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  • in reply to: Thank you #17791

    WOOOT! Go you! That’s a really,really brave descision you’re making,but you’re doing the right thing! Good luck! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    in reply to: going out of my mind help #17790

    It wasn’t your fault.Some babies live,some don’t.It’s one of those things.Don’t blame yourself.

    in reply to: Two Abortions…Pregnant agian…Keeping this one. #17789

    Aw! That’s really good you’re keeping your baby. I’m pro-choice,but I do understand how abortions can affect a woman for the rest of her life,and i really think this is the right thing to do. Times will be tough,but I’m sure you’ll make a fantastic mum. Good luck:)

    in reply to: In School #17651

    Well,I’ll be going on to do A levels.Whilst i am at school,either my mum or my boyfriend or my boyfriend’s mum will be babysitting.I feel a bit bad about it,because it is my kid, but it’s only for the first two years

    in reply to: Need Advice from someone who’s been there… #17560

    Hey! I’m 15,and 7 months pregnant.I’m in my GSCE year,and I’m doing exams at the minute,however,I’m going back to school for two years to do A-levels,then I’m hoping to go to university. Before I told my parents i thought that having a baby would completely muck up my education,but once you tell your parents and talk over what’s best for you,things won’t seem so complicated.

    Don’t leave it too long until you tell your parents.I did,because I was terrified of their reaction,Once I’d told them and they’d got over the shock,I really wished I’d told them sooner.I would have had their support right from the outset and it would have saved me so much worrying.

    Just go round their house some day,with or without your boyfriend,sit them down,and break it to them gently.Say you know it’s a shock,but it isn’t the end of the world.Say you hope you can rely on them for their support.Reassure them that YOU are ok,and tell them you’re going to finish your education.Also,remind them that worse things can happen-you could have a terminal illness or something. They will be really shocked,and there will be a lot of tears,but at the end of the day,they are your parents and they love you.

    Also,sometimes the ones you expect to be most horrified,suprise you by being the opposite.My gran is really strictly Christian,but once we told her she was behind me 100%,and now she’s delighted.Good luck =]

    in reply to: Breech?Eek #17558

    Well,phew,that’s a bit more reassuring than the stories I’ve heard so far.I really,really hope I don’t have to get a caesarean,I have a pretty unreasonable horror of it =[

    in reply to: Hopeless #17557

    Hmm, I agree.I’m nearly 16,and I got pregnant totally by accident,it was completely unplanned. I can’t wait to have my baby but this certainly isn’t the ideal time to have a child.Still,I’ll love my baby and try to cope.The thought of delibrately conceiving at this age just would never cross my mind

    in reply to: brave? no its just normal #17526

    Wow, you really are brave. Good on you for keeping it,I don’t know many girls that would act like you have.Having a disabled baby isn’t all bad-my mum has worked with down’s kids for years,and she loves them-she says they are unusually sweet and afectionate and can sometimes be really talented in certain areas.
    Also,my cousin had her daughterChloe when she was 16.Chloe has a serious illness,I can’t remember the name,but basically she’s blind,can’t walk,takes fits and has very limited speech.She’s 9 now.My cousin has 3 other children now,the youngst was born a week ago.She’s a truly amazing mother.You’ll do just fine =]

    in reply to: need help #17482

    Do you mean the money is being offered as compensation?if it is,take it.If,however,he is trying to bribe you to drop the claims,just send his sorry ass to jail

    in reply to: dedicated to Kennah #17274

    I am so,so sorry.I really don’t know what to say.I’m not sure about religion,but I’ll pray for you,in my own way,for what it’s worth

    in reply to: my baby had no heartbeat #17273

    I really don’t know what to say.You poor thing.I wish you all the best trying to get over it :(:(

    in reply to: need major help #17050

    Your loss is so recent.that it’s going to really hurt for a while.You’ll never forget your baby,but you can cope! Just rely on family and friends and take care of yourself.This is a bereavement like any other and as time goes by,it should become easier to bear.If,after a good while,you really feel you still can’t cope,then maybe you should see about counselling

    in reply to: It should hurt but it doesnt #17049

    Good on you for doing what’s best for you and your baby.That guy is scum,and you don’t need that in your life.Best of luck:)

    in reply to: 1 week to my abortion. #16829

    If your boyfriend loves you,he will do whatever it takes to make you happy.I’m 15 and 5 months pregnant.I’ll be pro-choice til the day i die,and keeping my baby is my choice. I was strongly considering an abortion, but after a long talk with my parents, I knew that wasn;t the right descision for me.I couldn’t have an abortion now,after feeling my baby move inside me.

    The way i see it, if you go through an abortion whilst being undecided-even the tiniest bit-it may do you a lot of mental damage,especially if you are quite far on. On the other hand,it’s a certainty that if you do have your baby,you will always love him or her,and even though times will be hard,you’ll never regret having it-you may regret the timing,but you will still love your baby.

    My boyfriend is a little like yours-he isn’t exactly delighted with the idea f having a kid yet,but who can blame him-i only told him two days ago.Still,he’s going to support me and stick by me.If you do have your baby,your boyfriend will love it.I just hope you do the right thing…

    in reply to: 14 and pregnant! helps #16827

    Well,if thats you in your display picture,looks like you have a bit of a tummy already- how far gone are you?
    I’m 15,I only found out I was pregnant a week ago,although I’m 5 months gone. I was terrified of telling my parents and didn’t have a clue how to go about it- but now they know,I wish I’d told earlier! I have had the most amazing support from them,and we are all really looking forward to the arrival of this baby. It’s done so much for my family-it has brought us together and made us happier than we ever could have expected. The baby’s daddy,my boyfriend,is sticking by too- he’s a great guy,and we’re very much in love. It’ll be hard to tell your parents,and you will be absolutely terrifed,but you haven’t committed a crime,you don’t have a terminal illness-think how much worse the situation could be! Your parents will be shocked,sad and devestated,but they’ll come round,and either fall in love with the baby if you have it,or support you and take care of you if you decide to have an abortion.This isn’t the end of the world.
    Just sit your parents down some day soon and get it out with as soon as you can.your mother may even suspect already-my mum guessed I was pregnant long before I did! It will hurt them more if they think you don’t trust them enough to confide in them when you’re alone and scared.Good luck!

    in reply to: Why? #16826

    Oh goodness.That is way unfair. Was he the one instigating the texts-I mean,did it seem like he was chasing her or she was chasing him? She could just be a bit obsessed,and he doesn’t want you to know in case you worry. He may not care about her at all,it could all be on her side- but obviously you need to ask him

    If it does sem like he has a thing with this girl, then maybe this is his way of coping with his bereavement?he may not want to hurt you,but maybe he needs an outlet. It could mean nothing.You need to talk to him.You don’t deserve this,after what you’ve been through,but try to be sympathetic- he’s been through a hard time too,and he may just be coping in his own way

    in reply to: how sick is this #16774

    And that’s true?Like,it definitly isn’t an urban legend?That’s crazy.A baby at 10…wow.
    Also,what sort of weird 15 year old would go out with a 9 year old?Unless she looked older and told him she was like 13.You can;t tell with some kids these days

    in reply to: Freaked Out #16754

    I’m 15 too,and I’m 19 weeks pregnant.I only found out last week though.It’s good that you have your boyfriend’s support,so you aren’t completely on your own.It’s going to be hard for your parents-it was for mine-but now,they’re just as excited as me.If you don’t have a close relationship with your parents don’t worry-this could bring you all closer.It did for my family.If you want to keep the baby,just think-they may glare at you for a while,but once they actually see their grandchild,they’ll fall in love.
    But seriously,talk to them.Show them how much you need them,and talk over every option with them.You don’t need to quit school-I’m continuing with my exams this year,and I’m going back to school for A levels,and I’m planning on going to uni.A baby doesn;t necessarily need to ruin your life-your plans may be a little harder,and take a little longer to accomplish.
    As for being a slut-well,of course your not! Accidents happen to the very best of us.I’ve been with my boyfriend 2 years.We lost it to each other-that hardly makes me a slut,though I’m going to be a teen mum.
    Being pregnant and having a child means you will be feeling things that your friends haven’t experienced and can;t imagine.Ignore them:they don’t understand.True friends will stand by you:those who won’t aren’t worth your time.What matters is your health and happiness.

    And don’t forget:they may call you names today,but tomorrow it could be them.Hope all goes well for you.

    in reply to: Curse of the Pregnancy Hormones #16753

    Oh,oh.I thought I’d escaped the dodgy hormones… but I’m only 19 weeks as yet so…it’s not too late.Eek.
    What has been driving me mad though,is that in the past week or so,I’ve been getting really bad hot flushes,and something resembling a craving for french fries….well,here we go!

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