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ParticipantI really hope I don’t have to get one for any reason. But i’ll do whatever it takes to keep him in good health. He i my everything, his daddys too. We jut feel so lucky that U actually got pregnant conidering I was told I never could. Thanks for all the advice, it all helps. I’m going to pre register at the hospital in the morning jut in case.
ParticipantI’m so sorry about your loss, but i’m o glad you actually got to hold him even though he was already gone. Things happen for a reason and I wish you the best of luck in life, your so strong.
ParticipantIt’s scary to know how big he really is inside of me, but at the same time it makes me feel good knowing that he is big and healthy. -lol- I’m hoping i’ll have him sometime soon. (:
ParticipantOh goodness, I think I can handle the pain better then I can the needle. I hate needles, and I get really bouncy when someone is trying to pur one in me. I really want to like feel him come out, i’m not sure why but I feel like thats how it is supposed to be done. I’m hoping my baby boy comes soon!
ParticipantTo be on the safe side i’m not going to completely say no to the epidural. I’m going to tell them I want them to have one ready just in case. Cause i’m not for sure how bad the pain will be. I’ve had real contractions already, but the hospital said when I go to have him the contractions will be much worse. I honestly think that Braxton’s real due date is around February 13th, or February 14th. The ultra sound lady said that is most likely when he will come since he is already so big. I’m getting so excited I can’t wait till I finally have him. It truely feels like my pregnancy has been going on for several years. -lol-
ParticipantDo either of you remember how big your baby was at thirty one and a half weeks? My baby boy is four pounds and fourteen ounces, and already in the head down position. They are not sure when i’m actually due anymore.
Participant[color=#FF0080]Good luck, hope your labor is easy! I only have nine more weeks till I have my baby boy. Update with pictures and news when your baby is born. (:
ParticipantDon’t rush into things. It’s much safer that way. Marriage isn’t such a bad idea either, if you two are in love that is. I hope everything goes well.
Participant[color=#FF0080]Your story is very touching, I myself am pregnant. Except my story is far different then yours. I got pregnant by my now husband at sixteen, shortly after turned seventeen and married my husband with the blessing of my mother and father, and they signed for it. I’m also having a baby boy. I’m 30 weeks, and four days pregnant. I’m so happy you never let anyone talk you into killing your baby, no woman can really be happy by that choice. Your a very strong young lady, and so many people should look at you like that. Good luck woth your baby, and school. I hope you will update about your baby boy.
ParticipantIf you have an abortion you will have to suffer from it the rest of your life. No kind hearted woman can live with killing her baby and be okay with it. I sure hope you make the right choice.
ParticipantYes, it is possible to have problems after an abortion. Good luck. I wish you the best. Along with a very marry christmas.
ParticipantAlright thanks. I’ll call my doctor in the morning. I almost went to the hospital over it last night but then I thought maybe I am just over reacting. I woke my husband up and he got scared but when we looked it up it said I could just be losing parts of it. So I have been trying not to worry.
ParticipantUsually the eating a lot don’t come till your a few months pregnant. Peeing a lot is the same. Heart Burn usually comes in when your about four or five months. Morning sickness happens after your a few weeks pregnant, sometimes later. Stress can cause a lot of these. It’s probably just stress if you took a test when your period didn’t come. Getting a blood test would be better to do, and if you are they can tell you for sure. Good luck.
ParticipantPulling out don’t work, the best thing you can do is take a pregnancy test. Good luck. I hope all goes well.
ParticipantBeing pregnant at seventeen is hard, I wont lie to you. But I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m twenty seven weeks, and four days pregnant. I’ve thought about my future, and about my fiances future, and honestly I couldn’t imagine it without our beautiful unborn son. Pregnancy is a wonderful and beautiful thing. Just think about it, that baby growing inside of you will always be a part of you, and will always love you no matter what. That baby don’t care about money, or about your past, that baby only cares about you being there for him or her. I promise you if you keep the baby, your baby it’ll bring you happiness every day for the rest of your life. Most guys that want you to get an abortion usually leave you after you do it. I don’t want to scare you, but it has happened to lots of girls I know. I have a friend that can’t stand living her life because she killed her baby. I am a christian so I want to put it this way, No one on gods green earth truely has a right to take away anyones life, only god has the right to take them to heaven because he needs them with him. Life is a blessing, as is pregnancy. I really hope you make the right choice. Good luck.
ParticipantIt could be to early to tell, or there could just be something that is wrong. I’m not trying to scare you. But you could not be getting your period if your stressed. About seven months before I got pregnant I stopped having a period and was told I could never have children. But they was wrong.
ParticipantThe best way to find out if your pregnant is wait till your next period and if you get it but it doesn’t seem normal take a test, and if you don’t get it take a test. Good luck, hope all goes well for you.
ParticipantThank you very much.
ParticipantI’m really sorry for your loss, I’m glad your doing okay though. It helps to have support in a time like this I know. Good luck with everything.
ParticipantDear, I know how it feels to lost a child. &’nd i’m so sorry that you have lost three. Give it some time &’nd i’m sure you will carry a baby full turm. Honestly losing the babies could have been because of you age, and body. If your body isn’t matured enough you most likely wont be able to carry full turm. Again, i’m really sorry. Good luck with everything.
ParticipantYou can never really be to sure, just to be on the safe side you may want to go to the doctor and get checked out. Good luck, I wish you the best.
ParticipantHaving an abortion is a choice, and not having one is a perfect choice. Stand up for yourself and you baby. (:
ParticipantI’m really sorry you have had to go through that two times. I have only lost one baby, but I know how bad it hurt me. I hope that things get better. I also hope one day you have a baby, and I hope your okay.
ParticipantYour welcome, if you ever need to talk you can message me or whatever.
ParticipantI’m so sorry for your loss. I lost a baby last November, I was eight weeks pregnant. I was so depressed. But time made the pain slowly fade. I wish you the best of luck, and I want you to know only time can heal you, but you will never fully recover. Just remember to hold your head up, and don’t stop loving your sweet baby. No matter what anyone says the baby is still your baby, and your still it’s mommy. It’s probably in heaven looking after you, loving you. Just as you love the sweet baby. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.