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  • in reply to: Really scared! #20754

    I’m not really sure…but good luck anyway!
    Probably best to go see a doc ASAP.

    in reply to: Time for another blessing #20753

    Good luck!

    in reply to: help! advice, comfort, anything! #20752

    You are not a statistic. You are two people who are expecting a baby, and the best thing you could do for anyone is to get married if that is what you believe is best.
    What is meant to be will happen anyway; but if sixty percent of teen marriages fail, what about the other forty percent? It doesn’t sound that depressing to me….But then, you never were a statistic, just two people who are awaiting a baby.

    in reply to: Birth certificate and child support #20751

    Yeah, it doesn’t matter if he says he won’t put himself down in Australia — all you do is tell CSA, if he still denies it they will do a DNA test and it will all be obvious…and then he’s stuck paying child support.

    in reply to: Loneliness =[ #20664

    I felt the same way when I had my son. It’s just that everyone seems to go out and party, and you don’t.
    Why don’t you ask your boyfriend to babysit while you go out somewhere? Even a few hours to yourself. If he’s not doing that, he’s just being inconsiderate. Also, maybe join a playgroup or something in your area, sitting at home just makes you more and more depressed.
    Sometimes joining a club or a church also helps, whatever you want to do or are passionate about: somewhere where you could meet new people.
    Maybe ask if there’s a party on with one of your boyfriend’s mates and ask your bf to babysit while you go and meet new people maybe? Or try to get in contact with an old friend and go out with her maybe while bf babysits?

    in reply to: Waterbirth #20663

    Well I didn’t have one, but I know some hospitals (I think maybe even some public ones) do it. I would ask around in the clinic maybe, although I think SA only has private midwives who would do it.
    I know they are apparently better for the baby, and less painful for you too because apparently the bouyancy of the water eases the stress on your body ….I’d tell your practitioner ASAP because I think it needs to be arranged prior if you want a water birth.
    Good luck with everything!

    in reply to: Waterbirth #20662

    Well I didn’t have one, but I know some hospitals (I think maybe even some public ones) do it. I would ask around in the clinic maybe, although I think SA only has private midwives who would do it.
    I know they are apparently better for the baby, and less painful for you too because apparently the bouyancy of the water eases the stress on your body ….I’d tell your practitioner ASAP because I think it needs to be arranged prior if you want a water birth.
    Good luck with everything!

    in reply to: Excited… #20631

    Congratulations. You don’t know what you’re in for:P just like all those other pregnant ladies out there. As in, you don’t know what real love is until you hold that baby in your arms!
    You are a brave woman. I take my hat off to you.
    Once again, congrats!

    in reply to: It’s a BOY!!! #20571

    Thought of any names yet?

    in reply to: THIS IS THE RIGHT THING RIGHT?? #20568

    vkiefer wrote:

    hey. i think that this is absolutely the right decision for you to make. i’m really proud that you chose to keep your baby. no one said it was going to be easy, but it will be worth it.

    Completely agree!
    That is so true! Although if I were you I would outrightly bluntly refuse even to go near an abortion clinic.
    But good on you for standing up! I’m sure if he really does love you he will stick around no matter what, he’ll calm down eventually. If not…then you know, how could he have loved you in the first place? Truth can bite of course, but it’s better than lies. I hope he does stick around and be a man.
    All the best to you hun!

    in reply to: NEEEEEED ADVICE!!!! #20376

    No, why would it be?

    in reply to: . #20368

    Well, firstly you need to take a pregnancy test.
    Secondly, why are you talking about this as if it’s the end of your life? If the mass media really likes to tell you that having a baby young is the end of your life, well then let it blab, it’s talking out of you know where.
    You CAN finish college with a baby, heaps of girls have done it before, and heaps of them will do it after. 19 is the age of an adult — you are a full-grown woman, who made certain decisions that get you into certain situations.
    And let me tell you, having a baby is one of the best things in life. Even if you do end up single.
    I agree with blackgriffix, life has it’s own timetable sometimes, sometimes you just need to go with the flow.
    Wishing you all the best xx

    in reply to: Depression? #20308

    WHY did the doctors give you medication and get you high on drugs when THIS IS NOT DEPRESSION CAUSED JUST BY CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN YOUR BRAIN!? Sorry, it makes me mad, that is the most stupid thing to do. Instead of giving you REAL help, they give you some drugs: here take some pills, this will make the problem go away…NOT. I really don’t understand why some doctors spend so much time in med school if they get out dumber than when they came in.
    You need to get out of there, and you need to get out of there FAST. She sounds in a few ways like my mother, well better, you haven’t got bruises on you, so I guess that’s a plus, but this women is making me MAD.
    Are there any shelters in your area? I know that sounds like a scary step to take, but what you are living through is called HELL and it is very real and painful, and I would never want to bear what you are bearing right now again. You don’t want your daughter to live in that abuse. Living like that makes an impression on your character: when you finally get your own place, you will cry, I’m telling you, you will sit at the table and eat dinner and won’t stop praising God how wonderful it is to feel safe and not try to hide in a little corner. The faster you get out of there, the less psychological damage she can do to you — and IMPORTANTLY, to your wee little girl. Babies can feel energy very well, and that is mega abusive energy in that household.
    This is ABUSE, and when you go looking for a place to stay, that is what you need to SAY to get it through to people, because people tend to like to ignore abuse, because it’s not them and it’s easier to ignore. And your partner doesn’t sound like much of a man either, letting you and his daughter rot in that hell either.
    Just get out of there — go to the welfare office, talk to a counsellor, figure out your options, and don’t stop knocking until the door gets opened. Just keep knocking, and the door will open.
    God bless and hope everything goes well.*hugs*

    in reply to: Adoption vs. Keeping the Baby #20307

    Well this probably won’t help much if you don’t believe what I’m saying, but there’s an old Russian proverb that say, ‘If God gives you a child, He will give you for a child’. Which means if you have a child, you will be able to make ends meet for that child, or else it woulnd’t have happened.
    Sometimes seems far-fetched to believe, but it’s true, and it works:)

    in reply to: Ultrasounds? (mainly for australian wemon) #20279

    Here in Aus I had two — 13 weeks to determine my date, and 21 weeks to check up on the baby.
    I don’t think it’s too healthy to have ultrasounds too often lol.
    How is the pregnancy going for you?

    in reply to: Is it another chance? #20277

    Aww, congrats on the pregnancy!
    It does sound like a second chance, and some people never get second chances. So I guess take this second chance, remembering all the pain and trauma you went through last time, and you surely wouldn’t want to have this gift from God up in heaven too?
    It’s probably scary right now, but look at all the girls on this site. At the end of the day, we all make it through. You know for yourself that abortion is the loneliest and the scariest road to take of them all.

    in reply to: My Story #20236

    Kudos to you girl:)))

    in reply to: Pregnancy Chains #20235

    Well my story’s a bit diff but it’s similar.
    Three months after having my son my (then) best friend told me that she was pregnant!!! Lol, and it wasn’t a planned pregnancy either!
    Talk about contagious pregnancy disease! LOl!!!!!!

    in reply to: Choices #20234

    Can you have a life and a baby? ABSOLUTELY! How do you think all the other mothers of this world live? They don’t die or mutate because they have children — they just have MORE to their lives, it’s a good thing.
    What if you suck at being a mum? Well, that goes for anything, at any time of your life, even if you were 35. What if you get hit by a car? What if you’ll be a bad wife? What if you’re a bad friend? Sometimes you just gotta risk it, and try your best at something.
    What if you regret it? First give birth to the bub, and then tell me how you feel about this question lol.
    What if you never finish school? Well, that’s only if you don’t try and you don’t go to classes…
    What if your life changes completely? It’s life, life changes all the time, whether you have a baby or not — with a baby, 99/100 times if not way more the change is radically positive.
    Would you still be able to go out and have fun sometimes? What do you think babysitters are for? Parents? Friends? Relatives? Do you think the other mothers sit inside their four walls and not go out? Well some don’t, but most do, otherwise they’d go insane just like any other person.
    Is everything going to be okay? Only if you believe it will be, only if you trust and rely on God.
    Can teen parents be happy? Why can’t they be? I for one am happy, and I had my son when I first hit 17. My life hasn’t ended — I still sometimes go out, I’ve got a year of uni left, and I’m as happy as can be (well I would be if I hadn’t watched I Am Legend today haha freaky mutants lol jk).
    It’s going to be alright, you just have to believe in Him. He isn’t an idiot, and miracles of life don’t happen to everyone. He let it happen to you; therefore, there must a reason. I think your boyfriend’s truly onto something….

    in reply to: Fish died #20215

    Thanks for that.
    No, we didn’t have Fish for very long, I bought it for Alex as a Christmas present, but we did kind of get used to Fish pretty quickly. I guess I just felt so guilty — there were so many things I could have done, like gone to the vet, asked a vet etc., but I didn’t, I was just waiting for the sickness to pass, and it didn’t.
    But thanks for the response, it really helped, us mothers get it hard being judged all the time and trying to be the perfect parent ay.

    in reply to: pregnant again #20207

    Congratulations on the pregnancy!
    Just go through it day by day — just watch, it’ll turn out alright, although it must be scary atm!
    Hope everything works out, best wishes, Kat:)

    in reply to: Repost #20206

    Weirdest thing happened lol, it got cancelled at the last moment. Like, wow.
    So all this stress, and then getting myself mentally ready to be confident and happy….and then it’s cancelled. Oh well, I thought, what’s meant to be is meant to I guess.

    in reply to: BABY ÉABHA (Ava) IS HERE!!! #20170

    Big HUGE congratulations!
    Her name is really pretty, is it Greek? (sorry Im probably way off mark I know).
    Hope you and bubs are well, lots of love xxoxo

    in reply to: PLEASE SOMEONE HELP #20151

    There are three choices.
    Abortion: you go in for the procedure, and they cut the baby into pieces and then suck it through a tube into a bottle. That is the abortion procedure for the smallest amount of weeks. (Later, you end up having to rip off the limbs and then crush the skull and spine, and after that, salt poisoning that also burns off the outer layer of the skin. I don’t really want to get into detail here, because it’s gruesome, but if you have an abortion, those details you will have to live with.) Mind you, the baby’s heart is beating at 6 weeks, and even though it is not fully developed, a newborn isn’t either, neither is a five year old. It doesn’t mean you should kill them. There is something so sacred and innocent in the life of a young one — the younger, the more vulnerable, the more full of love and trust for you, the mother, to protect.
    Adoption: if you don’t want to raise the child, you give birth, and that child goes on to LIVE. To see the sunsets and the sunrises, to walk through this life trying to find his or her own way like everyone else of us, to love and to be loved back, to taste the warm taste of heated milk and the fresh taste of water.
    Parenting: if you don’t want the baby right now, fine. Other women have done it, and done it well at 15, but if you believe that adoption is the best option, then maybe it is right for you. And although it is one of the best experiences of life, it is wholly up to you and what you choose.
    Just remember that pregnancy doesn’t happen without a reason — don’t mess with what’s meant to be.

    in reply to: What do u guys think of Jaime Lynne’s pregnancy #20097

    That’s really sad. They shouldn’t do that to someone just because they are pregnant.

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