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Participantwoo! i took my boyfriend to his favorite restaurant π and if we find out it’s a girl in a couple weeks, im gunna buy him a late father’s day present; it’s a white and pink bib that says "some day my prince will come, until then i got my daddy!" it’s so cute π haha.
Participantif he didn’t use the pull out method, you could surely be pregnant because the day after pill doesn’t always work. don’t worry, worrying too much will cause you to get fake pregnancy symptoms (this has happened to me). one thing that could be wrong is you could be feeling sick because your body isn’t used to sperm. be calm and after you know for sure your period is late, take a test.
Participantthat sounds like an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage. either way, i think you should go back in and have them redo the pregnancy test. if you had a miscarriage, the hcg should still be in your urine. good luck i hope everything goes good π
ParticipantI asked my doctor about that and he said about the only way you can get a false positive is if you’re taking hcg pills to try and help you get pregnant. I also have cramps and I’m 6 weeks along, and you usually get them all through out your pregnancy. Congrats! π
ParticipantIt’s very unlikely that she could get pregnant during her period, but it IS possible. If she stresses herself out about it too much, it could lead to false pregnancy symptoms (that happened to me awhile back). Wait until after her period is due then take a pregnancy test. If she has her period again, have her take one anyway, just to be safe.
ParticipantMy boobs got really sore about 5 days after conception. They hurt so bad I couldn’t even lay on my side. Also, a very thick bright blue vein showed up that went across my chest, along with smaller ones I hadn’t seen before. Wait until you miss a period, then take a test. If you have a light period or a late one, take a test anyway. Good luck! π
ParticipantGet a pregnancy test :). I still got cramps and I’m 6 weeks along. My stomach also got hard and veins showed up on my chest that I couldn’t see before. Good luck!
ParticipantI throw up and still feel like crap. Take a pregnancy test, that’s the only way you’ll know for sure. Don’t stress yourself too much about it either, I did that once and I got fake pregnancy symptoms because of it. Relax and take a test, let us know how it went!
ParticipantI’ve felt the same way, my allergies have been 10 times worse this spring than they have been any other one. Sorry I don’t have a medical answer for you π
ParticipantI saw a thing on a daytime show (I think it was Maury) and a girl was gaining and losing weight like that. One of her ovaries was swelling up so much it made her gain weight then it went down and the doctors kept thinking she had a pregnancy problem or something. Just thought I’d bring that up. You should really go to the doctor and get it checked out to make sure there’s nothing seriously wrong with you, and take a pregnancy test just incase! Hope everything goes well π
Participanti saw a thing on tv that you should use fish string/net.. you know the string on fishing poles. that’s what i’m going to do π otherwise the hole will probably get stretched out and having a ring in will be very uncomfortable.
Participanti had a runny nose for no reason at all and killer headaches. then all of a sudden my boobs hurt so bad i couldnt even lay on my side! it was rediculous lol.
Participantmy friend’s sisters started getting harder around the middle of 3 months. π
ParticipantMost of the people I know that have been or are pregnant have started showing around 2-4 months. You NEED to get to a doctor. It’s VERY VERY VERY important to have a checkup in the first trimester (the first three months). It’s very important, especially if you think your stomach has gotten smaller. Good luck and if you need anything more, I’m always available to talk. Feel free to email me at anytime =].
ParticipantAn abortion is definitely not the way to go. Hold your ground. If he loved you, he would support your decision. Your son will love you no matter what your decision is, but remember that an abortion will stick to you forever, and is always very depressing. Would you rather have your son ask you "why doesn’t daddy love me?" or "why did you kill my brother/sister?" You can find a new father for them that will stay with you and make you all very happy. Be careful about your decisions and don’t forget to consider what you feel, too. My dad left me, and I’ve gotten over it. It was harder when I was younger but once I got older it was easier for me to understand. Your son will understand sooner or later. If you’d like to talk more, just email me. Good luck with whatever you decide. Keep me updated!
ParticipantA friend of mine was in a very similar situation. What she did was write a long letter to her parents explaining she was pregnant and that she made a mistake. She also explained that abortion was NOT an option. She clearly stated that she had a plan of what she was going to do, showing her parents that she was mature enough to handle the situation. She put the letter in an envelope along with a pregnancy test to show the parents she really was, and asked to stay the night at a friends house and left the letter on their bed so they could read it and talk without her there. It turned out okay after they had a talk and such. Maybe you could consider this? If you need anything else, feel free to email me, okay? I’ll try to help out as much as I can. Hope everything goes well, good luck!