Forum Replies Created
Participanti’m so happy that u’ve decided to keep this baby…every little one is a miracle and is precious, and i wish u all the best…
Participanti’m not gonna help here cuz i never had symptoms…i only ever had a strong thought/feeling of being pregnant the week b4 i was due for my period..then i was a day late and took a test and it came back almost instantly positive….now i’m 30wks with my little boy…
Participanti didn’t have any symptoms…i just had this really strong feeling or though that i was preg, and i was due the next week for my period and when it didn’t come the day that it had always came i went to the store with one of my best firends after school and did the test in the bathroom….it was almost intantly positive….now i’m 30 wks with my little boy…
Participantok so i replied to ur other post…but i have to know how old u r, cuz u sound too young to messing around with guys if u don’t know what sex is….
Participantok so u can loose weight when ur first preg bcuz of the sickness….then u start to gain…and it all depends on ur own body…
Participantmy friend and i called him after school after i took the test in the bathroom of the store….and it was his first day of a new job so he just said "i know"….although i had told him the wk b4 that i thought i was preg, even though i had no signs or ne thing…i just….and i guess he did too….
Participanti have heard that nipple piercings make it difficult or even inpossible to breastfeed because they create scar tissue through the nipple…..
Participanti have two..the top and bottom…i’m 30wks tomorrow and i have left them in…i take them out everynow and then just becuse…mostly they say to take them out because ur belly button may pop out, and mine is starting to, but i’m just going to do like my friend and take them out and everyday put them in for a little while….
Participantunless the lube had spermicide in it u can still get preg….
Participanti’ms rry u feel so bad, but it’s early pregnancy that makes u feel so bad and want to sleep all the time…when i was first pregnant i slept my whole weekends away and after i’d get home from school i’d go straight to sleep….
Participantmy friends baby started eating rice cereal around 3 or 4 months, and 4 months he started stage ones…now he’s almost a year and he eats everything…….most docs sy around 6 months, but i have heard 4 months and 6 months….just follow ur baby’s lead…
Participanti’m srry to hear….i hope the other two are fine…how are you doing?
Participantnormally cysts aren’t life threatening so just keep the baby and have it removed after u have him/her…..
Participantgo to the doctors and et it checked out bcuz cats use their feet in the littler box and when ur preg ur supposed to stay way from the litter box becuz the cats have this bacteria in their poop that can hurt the baby…….
Participanti started out the same as the other girls, but we got married back in feb. and we are doing good, i’m 29wks 6days (30wks tomorrow!!) and our baby boy is due june 8th…..
Participanti know that twins runs in my husbands family..on both his mom and dads sides…in his dad’s first marriage he had twins…and twins skip a generation in his WE are the ones due up to have twins!…..luckily i’m only having one!…lol
Participantit’s usally a smaller chance but yes u can get preg form pre-cum bcuz it contains sperm also….
Participantif u think ur preg and worried about being preg and taking the pill i suggest doing one of two things #1 go to the doc and get a blood test done, or #2 stop taking the pill and stop having sex!!
ParticipantDO A TEST…if ur 3 days or more late then do the test to see….that’s the only way to tell
Participanti suggest taking a HTP or just going to the doc…bcuz the doc can do the same as a HTP and if it shows nothing the can do a blood test….Good luck…
Participanti suggest going and getting blood test not doing any more HPT…..usually unless ur sick or under lots of stress the only other reason to miss ur period is pregnancy…
bweber’s is a good idea…it keeps the penis clean from infection that can becaused from even a slight build up of dirt under the foreskin…also if any man who is not circumcised who joins the army has to get cirsumcised because the army doesn’t want them to get an infection…..
Participantthe chance is a flip of a coin……it all depends on wether the baby got the dominant eye color genes or not….
Participantwhat u are experiencing is to an extent postpartum depression, and also oyu are going through the stages of grief and loss…talk to ur doctor about a medication that could help the depression….
ParticipantDON’T do anything u don’t want to do…if u want to keep the baby tha keep it…no one can force you into an abortion……