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  • in reply to: 16 preg & feel lost again #24703

    Gabby Listen to your heart. it never lies. this baby loves you, love it back.

    in reply to: Just Found Out…what do I do? #24587

    i agree with meg 100%, please go see your gp so that you can begin to prepare for your little bundle of joy. please choose to give your child life. abortion is not the answer and should NOT be used as a form of birth control. best of luck!

    xox Enya

    in reply to: cant do it anymore.. #24586

    I am so, so sorry for your loss. My heart aches for you. Nothing will ever take away the pain you feel now, but please, do not direct that pain onto yourself (as in harming yourself.) Your little girls would have wanted you to deal with their loss in a healthy way.

    Please, I beg you, talk to someone you trust. A friend, a spouse, a counsellor or a pastor. Over time you will be able to find the stregnth and acceptance to Stand Up and go on with your life, placing your two little babies safely in your heart, where their memories will be cherished.

    Please take care, I am so sorry for your loss.

    xox Enya

    in reply to: my mum and dad :( UPDATE! #24563

    Im sorry about your parents gabby πŸ™ please just dont give in, even show them pictures of how developed your baby already is. im sure they are just worried about your future, so maybe try to re assure them that you are doing the right thing. please take care!


    in reply to: i’m only 13…..please help. #24520

    Hey, my name is enya and i am 16. I lost my virginity at 14 and everyday regret it. I wish so badly that I had waited. Please, i can tell that you are not ready to have sex, or deal with its consequences. if youu respect your body then please wait until marriage!!

    My advice to you would be to wait until your period is about 3days late then take a test, i wish you the best!! please keep us updated. πŸ™‚ my heart is with you and i am always here if you need to talk!


    in reply to: pregnant 16 and so happy! #24518

    πŸ™‚ Gabby I am soooo happy for you πŸ™‚ congrats! keep us updated πŸ™‚


    in reply to: Does Plan B really work? HELP!!! #24517

    i agree with everyword misskristy just said. plan b is just like the abortion pill

    in reply to: Ok so i posted on here nefore but i lost my UN&PW #24516

    there is a chance you could be pregnant. listen to kristy and take a hpt <3 best of luck

    in reply to: okay so this is what i’ve been having #24515

    hey hun i would suggest taking a pregnancy test a couple days after your missed period. best of luck.


    in reply to: What’s the possibility that I’m pregnant? #24514

    idance,, please stop taking the pill if you think you’re pregnant it can harm the baby!!!!!

    i will pray for you and me πŸ™‚ love u xox

    in reply to: my boyfriend is out to get me #24513

    :)this was very inspirational. im glad youre happier now πŸ™‚


    in reply to: ima newbie & need help&advice!!!!! #24512

    plz get a test hun the sooner the better you can prepare for your baby and start a prenatal vitamin πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Hi i’m new and have a q’s!! #24511

    Hey πŸ™‚ congrats on deciding to give your baby life πŸ™‚ my advice would be that if he has changed to give him a chance to be in your child’s life, but if you do not love him then please, do not stay with him just for the sake of your son. he could still play an active role while remaining friends with you.

    in reply to: I don’t know what to do anymore.. #24481

    thank you πŸ™‚ I took a test on monday and it was still negative, but still no period :/ think i will take another one on friday if my period is still a no-show

    in reply to: pregnant and so scared. #24480

    Firstly Id like to say good for you for having the courage to Stand Up to your bf and leave that abusive relationship. Now, you have the chance to Stand Up for not only yourself, but for your unborn baby.

    Please, do not punish your child for merely existing. This baby carries half of you with him/her. Can you imagine what it will feel like to stare into your little ones eyes for the first time? This baby loves you already and wants you to give it life.

    Also, if you are positive you cannot provide what this child needs, then there are thousands of couples looking to adopt a beautiful baby like yours.

    Please, talk to someone who is close to you. A parents, a doctor, a church member.. anyone. From your post it already sounds like you are attatched to your little one. So please, Stand Up and do what is right by God and allow your child to be born. Abortion should not be used as a method of birth control.

    Please keep us updated. Take care!
    xox Enya

    in reply to: Advice for a 33 year old mom of 4!! #24461

    Hey Jess, my advice to you would be to please keep your little baby. Your husband will be shocked at first but he will get over it and in time learn to love your little one as much as you do. I can tell already that you love this child, so please, listen to your heart and do what’s right by you and God. I agree with Myangel that God will provide you with the love and thing nessesary to raise this child.

    take care.
    xox Enya

    in reply to: I need some advice on moving ? #24460

    scarite =]

    I would suggest having an important talk with your bf and tell him that if he doesnt grow up that you two are not ment to be. you really dont deserve to be placed in an environment like that. Idk if you are pregnant or not but my advice to you would be to listen to your heart and go back to your family. if your boyfriend is truly committed to you he will understand. lots of love and best of luck.

    xox Enya

    in reply to: too soon too take a test… #24459

    Hey Jenni, you and I are in a similar situation, except that I am not so sure whether i am pg or not.. (although my period is now 5days late) I am very proud of you for deciding to keep your child, and you should be too! Im sorry about your bf but who knows maybe its for the best? I would suggest writing your mom a letter or taking her out for coffee or something and then telling her. best of luck, please keep us updated! May i ask your age btw? im 16.

    xox Enya!

    in reply to: heyy #24458

    πŸ™‚ thats such a gorgeous name πŸ™‚ im so happy for you! how much did she weigh when she was born?

    in reply to: im so happy and confused HELP! #24440


    in reply to: too soon too take a test… #24407

    wait a week n take a test hun. best of luck!!

    xox Enya.

    in reply to: Pregnant #24384

    thanks amazing congrats!!!! do you have any names picked out?

    xox Enya

    in reply to: Worried sick? #24376

    Hey Kay, I would strongly suggest taking a home pregnancy test in 5days to a week from now if your period is a no-show. Also blood tests are very accurate.

    best of luck
    xox Enya

    in reply to: need some advice… #24357

    congrats on deciding to give your baby life, im proud of you and we are all here to support you.

    in reply to: A little help please ? worried and wondering #24356

    best of luck let us know what happens!!

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