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  • in reply to: i think im pregnant #24145

    I don’t know if jessey223 is proposing an abortion, I hope not. If you are pregnant then have your little one this time. Don’t be scared, it’s not that big a deal. It’s a cute little baby we’re talking about, not a monster!

    in reply to: Names??? #24134

    I like Clara and David too! David was a great man of God.

    in reply to: Keeping my baby- what happens now?? #24133

    Praise be to God!!!!This is what I strive to hear! You are going to be a great mommy! You made the right decision! You were just pulled back from a nightmare! My friend was 19 when she went for her abortion. The doc said to her, “Your baby has a heartbeat”, and she was out of there. He is now 2 years old and she is glad for her decision! I support you. Don’t be scared, I had natural birth. The pain is forgotten and it’s not so bad. Why do think women go on to have more children. It’s always worth it! You are a light on this forum! You just made my day, I feel like crying, actually I am crying!
    People sometimes look at young pregnant girls with a frown, but sexually active young girls are not frowned at, they are told to go ahead and just use a condom. The sex was not the good thing but the baby is always the blessing! No matter what the situation! May God be with you. Hold on to Him and pray, he will comfort you like no other can and he will hear you prayers. He will take your burdens!

    in reply to: No one can see the light but me #24132

    Go ahead be excited! I’m excited for you! Are you saying that your family wants you to kill your child? How can they after they’ve seen what children are? MAde in the image of God! My mom had her first child at 19, second at 20, third at 22 and so forth! My dad was the only one working. We are all very successful now and my mom has no regrets. She actually reaps the benefits! My husband is from a family of only two children, and it’s kind of a lonely family. Go forth and produce – it trully is a blessing!

    in reply to: so sad…… don’t know what to do. #24131

    If he is going to marry you anyway, then what is the difference between keeping your child now and having him/her after the marriage? Is it a boy or a girl? How big is the baby? How fast is the heartbeat? Don’t pretend it’s not a life or a human being. First find out the answers to these questions before you decide. You don’t really want to kill your baby do you?
    You had a tough time raising your daughter alone. Do you wish you rather aborted her?

    in reply to: please help me .. x #24130

    You can still bleed during pregnancy and sometimes it’s normal and other times it’s a miscarriage. But a miscarriage is usually associated with pain I think. Don’t take the pill! If you do, you WILL harm or kill your baby if you are pregnant. You have to wait at least two weeks from conception to take a urine test as far as I know. Sometimes they are wrong as well. The most acurate test you can take is a blood test at the doctor’s.
    Stress and lots of physical activity can kill your baby in the first week. And what follows is a heavy period and then people don’t even know they were pregnant in the first place! I’m glad you’re able to speak to your mom!

    in reply to: please help me .. x #24100

    It’s not wrong to feel happy about the fact that a baby might be growing inside you. Half of your genes: so that’s half of you down to the T! Is your parents okay with it? Don’t worry, big boobs are great! I don’t know if you should be having all those symptoms so early so you might be imagining some. Having a baby is really not that difficult. It’s more joy than anything else. What are you worried about specifically?
    It would be wrong to think, “I want to kill this child…”, I would say. Be happy. It’s natural. Give way to the joy inside. Isn’t this what you dreamed about sectetly in your heart? Didn’t you play with baby dolls when you were younger? Your body was made for this and you’re perfectly healthy! An abortion will throw your body into confusion. It’s not natural. God did not intend for this! Pray. Tell God everything. Tell him exactly how you feel, give your burdens to him. In his Word he promises to take them from you. Right now he’s probably waiting for you to come to him with your problems. He will help you…just allow him in. Don’t think about other people right now. The natural reaction of a mother is to think of and protect her child. When and if you have your child you will know that you have undergone the greatest journey in your life. Just think, if you die at the end of this year, what do you want to leave behind? An abortion story…or your offsrping; a LIFE? A flesh testimony to your existence? And if you die in the next week, what would you have wanted your last decision to be? One of DEATH or one of LIFE. Leave a legacy of one who chose life, one who stood up against the world for her child. Be that brave woman that others testify of. Abortion is bravery, it’s cowardice. Create a testimony, a beautiful story, not a sad tale of how you killed your first child. You won’t always be 17! You won’t always be on school. You won’t always have parents to live under. Very soon you will be your own woman – Very Soon, believe me! Keep your baby, because you’ll regret it if you don’t. You’re not alone!

    in reply to: I Dont Know What To Do #24039

    You may be pregnant, get a urine test. Or it might just be that you are irregular for stopping he pill. I disagrre with Misskirsty. Having sex outside of marriage I don’t agree with according to the Word. But if you do fall pregnant, I don’t agree with killing the baby. I always support the baby, no matter what the parents did. If you are a single parent, not married or in a loveless situation, I still say keep the baby. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I don’t know if STD’s affect your periods. A baby is made in God’s image!

    in reply to: so sad…… don’t know what to do. #24038

    luckylove, I hear your situation, I do. Let me tell you a story. My parents didn’t use contraception, and they ended up having 13 children. 2 died, one at four by spider bite and the other still born. We’re eleven brother’s and sisters. My father died when I was two. My mother bacame a persioner at the age of 43. She had a 2, 4,8,10,13,15,17,18,20,21,22year old. My brother had just turned 21. I was the youngest. Yes, we struggled, but we are all successful today. I am 23, studying chemistry, married with a little one of 6 months. HAVE YOUR LITTLE BABY. DON”T GRIEVE ANOTHER ONE! abortion is another funeral for you. Your child will survive the circumstances. We all did. My mother didn’t wish that half of us (or more) was dead. Abortion is not best for you. It is you who feels the life in you and you who will feel the loss and emptiness. Your boyfriend doesn’t understand. I think that if you could explain the kind of life your baby will have growing up to your baby, I think he will still say, “Mommy please keep me.” Please love this one enough. Have the faith to go on. Let God carry you. PRAY. It’s a little baby, with little fingers and little toes. Let him live so you can hear him giggle, see him smile. He wants to meet you, lie on your chest. Abortion is a horrific death for your unborn promise. I’ve seen an ultrasound video of a baby being aborted. you can google it. The baby’s heartbeat reaches over 200 beats per minute, and tries to swim away from the instruments of the abortionist. The baby’s mouth is open (screaming). Okay, your daughter is not having the greatest life in the world (compared to many it is quite fine), but imagine her being ripped apart at your command – to save her apparently – is that better? Your daughter has life, breath, and she has her mommy. Ask her if she wishes you rather aborted her. Your baby is safe now inside your womb, but you want your womb to become the grave place for him/her. The hellhole of existence. Yeah you can always have children, but you’ll never have this one! No one can stop you from keeping your baby! When your boyfriend first sees your child, he will never wish he killed him/her! My brother wanted his girlfriend to abort their child. She made the appointment, but just didn’t go. She just went ahead merrily and had the child. Now I can’t believe they wanted to kill my 3 year old nephew. He thinks his a rock star and he loves Barney! He says he is “sree yes owd”! Have mercy on your child, let your grace abound. Forgive your child for being conceived. Take it one day at a time, you may be dead tomorrow. If I was in your situation, I’d keep my child! Let there not be 2 or more abortions to your name. Where is the baby you aborted now? He is with the Lord, wondering when he will meet you. How old would he have been?

    in reply to: please help me .. x #24037

    honeybunch, please calm down. You’re not really alone. I’m thinking of you and praying for you. If you are pregnant, hold your hand to your tummy, you have a wonder going on! I will soon put up my ultrasound pic of my baby in my gallery. Your baby has a heartbeat by now. You are going through what God intended you to experience. Your body was made for this. There must be a little ecitement and joy in you, concentrate on that. It’s alright for you to b happy! Think, if you were alone on this earth, at your age, and you find you’re pregnant, would you be freaked out? I guss not. That’s because you have social pressures ideas, and ideals now that freak you out. Find an aunt or friend’s mother that you are close to. Speak to them. Ask them to speak to your parents for you or with you. This will calm the situation. You’re not quite so young, and not the first teenage pregnancy in the world! Try to buy a test. Speak to your priest/pastor, ask him to speak to your parents. THIS IS NOT A TAGEDY! THIS IS YOUR BABY! Don’t be scared, ITS NOT A HORRO FILM. Pregnancy is wonderful! Look at all the preggy and baby mags. Tose people are happy in there! Why are you not allowed to be? Babies are celebrated the world over, why must yours be frowned upon? I celebrate your baby! You should too. You are most capable. Just live every moment as it comes. Don’t think too far ahead. The future is most of the time not what you think it will be. For instance I read of a young pregnant girl who died with her baby in a car accident! Now that’s sad. A girl I know is depressed because her few week’s old baby died, and so did my sister’s friend’s unborn baby. She made it to 3 months. You are blessed – you are not BARREN. BARRENNESS IS A TRAGEDY! Live this day. See what happens. There was a girl on our campus, she fell pregnant out of wedlock and wore mini tops and minishorts for all to see her belly. She didn’t care! She celebrated her baby! Be like her – it takes the fun out of the gossip for others! Remember that in 9 months it will all be forgotten. And people will say “Did you see honeybunch’s baby, oh he’s too cute, “Did honeybunch have a boy or a girl?”, “It’s honeybunch’s baby’s first birthday tomorrow!”. And you’ll have pics of your parents smiling holding their beautiful new grandchild! And years from now you’ll all be dead, but your child will remember you! Don’t worry about school. You think and work better when you are pregnant. Think of when you’ll hold your baby for the first time. Oh so exciting. I was the best student at my school, passed with an A average. Got a bursary, studied chemistry…blah blah blah! But my greatest achievement and pride will always be my baby boy. You can take everything away, don’t take my baby boy. Because if you do, I will lose my mind. honeybunch, God is with you. Afterall he is creating the baby inside you. No one else’s opinion can compare to His…and he’s ready preparing a destiny for your child. LET LIFE PREVAIL!

    in reply to: 15 and unsure. help? #23977

    smurfette I’m so proud of you! Wonderful. Congratulations. You sound like you might be. Get tested by a doctor or buy a urine test. Blessed be you and the possible little one!

    in reply to: I need help!! #23976

    What about your promises to your baby like the promise of life, or the promise of breath or the promise of love? I have a six month old baby and he is happiest when he is naked! He cries when I dress him or put his nappy on!He doesn’t care about clothes or his pram – he would much rather I carried him all the time. He doesn’t care about his cot or the make of it. He just wants to sleep next to me. Thus he would actually be happiest if he were naked, without a cot or a pram. These things are what society expect from you. I have these things because it is easier for me. Like you said it was a promise to yourself and has nothing to do with the baby. I don’t think your baby’s saying, “Listen mommy, if you don’t have everything ready then I don’t want to be born, just kill me okay, even if it is horrific!”
    I tell you, a person can always find a reason not to be ready. Like you don’t earn enough or you don’t have your own place or you don’t have a nursery. But, I tell you, YOU are enough. Your baby just wants you. Don’t deny him that because he doesn’t have a pram. Take life as it comes, you can’t control everything, and don’t start to kill because you can’t!My sister was 29 when she had her baby, married, double income, 2 cars and still they felt they weren’t ready. But now she loves her son so much and won’t trade him for a nursery! Everything I have was gifts from family: the cot, baby rocker, pram, clothes. I didn’t even have medical aid. We didn’t know how we were going to pay for the birth or any of the things he needed, we just knew that we were definitely going to keep him and God took care of the rest! I will BURN all his things, just to keep him. Is it other way around for you? When you’re pregnant, having everything ready seems very important, but when you have your baby you don’t really care about those things. The clothes my baby wears no matter how cute can never compare to my baby himself, Levi. Please be smart. research what they do to unborn babies, look at some pics and videos. Read some of the testimonies on this site of women who have had an abortion. Ask yourself if this is what you want. You really want to prepare so much for your babies birth then prepare likewise for his death if that is what you choose. Look at those pics and put your face on it and say, “Yes this is what I want”. Put that pic on your wall and name it, “My Baby”.

    in reply to: this cant be right ? #23964

    Flesh of your flesh and blood of your blood…please read up about how a baby develops, what they do to a baby when they abort and the aftereffects! If you find out you’re pregnant and don’t keep the baby, you’ll still have a life-changing experience that will shape your future and be with you for the rest of your life. Once it’s done it cannot be undone. The baby is an eternal soul from the moment of conception. Life or DEATH for your baby shouldn’t depend on how your relationship is or how long you two have been together. I can just imagine your baby down there: “Mommy it’s okay if you don’t know daddy too long, I don’t mind, please just don’t let the doctor tear me apart! Please mommy I really want to be born, just like you were!”
    I beg you – LOVE your CHILD. Let everything else fade. LOVE your child. This goes for whenever you find yourself pregnant.
    You’re a woman. You have a gift that men don’t. You can bear children. I once thought I had a miscarriage, but I wasn’t pregnant in the first place and when I saw my womb on the ultrasound screen…empty…it looked sad and wrong. It’s also not your decision alone. That child is half your boyfriend’s. He’s the father, don’t you think he has a say? No matter how things turn out between you and him, you’ll never wish your little baby wasn’t born. Sometimes I get so angry at my husband I want a divorce but never do I unwish my child. A relative of mine was horribly physically abused by her ex-husband and she has said to me: “I will never send my son back (i.e. to God) or wish he was never born!”

    in reply to: I need help!! #23961

    MsWorrysome don’t worry so much. I was also the perfect little angel until my mother found weed in my bag. I was actually relieved afterward that I could just be me and didn’t have to live up to false expectations anymore. You made mistakes, that you can repent of and be forgiven for. If you are pregnant please keep your baby! I beg you. having seen abortion photos and videos, I am in a state of despair. I have not had an abortion, I kept my little boy, but I feel such a deep loathing and mourning and grieving for all the millions of babies down the drain. (I just want to adopt them all, I want to love them and hold them).
    You are old enough! You are mature enough! God gives you the motherly instincts once your baby is born! I’m sure if you have a little one, he will have much fun with you. I’m sure your parents would love to keep their grandchild. I don’t think they want their grandchild dismembered (ripped, torn and sucked apart)! You are not the first teenage pregnancy in the world! Your situation is quite common – your parents thinking you’re a little angel and all. And who says you’re not?
    If you are pregnant then it is YOUR baby! No one elses! In YOUR body!
    Remember God knows your baby and your baby knows God. Don’t kill your little one just to satisfy your parents false view of you! Let them know who you are. A close relative of mine’s father found her diary with all her sexual secrets! She’s fine today, he’s fine today…It all blows over. Sex is a beautiful God-given thing, it should just be had within marriage. When you are older you will deeply regret having given a darn about how your parents might have reacted. PLEASE KEEP YOUR PRECIOUS BABY. He has nothing to do with the problems you might think you have. He is just excited to be alive, anticipating meeting you! He is not a blob, he is a human being. My baby was always Levi, from the moment of conception he was Levi. He was always human! You have a miracle in side of you if you are pregnant. Pregnancy is not a terrible thing that people must fret about, it is a joyous celebration of life. God is creating a living breathing walking talking little person inside of you. Who has the right to stop God’s work? If your parents are Christian they’ll know about forgivess and that God loves His little babies! They’ll know that guilt and shame is washed away in the blood of Christ! May God bless you and be with you during this time. May his angels guide you on the right paths. In every hard testing He makes a way out for you and that way is not abortion!
    “In all your ways acknowledge him,

    And he will direct your paths.”
    – Proverbs 3:6.

    in reply to: Why am I feeling like this? #23960

    Autumn this is post natal depression. Your mother has probably heard of it or knows about it. She will be concerned for you and your baby if you don’t get yourself treated. Just tell her BROOKE SHIELDS had it. She even wrote a book about it! check it up. You could hurt your son and you have to put him ahead of all your other feelings! PRAY! Have Faith. I have a feeling that pnd is related to the works of the devil. Don’t worry, you’re probablfeel like you’re crazy – I had a bit of it too! You’re not. Phone your doctor if you can’t tell him in person or go to another doctor. Or find a place on the net that could help you. You don’t have to explain how you feel or what your thoughts are, just say that you think you have post natal depression, okay. The doctor understands and has probably seen the condition before. Forget everything else, just get help for your babies sake and yours!

    in reply to: please help me .. x #23959

    If you are pregnant don’t worry. Your parents probably won’t react the way you think. In my family we had a teenage pregnancy. My mother didn’t even allow us to date. My brother had the same fears you do, but my mother was supportive. Afterall, it is their grandchild! If they find out you killed their grandchild, that might be more saddening and aggravating! My friend also expected the worst from her mother when she was 19 and studying, but her mother walked out of the room to calm down and came back saying that she will support them. Your parents know about sex and babies. They had you! They might not be so dissappointed as you think. The worst is soon over and then the excitement starts. And when your precious baby arrives all will be forgotten and everyone will concentrate on the beautiful little one! The child carries your parents genes as well. Don’t kill your baby. babies are wonderful! Get excited – you’re going to be a mommy! If your boyfriend leaves you then it just shows that he doesn’t really love you. It’s his baby! You don’t want to marry a man like that!If he’ll leave you for carrying his baby, then he’ll probably leave for something else too. Then he only thinks of himself, and not his baby’s mother, or his baby! You’ll see that you don’t really care how he feels about the baby when you hold your baby the first time! Your baby doesn’t need him. make the right decision please. When people want to abort, I just want to take that little baby and keep him safe. Please love your baby. The greatest love you can have for your baby is by letting him live. What if your parents decided to abort you? You can do it! Don’t make a decision that will haunt you for the rest of your life! You’ll be glad you kep your baby! Look at horrific images on the net of aborted babies. find out about how they dot it! They will cut your baby up! He has a heartbeat by now!

    in reply to: need advice for “breaking the news” #23958

    Well if you have not told them yet…I wish you all the best! CONGRATULATIONS MOMMY! YOU are not barren – blessed are you. Just remeber that they might be angry , but they will probably realise that it’s all done. Don’t let them talk you into an abortion! God bless you for choosing to keep what is rightfully YOURS! This is a very exciting time! Concentrate on the positive! You can do this, and many have even done it on their own! when your baby is here, your parents will dote and all will be forgotten! It might be best to have another adult with you to support you when you tell your parents! To keep the situation under control! What about your boyfriends mom? You are a blessed woman to have a supportive boyfriend!

    in reply to: My GF is pregnant and wants to know… #23957

    Your baby has a heartbeat! He is happy, he is alive, he is growing! Don’t kill him! I have my little baby, I can’t imagine having him cut into little pieces alive, burned or sucked out! In the Name of Jesus this child’s life is not for you to decide over. God is weaving this child in your girlfriends womb! Who said you’re too young? Life will still go on, just you’ll be a father to a wonderful little being. You actually already are a father. This cannot be undone! It’s already done. If you kill your baby, it won’t be like he never existed. It will be like he once was but you cut off his life. You took away his future. You can do this! Your girlfriends body able carry the baby! Your parents will get over it and they will adore your little one! You cannot hate or want to murder a little baby. When you go ahead and have your little one, you will cry at the thought that you wanted to harm him. My friend walked out of the abortion clinic at 19 and now she is so glad she kept her little boy, so is my brother who had the appointment with the abortionist. He was in shock when his son took too long to breathe after being born. God will carry you. There is always a way out! Please I beg you, don’t kill that little citizen of this world, he is precious to us, if you don’t care about him! Ask yourself if you’re not putting the pressure on your girlfriend? She might secretly want to keep the baby! Will you be there when she is depressed after? Some become suicidal! You place your feet in the shoes of Death himself!

    in reply to: Pregnant and all alone… #23956

    Praise God, for keeping your baby! Congratulations! I just turned 22 when I fell pregnant. You are not too young! I’m doing a great job, my boy is fine and healthy! Whatever you do, DO NOT ABORT! They dismember, burn with salts or suck out the brains of your little baby. Sometimes they suck the baby out alive with its heart still beating. Your baby loves you. God is weaving him in your womb! The labour and birth is not so bad – you can do it! God made you able to do this! God Bless the baby in your womb! Babies are born in all kinds of circumstances, it’s better than being aborted in all respects!

    in reply to: 15 and unsure. help? #23955

    Hey Sheena. It is possible that you are pregnant. You could go to the doctor. I know you’re young, but God made you able to conceive, so he must think you are a capable mommy! I think you are! God bless you and God bless your womb! may the baby inside grow and be healthy, may he be given the chance to look upon this world and upon his mommy! Please Sheena, don’t cut your baby into little pieces, burn him with a salt concentration, have his brains sucked out or dispose of him in a toilet. The abortionist will throw your baby’s little body parts out with the trash! Don’t do this. Whether no one supports you, don’t care! Just care about your baby – you are all he has! To take a life – it’s not up to you anyways, no matter what the government says! Sheena have your beauiful little baby, he adores you. His heartbeat starts in the first few weeks. He can hear yours. He feels pain. God loves and knows your little baby. The sex may have been a mistake, but the baby never is. The baby is the miracle! The only good part of it all! Some people think the baby is the bad part! How silly! Give it all up for your baby. It’s worth it. He is your immortality – your bloodline: Flesh of your flesh and blood of your blood! I support you. I will help you if I have to! Keep your baby away from the clutches of the monsters who want him dead! You can be a mother. When your baby is born – you will instinctively know what to do, don’t worry! God bless you and your boyfriend!(I’m 23 with a 6 month old baby boy)

    in reply to: 2 negative tests, what do I do now? #23954

    A blood test can determine wether you are pregnant the soonest to my knowledge. Two weeks/20 days after conception for the urine tests. If you are pregnant: God bless you and CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to motherhood. Beloved by God is the fruit of your womb!

    in reply to: hehe #23953

    Did you keep your precious baby?

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