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  • in reply to: confused! #14486

    you have to do what is right for you, if u have an abortion becoz someone else wanted you 2 thn u will hate yourself so much more. u have to make the right decision for u. u have to look inside your self and do what you think is best for u and your children. hope this helps a little.

    in reply to: dont give up! its not that hard! #14276

    its gud u dnt find it hard, how old r u n do u wrk or gt benifits????

    in reply to: it’s done #14100

    so many of us on this site no how u feel. when i found out i was preg i didnt even think twice about it i knew that i had to hve an abortion, i was 11 weeks. it was so fast we went to the doc on friday n had the abortion on the wen, we had no idea what was happening how alive was my baby i jsut new that i couldnt have a child. i went on the net to find things out about abortions n i found this site, i know this site is about standing up n i didnt but i know that i can help. i know i cant tell people not to have abortion as i have had one n i am fine with it but i can be here for woman-girls-teens to talk to and not be judged for what thy did, a lot of people get judged n i just want to be here to support people that went through with it n i think that is where u can help. yes u have been through a lot but dnt 4get u stood up for your son n keep doing it 4 him. im here to talk email me anytime.

    in reply to: pregnant and hard times #14009

    wowu guys get it so tough in usa. i live in nz and everything is free while you are preg, u never pay 4 an appointment or anything medical. including anything at the birth. far must suck to live in usa

    in reply to: SO scared… am I pregnant? #13955

    i think you should take another home preg test as thy take about a month to register if u are preg. not having a regular period at your age is very normal, i dont have a reg period and i am 19 n i am fine its just the way my body works. take another test asap so u can sort things out. we are all here 4 ya. keep in touch

    in reply to: hi #13954

    thats great new thanks for keeping us updated. hope all works out for you and by the sound of it, it is going to. gud luck 😀

    in reply to: 9 weeks pregnant and don #13953

    i cant belive that someone on here would say a thing like that we are ment to b here to suport each other. people with those thoughts should keep thm to there self. hope u got more good feed back thn bad. hope all is still ok

    in reply to: Do you think I should go back to him??? #13908

    i dont think that you should take him back. he has walked away once on you and connor whats to say that he wont do it again when things get rough. yes he has changed but in my eyes to little to late. you now have a great relationship with a man who loves connor and he is the most important person to consider. as long as your ex stays around thn he can still be connor’s dad and connor wont grow up to hate you, as you have done the best things for him.

    in reply to: 9 weeks pregnant and haven’t decided to keep it #13907

    i know that you love your husband very much and that it sucks to have to chosse to of the most important things to you but you have to make the right decision for you. if you get pushed into something you dont want to do then you will regret it even more. dont let anyone push you into something that you dont want to do. i hope all goes well. we all here to suport you

    in reply to: Post-Abortion Depression? #13776

    as long as you are on this site you will never been alone, there are so many wonderful young woman on here that are willing to be here for you and take the time out to talk and listen to you.
    i had an abortion on the the 31st of may this year, i was 18 turning 19 in august, my partner was 25 at the time.we have been together for 4 years. we worked through it together and even though it was the hardest decision to make we made it together and i still felt alone even though he supported me in every way. i felt depressed for a little bit after but i know its going to sound bad but i know that i did the right thing for me i know that im not in the right position to bring up a baby i am only a child myself. i wish i was stronger and was able to say yes to my childs life but i wasnt. this will be the hardest thing that you have ever done, but i promise you that you will get through this its hard and it takes time but you will come out the other side and we are all here to help you do it. if you ever want to talk email me im happy to be here for you. gud luck you will get through this.

    in reply to: Great News! #13774

    hey thats great. even though you are not preg you still made the decision and thats great it shows that you are strong. it think most of us feel sad if you make a decision and that it doesnt work out. i feel like that, i know that i dont really want a child at the mo but every time my period come i knder feel a bit sad coz a little part of me would love to be preg. hope everything work out the way you want it to. gud luck 😀

    in reply to: I became strong. #13752

    that is so awsme, your story will help so many people. imso glad that you relised you were doing it for the wrong reasons. good on you. i wish you so much luck. i hope everything works out 4 u.

    in reply to: blighted ovum and very depressed #13673

    im glad that you made the decision to keep it but im so upset about what happend and how your bf was such an a** about it, good on you for dumping him you deserve much better. i hope things go ok for you. you can now make the most of your life and have children in the future. if you ever need to talk we are all here for you.

    in reply to: My rapist #13672

    i now that you must be real scared but you really have to press charges. i know how you feel as i have been there. i was really scared of what was going to happen and that but i couldnt let him get away with it and do it to anyone else. it is real important to put your fears away and do it. if you need anyone to talk to email me any time. hope it goes ok for you ill be thinkin of you 🙂

    in reply to: Dated a Rapist #13536

    i know that it will be hard for you but i think you have to leave him if you dont want him to leave him think of your child he will prob do the same thing to him/her and thats not fair you have to get out.

    in reply to: forced to kill my first baby #13486

    OMG that must suck, i choose to have an abortion and that hard sometimes but being made to have an abortion at 19 weeks must be so hard to handle. i can see where your coming from saying you dont know if your going to hate or thank your mum. its a good thing that your getting on with your life and not letting it totaly distroy you. im like that i am this fun loving girl thats always happy and having a good time but inside i wish i could scream real loud that im not happy and i dont want to keep putting on this face like every things ok, when its not. i hope everything works out for you and your mum. gud luck

    in reply to: And now the bad news… #13485

    o thats really sad, i hope you are ok. its just amazing how easy it is and how you just never know how easy it is to miscarry. least you found out now and not a couple of months later, if ya need talk im here

    in reply to: how long #13444

    I also think you should wait and make sure its really what you want, u obviously had an abortion for a reason, you have to ask your self what has changed since then. I went through that same thing after having an abortion about 7 months ago but then my partner and I know that we had an abortion for a reason. you have to wait 2 weeks till you have sex again but once that 2 weeks is up you can start trying for a baby, you should wait at least 6 months b4 you start to you womb and that can heal but thy just so you take a lot of risk of having a miscarriage. its up to you if you want another baby and you are 100% sure then go for it but i really do think you should wait if only for a year. gudluck with what ever you choose to do, im here to talk if you want as ive gone through the same thing

    in reply to: Scared and Excited! #13443

    CONGRATS, i think you have to be truthful with them, the earlier you tell them the quicker you can stop woring about what to say and how to say it, you never know they might be happy, well thats what i think hope it helps. 😀 gudluck

    in reply to: Am I pregnant? HELP! #13438

    most of the test only woek if you are like a month preg, if you are really worried you should go see ya doctor they should be able totell you. sometimes if you think you are preg you start getting symptoms coz you think you are, i tihnk going to your doc woujld be the bes advice, keep me informed im intreged to know if you are or not. gud luck hope you get the responce you want

    in reply to: Worried. Scary stuff happened. #13437

    i think that you should skip the preg test and go straight to the doc justincase you are preg and there could be something they could do. i was in a crash like that a couple of moths ago, if we ddnt have our seat belts on we would of die and it was the scarriest thing ever. gud luck

    in reply to: I cant get over it.. #13408

    i was in a very simular position to you. i had an abortion a few month b4 i turned 19 and my bf was 25, i hade been wth my bf for 3 years. my bf was there for me every step of the way but to me if felt like i was going through it alone, i brough this up wth my bf and he said coz its kinda like it never happend to him as he wasnt the one that had to yhve the abortion. i totaly respect and understand his point but inside i feel angry at him at times that he was part of conciving the baby but i was the one that had to go through lossing my baby. we talk all the time about having a baby now but we know that we want to wait till i am out of uni and can give our baby the best of eveything, it doesnt make me stop thinking about it eveyday. its hard knowing that right now i would be a mommy to a 1month old baby but i know that we that i did it for the right reason for us. its hard but i try and make it a positive. i try real hard to save money and do little things likethat so if it happens again i wont have to have an abortion. if you ever need to talk about it give me an email fun_loving29@hotamil.com.
    it does gets easer trust me

    in reply to: YOU WILL NEVER BELIVE THIS!!! #13379

    omg that is crazy they had no right to do that to you exp when you were preg, that is so crazy i fully understand what you did and dont think you should be punnished

    in reply to: help my friend #13378

    well thats a little tricley as she is preg from a rape, you have to considerb the child and what it wil feel like being the affects of a rape, you say its not best for your friend its good that u think that but shes is the only one that can decide i know you want to help but it has to be here decission. telling her parents will be hard but if its what she wants to do she has to tell them asap so they can help her out she is going to need all the help she can get.

    in reply to: Baby’s Daddy #12850

    u cnt me so hard on yourself, as u said u didnt kno that vern was his father. all you can do now is fix it and try and put things right, gud luck

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