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December 7, 2006 at 9:53 am #13748
Today I turned away from having an abortion. I was almost there and I turned away. I couldn’t do it. My boyfriend was pushing me into it and I knew the whole time it was wrong. He already has a little girl from a previous relationship and it more then ashamed to go through this again. He told me he wanted me to have an abortion bc/ he didn’t want to go through it again.
I woke up today aftern another sleepless night and realized that I was making this decision about 90% for him and just 10% for me. I knew at athat point I had to stand up for my baby. I did. For the first time in two years since dating him I feel as if I am actually strong. It’s too bad I din’t realized that before all this, but at least I made the right choice. Luckily, when I told my parents today they handled it better then I ever thought possible. They are amazing
Now I am dealing with pure hatred from my boyfriend. But, at least I know in my heart that finally I became strong.
Strong but yet ever so weak.
December 7, 2006 at 12:32 pm #13749Kaileyamanda
Thats wonderful! Congrats! You are a true Stand Up Girl! Isnt it wonderful to have a great family? It makes things so much easier! I’m sorry about your boyfriend and i really hope he comes around- if he has a child and knows how wonderful children are then im sure he will! Best of Luck and let me know if youd ever like to talk about anything in your pregnancy or what not- mines almost done!
39 weeksDecember 7, 2006 at 1:00 pm #13750Shana
Congratulations!!I am so proud of you. I went thru the exact same thing and I can tell you right now my daughter was MORE then worth it
December 7, 2006 at 1:14 pm #13751Anonymous
Congratulations honey!!!! I don’t even know you but am soooo proud of you!!! I’m so happy your parents are supporting you. I wish you a healthy, happy 9 months and may God bless you for not going thruog hwith it. I can tell you would hav esuffered with that forever.
December 7, 2006 at 1:25 pm #13752dillon12
that is so awsme, your story will help so many people. imso glad that you relised you were doing it for the wrong reasons. good on you. i wish you so much luck. i hope everything works out 4 u.
December 7, 2006 at 2:57 pm #13762queenB
You are strong. As I was reading your post I thought, "what if she had not listened to her heart? What if she went through with the abortion to make her boyfriend happy?" I’m sure you would have regretted it for the rest of your life. You made the right decision. You should be proud of yourself. Way to go! Way to Stand Up.
December 8, 2006 at 1:40 am #13765MyZombieHeart
I admire you very much for the choice that you decided to make. There are some girls out here (me, sadly, included) who went through with it just to make the men in our life happy. And going through all this with my boyfriend, I’ve come to realize that They can’t understand how this feels. They can’t understand what it’s like to find out you’re pregnant. They can’t know how motherhood feels. And they don’t know what it’s like sitting back there waiting for someone to kill your baby. Even if it only is a peanut, it’s still living. It’s still a part of you both. I wish i had your strength, your willpower.
I almost feel the need to thank you, for posting this story. Not only because you’re telling the world what you’re doing, but because YOU’re deciding to do this.
let’s be cheesy for a second.
You go, Girl! 🙂
December 8, 2006 at 11:58 pm #13784kez_mummy_2_skye
I’m glad you made the right decision for your baby and didnt le the pressure from your boyfriend get the better of you!
Good luck for a healthy and happy pregnancy! -
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