No one can see the light but me

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      Hi all. im 24, mother of two sons (2&4), and pregnant again. To see it in print shames me. i for one do not think it is my mission to repopulate the earth, but with a history of miscarriage and preterm births i cant help but see this pregnancy as a blessing. Everyone in my family thinks im a fool, my fiance half heartedly supports the idea of a 3rd child. i cant blame him but i guess i have more faith that things will turn out fine. am i just fooling myself? or is it ok to be excited and happy and overjoyed with the chance to finally have that little girl i’ve been dreaming about? i dont know anymore. just reaching out. is there anybody out there who isnt afraid of being a mom of 3 like me?


        It is perfectly alright to be excited and happy! I have three siblings, and we always have a great time together. My Mom is great and she has always enjoyed having four kids!
        I know that it’s tough when everyone is against the pregnancy, but you can do this hun! You’re going to do a great job being a Mom of three! Congratulations on your pregnancy!


          Go ahead be excited! I’m excited for you! Are you saying that your family wants you to kill your child? How can they after they’ve seen what children are? MAde in the image of God! My mom had her first child at 19, second at 20, third at 22 and so forth! My dad was the only one working. We are all very successful now and my mom has no regrets. She actually reaps the benefits! My husband is from a family of only two children, and it’s kind of a lonely family. Go forth and produce – it trully is a blessing!


            You shouldn’t feel ashamed of being pregnant with another baby. God makes no mistakes, and has seen you fit to mother children. As he has with all women. Whether they listen to that call by God is an individual situation. Listen to what your heart as a mother is telling you. Don’t be a follower of society and the new trend of murdering helpless babies.

            If you just found out your pregnant, you can expect approx. a whole year of growth for your little ones. They will be 3, and 5.
            I have a house full of children and they’re a wide range of ages. I’m not ashamed one bit because they are all a gift from God. If I were to be ashamed of them, it would be denying God and his creation.

            I am so proud of our family and will tell you that your little ones will help you more than you can imagine in 9 mos. God will give you the strength you need to raise another baby if you’re open to His call to motherhood. It’s a gift to you from HIM once you open your heart to life.

            I will pray for your decision.

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