Forum Replies Created
ParticipantNot bein funny bu uv asked people to reply who arnt ”teens” this site is for teen mums an people who need upport, u are basing ur argument on 1 case, an u even got the fact wrong the girl was 12 years old when she was pregnant cz it was in magazines. . . . . . . .I understand wot u are tryin 2 say bu plz do it on another site, this sit is to support those TEENS who are pregnant an need help, not to be slanderd by people like you. I have seen an spoken to poepl who such big opionions like u do an slag off those mums who do look after there children an are good mums. Please if u wanna be nasty bout yuong mums go sumwhere else please
Participantyh i agree with the anoyin fakes. . . . .go ashmo!!!!! lol, luff luff xxxx
Participantall i gotta say is goodluck xxx
ParticipantSounds like implantation bleeding huni. . . But go to the doctors an get checked over u never know. . . plus worryin a stressin can harm the baby an cause misscarrage plz go to the docs an put ur mind at rest. . . . .. .Bu i had it wen i was 7 weeks pregnant an my mdwife sez it was implantation bleedin an dirrty blood from my last period, im now 26 weeks with my healyth son who is due 16th July xxxxxxx I wish u all the luck in the world xxxxx
ParticipantWell all the signs point to preg!!! have u had unprotected sex b4 or was it just that once???? I wish u all the luck in the world wen u take the test an i hope u get the result u really want. . .xxxxxx:)
Participantomg i hope everythin works out an ill be thinkin of u an ur babies xxxxx
Participantwell if they cut u off for havin another child then they will be missing out!!! An this might jus be the thing for u an ur bf to get some independance!!! U 2 have 2 daugthers an should be independant an not need ur parents help. . . . .xxxxxxx
ParticipantHuni as long as u are there for ur son an give him all the love and support he needs then he will be fine. . . Dont worrie so much xxxx
ParticipantHuni there are soooo many schemes which help young mums who are in skool an want to carry on the education after the baby is born dont worrie about it. . . go to ur scholl counciler or nurse an they will help you with all that. . . . .An as for the popel at skool ignor them, they have all prob had sex jus that uv got caught!!! Ur not a slut an dont every think of ur slef as one. . . . .Ur family will come round trust me. . . .im glad ur bf is supportvie an thats the main thing. . . . U will b a brill mom, congrats an good luck xxxxx 🙂
ParticipantHuni, go to the docs an get a blood test. . . . xxxxx
Participanthuni, u sound pregnant,
id take a pregnancy test. . . an go to the docs?? xxxxxx:)Stephie.b
Participantget a test huni, i had cramps an thought it was my period bu they wernt, godd luck xxx:)
Participantwell if u are late take a home pregnancy test if ur not happy with the result go to the docs an they will do 1 for you. . . goodluck sweetie xxxx
ParticipantI sleep wih a pillow imbetween my legs, it really helps, i couldent slepp bu havin the pillow works try it, xxxx:)
ParticipantWell it does sound like ur preg, bu u wont know untill that blood test is done, i wish u all the luck in the world xxxxx:)
ParticipantI think that u should sit down (the both of you) an tell ur parents the truth. . . .Before that get everythink ready just incase u do get chucked out because of the lies you have told, by no means expect an easy ride if you have been lying.
But your parents deserve the truth before you leave an to know that your are making them grandparents!!!
You dont need the stress of pretending an slinking around, you need ot come round an tell them the truth, u never know they might be angry bu still help an be there for you. . . But you will never know unless you come clean sweetie.
I was gonna run bu u cant run away from ur problems cuz they eventually come round an bite u in the bottom lol.
If u need any help or wanna chat email me xxxxx:)
ParticipantWow u are soooooo strong an i admire that. . . . . .
If i was u i would keep this baby, ur partner will either warm up to this or not bu this is a choice u need to make, do u really want to end this babies life because of ur partner, please dont depend on him if u do then wen somthin happens ur opinion or what u want will never matter to him cuz uv given up sooooo much for him.If this man loves you he will come back if he does kick u out on the street do u really want to be with him???
This is YOUR baby, an this unborn child depends on you for everything…
ParticipantIt might be that ur worring that is delaying ur period, I was round 4 weeks late an eventually come on (b4 i was pregnant). . . .The doctor told me it was because of me being stressed an worring. . . . . .. But take a test u dont loos anythin xxxxxx
Participantagain i jus wanna say congrats on u havin ur little boy!!! i wish u all the luck in the world xxxxxxx:)
ParticipantThe only thing i can say is go to the doctors about the different problems you r having, they could be somthing serious, plz go an get medical help.. . . . . .. . xxxxxxxx
Participantawwww, well at least u still have 2 healty babies. . . . . .I feel for ur loss an maby in the futer baby number 1 will come back to you. . . . . . .I wish you all the luck in the world with ur 2 other healthy children xxxxxxx
Participantwow ur story is very inspiring, i wish u all the luck in the world xxxxxxx
ParticipantNah i owuldent be worried, ive had lodsa infections n tablets while pregnant an my baby is still nice an healthy, if u are really worried go to the doctors an get it checked out, need to chat bout naythin else im here xxxxxx
ParticipantWell if its spermacide lube it reduces the chance of u gettin pregnant, bu no u can still get pregnant using lube sweetie xxxxx
Participantwow, it could be, have u had any counciling???? maby u need to just let it all out an have a good cry,
Im her eif u need any help xxxxx -