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  • in reply to: boy wants abortion… i don’t know #17104

    don’t take the life of ur baby just because of some lousy man…if he doesn’t want to be a daddy he can at least pay for child support and then u would be albe to afford to take care of ur baby and ur self…

    in reply to: Need help with baby father #17103

    child support!! hit him up for it….that’s all i have to say

    in reply to: hospital bag #17102

    i’m not due till june 8th and i’m just as lost as u on what to pack…i have a whole diaper bag ready for my baby with 3 different outfits, socks, booties, those mittens, diapers, wipes, binki’s, recieveing blankets, burp cloths, wash cloths, car seat, and a stuffed animal i got the baby…..but as for me i have nothing ready!… lol

    in reply to: Losing the weight after #17101

    i haven’t had my baby yet, but when i got preg i was 129, and i’m 33wks 6days now and i weight 161…aagg…i know i can get the weight off im just not sure if my skin will tighten back up…i hope it does though!

    in reply to: hey girls #17100

    hello…i’m from the US…lol…

    in reply to: i just wanna go home! #17073

    i know how you feel but i’m still preg, i moved to NewMexico with my husband (recently married) and i only know my in-laws here and all my friends are back in Wyoming, so i only have them here…i miss my friends so much….if u think that ur thoughts are not normal for u then go see a doc, if they seem normal for u then go see a doc…

    in reply to: need major help #17072

    im so sorry to hear about ur loss…i have not lost a baby, but i know sort of how you feel because i have lost my mom…and the stages of loss are the same for any loss…but it’s not ur fault and there is nothing that you could have done to prevent the loss….

    in reply to: Tetracycline UHH #17071

    i suggest going to the doc and getting a test done with them to be sure if ur preg or not and until then stop the meds!…

    in reply to: Any chance of a false positive pregnancy test? #16929

    when i did my test it came back almost instantly postitive too…i waited long enough to flush the toilet and let my friend in the bathroom stall with me….i just turned 18 last week so i was 17, and a HS senior working on graduating early (which i did) and i was excited and my friend was excited for me (she already has a baby of her own)…i know i should have been scared but i wasn’t because i know that i wouldn’t have gotten preg if God didn’t want it to happen……….. 🙂 ….

    in reply to: too soon?? #16927

    wait till ur period is actaully late……then get another test…

    in reply to: sooo #16926

    not to sound mean but ur making ur situaiton tougher on u by NOT telling ur mom…she can help u…u need to tell her….

    in reply to: I still haven’t started….. #16924

    if ur that late hun ur prolly preg…so u need to get to ur doc, it’s good that u’ve been taking prenatals but seeing ur doc is even more important right now…..

    in reply to: first appointment? #16922

    yeah that’s why, cuz after a certian point in ur pregnancy ur miscarriage chances goes down…… lets see, they give u a pap, take blood pressure, listen for the baby’s heart beat (if they hear it they count how many beats per minute), they’ll take ur medical history and ask about the dad’s medical history (if he’s not at the appointment they ask u for what u know), they’ll talk to u about lots of stuff, and that’s all i can remember….i’m 32wks 3days so it’s been a while…

    in reply to: MOTHERS! #16919

    if ur 8 WEEKS late then ur preg….and it’s my opinion that mothers always know, cuz when i called my mommy-in-law to tell her when i found out i was preg she answered the phone and when i said hi mummy she said "ur pregnant?"…she knew!!!….lol…

    in reply to: help me… #16917

    if he doesn’t stop, and he already has messed up sperm, then o suggest NOT having kids with him because the fact that it can give u kids with birth defects

    in reply to: Need Advise #16916

    i think u two should talk about adoption…there are so many little boys and girls out there that need mommy’s and daddy’s…..

    in reply to: I dont know how to confront this #16915

    did u use a condom? if so then u should have nothing to worry about…if not and he came in u then i’d worry but only if u miss a period….and not to sound mean or ne thing BUT if u aren’t preg then be smart and get ur self on birthcontrol!!!!

    in reply to: Bad Publicity! Annoyed #16914

    i agree, but i’ve noticed there’s nothing ever good on the news…like when i was living in wyoming and it was hunting season it was always this hunter shot a farmers cow and this hunter shot that hunter, there’s never this hunter was good and obyed the laws…that’s just the news..they like to put a spot light on the bad and never the good….besides the fact that i just turned 18 april 12th i look pretty young and i have pink hair, so when ppl see me they think oh that poor girl when i reality im married, my husband brings in almost $1000 dollars every two weeks, and we are very prepared for this baby….*sigh*….

    in reply to: Curse of the Pregnancy Hormones #16913

    hi, i know how u feel!…my little boy keeps his bum up in my ribs and then he’ll kick the other side of ribs and punch my hips and bladder…AAHH…lol…and i forget everything, so if someones talking to me and i can’t think of what i was trying to say i get sooo mad and sometimes i get so mad i cry, especially since my husband will try to be "helpful" and help me remember what i was saying, but it makes it worse….

    in reply to: my triplets #16912

    i agree with kylieAUS, i don’t get it either….

    in reply to: Gender or not to gender… #16911

    i wanted to know because i didn’t want to have to buy yellow and unisex clothing for my baby, i wanted to be albe to buy blue for a boy and pink for a girl and pick a nursery theme that would also match a boy or a girl…so when i had my ultrasound i found out im having a little boy….it’s ur own personal choice….good luck

    in reply to: Do pregnancy test work? #16655

    i agree with stephani.b go to the doc and get a blood test done….that’s the only 100% way to tell….

    in reply to: Lunar calendar? #16653

    u can try and do stuff like that…but it’s just like flipping a coin 50/50….it’s all fun but don’t get ur hopes up…although i did that needle over ur wrist one and it said my first would be a boy…and i’m 31wks with a little boy….lol….

    in reply to: coming clean #16557

    people are gonna talk till u have the baby because they are gonna wanna see him/her when he/she is born….if ppl talk negatively just ignore them, it’s ur little miracle and they can think what they want…
    i’m 17, turning 18 on the 12th of april, i’m 30wks 3days (almost 8months) preg with a little boy…i married my highschool sweetheart back in feb of this year, he is the daddy, and we have been together since i was 15…i graduated from highschool back in jan and we are now just waiting for the baby to come….news at my old school got around fast..when i was only really telling my friends that i was expecting the next few days everybody what i heard of the talk no one ever said ne thing bad, or atleast they didn’t let me hear ne thing bad….
    lol now that i’ve totally bored u with my life story 😉 i’ll let u go….if u need ne thing or have ne questions feel free to ask….

    in reply to: I’m really scared. #16555

    so i am still 17 till the 12th of april and i’m 30wks preg…when i got preg i didn’t have any signs or symptoms when i got preg, other than missing my period…i never got morning sickess or ne thing….u need to go take a test, or go to the doc and do a test there to find out for sure if u are or aren’t preg…..can a piece of advice CALM DOWN AND TAKE A DEEP BREATH!!

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