Forum Replies Created
Participantthats amazing! thank u so much. Theres a lot to think about but i really just want the best for my baby and want to be able to provide it and i’m afraid i wont, but knowing there are 100s of girls in the same position as me, and younger is a great comfort and gives me the determination to be successful, not just for me, but for my baby too. x
Participanthello huni, how are u ? what has u on here?
ParticipantSometimes the worrying is the only symptom. You beleive its possible so you begin to convince yourself all these things. It has happened to me before when I was 15 (now 19)
I suggest going to your local GP and getting a test done there. You could also confide in a close friend or relative and ask them to pick you up a pregnancy test in your local chemist if you would be uncomfortable in visiting your GP.
Try not to worry or ‘over think’ as this will not help your situation. I dont think your pregnant, but im not a professional so I obviously cant tell you for sure.
Keep me posted x
ParticipantHow did your doctors apt go ?
ParticipantGoing through something like this alone is one of the hardest things imaginable. I’d suggest considering confiding in someone close to you that you feel you could trust (a best friend, relative etc) This will help you come to terms with your situation and also get someone who knows you to help you consider your options.
Also, obviously the next step would be to take a test and go from there. When you know for sure it will help you decide whats best for you.
Best of luck Hun, and if you need to talk, gimme a shout ! :kiss:
ParticipantEnjoy every minute of it huni ! .. Pregnancy is a gift. Although timing can sometimes prove difficut aswel as the symptoms, 9 months later when its all done you’l have forgotten all the worry and you will ENJOY ! .. So why not start now. Congrats Sweety
Participantheya hun. well for starters i know its hard in situations like these but try stay positive beacuse it wil help ease the stress. the best advice i can give you is maybe to wait a week or so and see if u get your period. in the mean time talking about it could help so try confide in someone you trust. i hope all works out and be sure to keep us posted. goodluck girly !
Participantheya,yes it is posible anytime to get pregnant having unprotected sex!!
Participantwell im constantly goin to the loo!!! but i dont have any morning sickness!! i have a tightening feeling in my tummy tho?? my frind,who was pregnant but lost her baby, told me that my tummy also feels abit hard!! which is another symptom?? thank you for your help! uits now been 3 weeks (21 days) and still no period!!! xxx
Participanthello hun,
well first dont worry yourself because that can lead to stress,its not irregular for girls to get light periods! if you are concerned however,you should buy a pregnancy test (clearblue is best) and then you can be certain.
are you having unprotected sex with your bf/partner …
try not to worry and keep me posted
Participantwell 1st of all congradulations!
OK, how do you feel about the pregnancy??have you decided what you want to do regards keeping your baby/addoption etc?you can just make an app with your GP and pay there and then,but when ringing for your app, confirm this over the ph.
you can write to me on my personal pg!
Participanthi,well it could be posible. when you are pregnant it is possible to get ur period,but in most cases it is alot lighter than usual. did u find this in your case?has it been long since you noticed the changes?
my best advice is take a pregnancy test,or go to your local GP
best of lucck!
be in touch! xx
Participantall i will say to u is,after reading your story is…
u sound like an unBELIEVEABLY strong, loving, caring woman!!
maybe this is the path that has been chosen for u and by the
sounds of it im sure u would be a GREAT mam and wud b able to support ur
baby!!and as far as im concerned if any man left u he’d be mad!
u sound like a great person hun!! i wish u all the luck in the world!
Participantheya!! well i dont think u need to worry,
because when that baby is put in ur arms for the
1st time…thats when u will TRUELY understand ‘love’
i think you should sit down with ur fiance and just talk to him
about it and tell him how u feel.. explain how ur feeling!
and he obviously wants to be with u if ur engaged so be happy!
and dont worry,just concentrate on u and ur baby for now
and try not to stress to much!! goodluck!! xxbonny
Participanthey! i know that ur jus a baby yourself,
bt im sure your very mature..
u shud tell ur parents,as hard and all as it’l
be but they will help and comfort u bcuz,
no matter wat u do ur still THEIR baby and
they will love you unconditionally!
if you want this baby by ALL means tell them,
and dont let any1 tell u to give it up if thats
NOT wat u want to do!
i wish u the best of luck and if u need to tlk
im here k goodluck xbonny
Participanthey kath! aww well congrats on th pregnancy! i no at 1st the inicial reaction is shock but hun jus stop and THINK!
there is a tiny baby living inside u which YOU created out of love!! just because u feel this way now doesnt mean u still will!! …
i wish u all th luck in th world and if u need ANY advice r sum1 t tlk t further then post me a comment on my page!
goodluck!! xxxxx
Participanthey!! well for staters congradulations!!! this is just the beggining of the rest of your life!
ok well to be honest theres no need to worry so much as to the type of home ur baby has the main priority as u no is that he/she has loving parents which in this case seems to be the case but chicken there is NO such thing as a ‘normal’ family, home, living arrangement etc! every family is diff, seperaton is alot more common now adays than 30 yrs ago!
if you feel that ur fiance has only asked u to marry him bcause of the baby then sit him down and calmly ask him ‘are you marrying me for ME or our baby?!’ ‘if we wern’t in this situation would you still ask me to marry you?’
these are questions you need to no the answer to!! JUST because you both are having a baby DOESNT mean you need the extra stress of marriage! ehy not just take it slow??
have your baby and then AFTER that,talk about marriage!! theres no rush honestly! you wana no its for the right reasons that he has asked you!
i really do wish you the best of luck and if ever you need to talk im ere!
best wishes!! xxxxxx 😉
Participantyour so welcome if ever you need to talk im here yeh?
Participanthey hun !! oh my god!! thats really
touching!! i jus wana help!! wish could make
it go away for you! iv been through a very long and hard
relationship!! so i do kind of understand wat your going through!!
having this baby is totaly UR decision!! id advise you
to maybe look through the forums and try tlk to
some1 who has been in a similar situation or had an
obortion. this might help u!!
im so sorry your going through this!! i wish
u the best of luck! your in my thoughts!! xxxxbonny
Participantgivin that your very on track and ‘regular’
id advise you to make an appointment with your doctor
just so as u could be clear!! gudluck!bonny
Participanthey!!! aww well the best thing i could recomend to is would be to make an appointment with your doctor and he can tell you there and then if u r!!
best of luck to you and yours!! x
Participanthey!! well chicken i do understand why your worried about the situation!! i no your child is the most important ‘link to the chain’ and that you jus want to be a proper family! its common for women to stay with their husbands JUST so as there child can have a wats considered as a "normal" upbringing by having BOTH parents but whos to say that this is the best option in every case???
i cant tell you the answer, the one person that will truley no this and the only person that can answer this question truthfully would be YOU!
this is YOUR family!! and you no wats best!! you just have to come to the conclusion as to wat EXACTLY this is!!
i really wish you nothing but the BEST!! goodluck chicken!! please try not to worry too much!! your baby will always have two very important people in his/her life one of them being YOU!!! no NO1 can take that privilage away from you!!
keep me posted!! xxxxxx
Participanthey!! at the end of the day your family is going to support you in what ever decision you make!!
but i understand that its not that easy!! i think if your truly happy there then stay!!why not ASK for their permission to stay there untill you have money and that, and then maybe divid your time between both places??
like holidays at home with your family?? i hope this is ok and helps you??:S
Participanthey!! well i cant say i have ever been in a situation like yours but i have been treated very badly in the past and went back every time! but the difference between my story and yours is mine ex never showed any remorce for his actions!!
i do believe in second chances but i dont believe in letting yourself get walked all over!! i understand in your case you have a baby envolved and of COURSE he/she will come before any1 BUT dont forget about your needs and feelings also!!
i wish you the best of luck chicken!!!! xxx
Participanti think that having the currage to go through the pregnancy is something you should be very proud of! and also i think that if u feel that putting your baby up for adoption is the best solution and the right thing to do you should go ahead with it. also if u wanted to keep contact there is always an open adoption so u can keep track on how your baby is doing!
i hope this has helped you! goodluck!! xx -