15 and unsure. help?

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      so, my boyfriend and I have been doing it several times a day for the last four days. we’ve done it more than 10 times (in the past few days) and he only wore a condom about 3 times, but he finished every time. My period isn’t due until February 3rd. I think I might be pregnant. He said that if I am, he will support me and all, but I’m still terrified. And somewhat happy. Any suggestions as far as coping or what I should do?
      please, and thank-you, all! :]
      -Sheena Marie <3 😛 :side:


        I know it is hard but try not to stress til you are late.


          thanks i’ll try. but im still pretty scared because i keep feeling nauseas and my boobs are SUUUPER tender! 🙁 :blink: :huh: :dry: :ohmy: :unsure:


            Like my1paige said, just try to relax until your period is due. If you stress too much, that could cause your period to be late and stress you out more. It’s good that your boyfriend said he will support you if you are. What I did to (try) to keep my mind off of pregnancy was to just stay really busy. Focus on school and a favorite hobby or something like that. Sometimes when you think you are pregnant, you start getting symptoms of pregnancy that don’t really mean much. So just take it easy and keep us updated. If you ever want to talk, just sign my guestbook.


              you should have not have been doing it with out protection if you dont want to get pregnant. but i think you should wait until your late at least a couple days then test, goodluck.


                Ya same here I had my last period on January 4th and then I had intercours with my bf and he used a condom on January 24th. But starting today the 29th I have been feeling nausea, hungry allot more, going to the restroom allot more and I normaly barely ever go in a day anyway, and also my stomach has kinda like bloated or something and feels a little hard could that be, I also have been having mood swings, another thing my breasts are tender to the touch so could this mean I am pregnant. But I should be having my period should be due to ahppen soon if I am not like in 3 days I should start period if I not pregnant. But I still wonder cuz og all these different felings and symtoms I have been having and by the way I am 18. My bf and I also don’t have a problem if I am we are just very curious and we have been wanting to have a kid anyway. But Myfamil would support me and so would he I mean he cryed from joy when I told him I thought I might be. So please I really need to know. Thank you for reading.


                  Hey Sheena. It is possible that you are pregnant. You could go to the doctor. I know you’re young, but God made you able to conceive, so he must think you are a capable mommy! I think you are! God bless you and God bless your womb! may the baby inside grow and be healthy, may he be given the chance to look upon this world and upon his mommy! Please Sheena, don’t cut your baby into little pieces, burn him with a salt concentration, have his brains sucked out or dispose of him in a toilet. The abortionist will throw your baby’s little body parts out with the trash! Don’t do this. Whether no one supports you, don’t care! Just care about your baby – you are all he has! To take a life – it’s not up to you anyways, no matter what the government says! Sheena have your beauiful little baby, he adores you. His heartbeat starts in the first few weeks. He can hear yours. He feels pain. God loves and knows your little baby. The sex may have been a mistake, but the baby never is. The baby is the miracle! The only good part of it all! Some people think the baby is the bad part! How silly! Give it all up for your baby. It’s worth it. He is your immortality – your bloodline: Flesh of your flesh and blood of your blood! I support you. I will help you if I have to! Keep your baby away from the clutches of the monsters who want him dead! You can be a mother. When your baby is born – you will instinctively know what to do, don’t worry! God bless you and your boyfriend!(I’m 23 with a 6 month old baby boy)


                    smurfette I’m so proud of you! Wonderful. Congratulations. You sound like you might be. Get tested by a doctor or buy a urine test. Blessed be you and the possible little one!


                      Ya same here my period started on Febuary 9th and ended Febuary 12th and then I had intercourse with my bf without protection he we did that twice that day he says he did twice in me on Febuary 14th Valentines day . But since i think 21st of Febuary I have been feeling nausea, hungry allot more, going to the restroom allot more and I normaly barely ever go in a day anyway, and also my stomach has kinda like bloated or something and feels a little hard could that be, I also have been having mood swings, another thing my breasts are tender to the touch so could this mean I am pregnant. But I should be having my period should be due to happen 16th or so of March I should start period if I’m not pregnant. But I still wonder cuz of all these different felings and symtoms I have been having and by the way I am 18 i will be 19 in June. My bf and I also don’t have a problem if I am we are just very curious and we have been wanting to have a kid anyway we would actually be so joyed if i am we would cry tears of joy. But My family would support me and so would he I mean he cryed from joy when I told him I thought I might be. So please I really need to know. Thank you for reading. Cuz i found out last time i postedto this that i wasn’t and most likely i wasn’t cuz we used protection but we didn’t this time since we want to have a kid so badly. als i havetwo nieces and two nephews and my neices call me mommy sometimes they love me so much my family says i will be a great mom when i become one cuz i take such good care of my neices that one is a toddler and one is an infant i took care of the younger one sincethe day she was born so i knwo i could handle the all nighters with the lil one but i so hope i am pregnant i would be so happy. But me and my bf plan to move out together and if i am or am not pregnant he would always be there for me he says he would feel like he was dying if he wasn’t with me anymore thats how much we in love and we been together for 5 yeas now.

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