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  • in reply to: how did you know? #15234

    well i knew for sure when i took the test when my period was about 2 days late, but i had this for sure like i just knew kind of feeling the week b4 i took the test… was weird….i just knew….

    in reply to: l #15233

    sometimes implantation causes cramps….this all depends on the last time u had sex and all….and it could also just be regular period cramps……

    in reply to: all the memories brought back #15232

    i am so srry….so ur parents forced u to get an abortion?!…u know that’s illegal, right?….nobody can force a pregnant girl regardless of her age to get an abortion……

    in reply to: GOOD NEWS #15164

    that’s great….congrats….i wish u all the best…

    in reply to: update #15163

    i am so sorry…u and ur baby will be in my prayers….i am 23 wks, 3 wks away from 26 and i don’t know what i would do if i had my little boy so soon….

    in reply to: 14 and pregnant! helps #15162

    just tell ur parents…if ur that scared they will help you…u need to get to a doc for that baby and ur health….and PLEASE DONT let anyone talk you into or force you into an abortion or giving the baby up if u want it….

    in reply to: My boyfriend has just hit me. #15152

    don’t be scared of being a single mom, especially if ur parents will help you take care of the baby…being in that kind of situation is not good for anybody you need to tell someone what he did to you, maybe even the police because that’s not right………and please don’t go back to him you are so much better than that……..

    in reply to: help! #15151

    you can start to get pregnancy signs as early as the day after implantiation…but u can’t take a test until after you miss a period, so stop worrying, because worrying alot about anything can also make you sick…..

    in reply to: Braxton Hicks – OUCH #15081

    i got these off two different sites (also posted the sites url’s)…..

    What Can I Do to Ease the Discomfort of Braxton Hicks?

    Many women find that taking a warm bath does much in easing the discomfort of false labor contractions. Keeping the body hydrated with fluids can also go far in how an expectant mother will feel.

    Staying Comfortable with Braxton Hicks
    Some women find that Braxton Hicks contractions are really uncomfortable. If your Braxton Hicks are bothering you, try some of these suggestions:

    Drink lots of water. Dehydration can make your muscles spasm, bringing on a contraction. Avoid caffeine.
    Practice your labor breathing techniques. Rhythmic breathing will help to alleviate your discomfort.
    Lie down on your left side when you have a contraction. This should help to ease the pain and keep you rested.
    Change the position you are in or switch activities for a while when you have a contraction. A slight change in movement sometimes make the contractions disappear.
    Urinate when you need to. A full bladder can sometimes trigger Braxton Hicks.

    in reply to: Do you think?! #15080

    it’s possible….just wait a little then go get a HPT….

    in reply to: Irregular Periods #15079

    yes it is…if u have a period you can get preg….you just have to wait longer or shorter to find out if you are pregnant or not….

    in reply to: plz help with some advice #15078

    irregualr means that ur period doens’t come every say 28 days….it may be 20 days one month and 30 the next….regualr is when ir period comes at a constant (like every 28 days)….hope this helps….

    in reply to: faint pink line #15077

    when i took my test i was only 1 or 2 days late (but i knew that i was the week b4 i did the test)…and i took it with a friend in the walmart bathroom after we go it, after school..the line went almost instantly to pink…(my friend already has a baby) but i was actually kinda happy (weird, huh?) but now i’m recently married to my high school sweetheart and the daddy, although i’m not due till june……..
    oh and hun, for nxt time if there is a pink line, even if it’s faint, ur preg….because a line is a line…
    but congrats!

    in reply to: When do start to try?? #15076

    usually a girl starts to ovulate 10 – 14 days after her period, so it would be good to start soon…because now all follow that time line, that’s just the average time….so good luck and keep us posted!

    in reply to: I NEED ADVICE #15075

    when did u take the test?…becuse if u didn’t wait till after you missed a period you could be preg but the horomones that the home tests detect could have been to low to detect… if u still think ur preg go to ur doc and do a test there…….and usually sleeping on ur tummy doesn’t get uncomfirtable till you start to get a little belly………..

    in reply to: ?brother or immature? #15073

    i agree with ericklirios….just choose neither….ur 15 so choose someone who is ur age….i’m bipolar also and my husband sometimes can get angry quick, and both of those ontop of being 23 wks preg gets me upset really fast……………………….just keep away from guys who are immature like that…….

    in reply to: Belly Button Ring HELP #15072

    it will be fine, but something one of my friends did was after she took it out she would put it in for about 10 minutes every night just to make sure it stayed open….i’m going to have to take my belly rings (i have two) out soon and that is what o’m going to do….

    in reply to: what is the easiest way to tell your parents #15051

    oh and ps….if u r under 18 ur parents can’t kick u out because that’s illegal to kick out a pregnant child…it’s called child endangerment…..also if they want to force u into an abortion that is also illegal……just though i’s let u know…..

    in reply to: don’t know what to do….. #15050

    ok…so to clear up what tattudemom said…ur mom CAN NOT kick you out BECAUSE u ARE pregnant, that’s child endangerment, which is also illegal….if u weren’t it’s perfectly legal, but not this case since u r pregnant………

    in reply to: wondering #15049

    i have a friend that was on the shot, he bf was supposed to be sterile from testicular cancer when he was little (even had one of his testilcles removed) they were using condoms and she still got pregnant….they have a 9 month old little boy and love him so much….but that’s a personal and extreme case i know of….

    in reply to: Need Help #15048

    don’t let him talk u into an abortion….a baby will NOT ruin either of ur lives……and being a single parent will make it a little harder for u to finsish school, but colleges have prgrams to help single parents finish school…..and there is also adoption..there are so many loving families that cn’t have babies and would love to adopt one….i know because i was adopted when i was little….so just considewr ALL of ur options……good luck…

    in reply to: pregnancy weight gain #15047

    i’m not going to say for every girls it’s normal but i believe it’s pretty normal..because docs say that by 5 months (20 wks) you should have gained 10 – 20 lbs….and in ur last month or two you should gain 1 lb per wk……so ur at that lb a wk time….and if ur doc doesn’t seem worried than ur gonna be fine……

    in reply to: it’s a boy and abnormal test.. #15030

    yeah….i am going to do it, but i know the risks, and i just want some sort of way to try to prepare IF there may be something wrong with the baby, and i just want that little bit of something..u know?……

    in reply to: it’s a boy and abnormal test.. #15027

    no it wan’t an amniocentesis, it was just a screening blood test, but i am going to get an amniocentesis because it tests the baby’s dna (chromosomes) and that can tell 100% about downs cause that’s a chromosomal thing…but thanx you for your respons…it does make me feel slightly better that someone else knows of abnormal tested babies being fine….thanx…

    in reply to: my story.. #15017

    i’m srry that happened but i hope u know that what ur mom did was’s illegal to force any girl into an abortion if she doesn’t want to get one….

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