fed, as far as I can rememeber. Everyone’s different.
ParticipantI agree 100% with modeling mommy. My Biggest regret is having an abortion and as someone with major depression and anxiety disorders, it was not good for my mental health. Three years down the line and I am still affected by it.
Your baby is not a lump of tissue, and that is what the abortionists fail to tell you and its not “crueltly free”.The further you are into your pregnancy, the more complicated it gets… Love Eva
Participanthey, that’s what this site is all about… finding someone who understands and who can be there for you when you’re having a rough time. Trust me, I think I was alot more screwed up than most people when I joined here. I had a complete nervous breakdown one Friday night and the following day, I found SUG… Think I’m still a little screwy lol but much better off now.
How are you trying to cope with everything that’s happened? My therapist advised me that naming a lost angel can sometimes help and I light two little candles everytime I misss them really badly (it just seems to help). Have you thought of getting a pet? Animals are really theraputic and super loving. My bf and I adopted “our son” (a pretty grey kitten) last year… he also seems to make the dark times a bit better.
Anyhoo… if you wanna chat more about coping mechanisms or the weather lol or whatever, you know where to find me.Evangeline
ParticipantI dont think that people always understand why we react the way we react after an abortion… to put it simply, they just dont get it.
Honestly, I know what you’re going through. I miss my little ones incredibly and it gets more intense when I’m around someone who’s pregnant or has a new born. I had a total freak out in the car just yesterday and my fiance looked at me like I’d turned into a four headed dragon.
So, if you wanna chat, rant, share stories or coping mechanisms… just pm me. I’m always willing to help when and where I can.Love Eva
ParticipantMine went from a 32C to a 36DD…. and then never went back to normal…. uber weird, but I’m not complaining π
ParticipantHi there, I think what you’re refering to is known as “phantom kicking”. Sometimes women experience this when they had a difficult pregnancy… But sometimes its also caused by stress or nerves. If you’re really concerned that it might be something else, then you should speak to your gp… But I dont think that there’s anything that you need to worry about.
Hope this helped put you at ease a bit
ParticipantHi Kendel…. You are super lucky to have such a supportive mother and now that you’ve laid the ground work for telling her, I think you should wait it out, take the hpt, then sit her down and tell her for real.
You can take things from there and make a final decision when you know for sure.Wishing you all the best
ParticipantHi there hun… it does get better after a while. I had my abortion a little more than three years ago and there are times where I don’t think about it every second of every day… and then there are weekends (like the one that’s just passed) that it’s all that I think about.
No one is going to look at you and know… and no one has the right to judge you… every single one of us has done something that we regret, that we wish we could undo, rewind and start over. It might never go away… but you will learn to cope with it and when things get bad, come online and blog (it always makes me feel better).I really hope that you start feeling better soon and if you ever need to chat or rant and rave, you’re more than welcome to pm me.
Love Eva
ParticipantThe easiest way is to jump in and do it. The setting is always important (tension creates tension), so dont attempt telling them while they’re highly strung about something else… Also, if it makes things easier for you, maybe you should tell another adult that you trust first and then tell them with this adult present ( that way you have a little back up).
Also, having your bf or the baby’s daddy there is also a good thing… that way you can show your parents that the two of you are in it together.Make sure that they know that the two of you are aware of how serious and challenging it will be to raise a baby, show them that you can be mature (because, let’s face it, it’s an adult situation). And reasure them, believe it or not, they get scared to snd that’s when they start freaking out…
I hope that this post will help you a little, and if there’s anything else you need to know, you can pm me π
Good luck and let us know how it goes.Lots of love
ParticipantHi there Amy π I think both of you are just a little overwhelmed by the new addition that will be joining your relationship soon… Praning gave some awesome advice…. sit down and lay all your cards on the table, both of you need to be honest and open about what your fears and expectations are…. then when you have a better perspective of where your relationship stands, take it from there. But dont stay with someone who makes you unhappy, just because you’re afraid to be alone.
I hope this helps, even a little.
ParticipantMaybe a female gyn will put you at ease? Good Luck!