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  • in reply to: stomach pains, 5th month #20129

    Yeah there are two different kinds of pain, and if you are experiencing the kind im feeling sometimes, im 20 weeks as well.. it only happens in school when ive been walking around and standing all day but it feels like contractions and goes away after a lil while if i lie down.

    in reply to: What do u guys think of Jaime Lynne’s pregnancy #20083

    nope their getting rid of her tv show zoey 101, i actually was flipping thru the channels today and watched half an episode, and before every commerical break they said "goodbye to zoey 101" and theyre having some movie called Goodbye zoey 101 on tommarow night. I personally think that they should keep on making episodes, and make an episode on the reality, not trying to hide it.

    in reply to: Two Danes #19950

    Wow i know this is really blunt but i really think you should leave him. I mean, whats going to stop him from cheating on you in the future, because if he has these secret intentions its not hard for these intentions to become very real. I mean, what if he hurts you or the baby in his attempt to be "free?" I knowww how hard it is to leave your babys father, i’ve almost had to before. But you have to be strong and think of whats right.

    in reply to: I miss being pregnant #19949

    yeah, i mean im preganant right now, but i think about that same thing alot, i know ill have that on my mind when that time comes, but always know that there is a whole life ahead of you when you can have another baby, or as many as you want. Man if it was practical for me I’d be pregnant all the time and just pop out a million babies lol

    in reply to: bad mother #19927

    yeah, im a sophmore in high school, im supposed to be graduating this year which is kinda sad, i was immature and stupid and neveer wanted to go to my classes so i stayed back not once but twice!! i thought about giving up and just getting my GED and going to college but then i thought about it alot and changed my mind. I’m almost 5 months pregnant so i understand where your coming from. I really want the best for my baby so im going to do whatever i can!!

    in reply to: My boyfriend dont want my baby anymore #19926

    Any man can be a FATHER, it takes a special guy to be a DAD.

    in reply to: Replacing my family with my babys daddy.. #19924

    aww thanks you guys =] yeah i shared how i felt with my babys daddy and he understood because he knows how my parents are. they kinda neglect me in a way =[ i feel like the black sheep..

    in reply to: Loneliness #19910

    aww i understand the clingyness!!
    because i love my boyfriend to death, and i always feel i need to be with him whenever i get the chance to, i feel like i cant go a second without being with him, or else i get reallly lonely and bored =[

    i’m 4 1/2 months pregnant and going through some tremendous amounts of stress but alot of it has lessened over time. I love being with my babys daddy because it gives me a strong sense of security that we’re going to work this through and make it =]

    in reply to: Ame07 #19909

    oh no no hunny loll have the court do it for you, if he doesnt pay then he goes to jail

    in reply to: how can i convince her?! #19908

    I have a friend like yours, and she was a week farther than me, i was 10 weeks and she was 11. She told me the same thing. She drank alot so she thought that would back her up to go through with the abortion. When I tried to discourage her from getting one she ignored me completely and said no matter what i said she was going to do it and nothing i could say would change that. So i was very disapointed because i wanted her to go through her pregnancy with me. She started saying how she’s 19, shes too young, (I’m 17) and doesnt get paid enough at her job to support a baby (i make less than she does) and how she wants to go to college(a baby doesnt prevent you from going to college) so everything she said really pist me off. So she ended up gettin the abortion, and she told me how it wasnt a big deal, and then she even showed me the ultrasound pictures of the baby as well…. so sad =[

    in reply to: IM HAVIIN A #19907

    Yeah, I cant wait to find out next week what my babys sex is. I’m 17 weeks along now, and i think its gonna be a boy, im pretty sure it is. But yeah i was drinkin a lil & smokin alott before i found out i was preg. but when i found out i quit everything, sometimes i’ll have a few drags off a cigg when im desperate but other than that ive been stayin away from them. How far along are u now?

    in reply to: Fun thread… Were You Convinced?? #19889

    Hahah aww =] i loved reading all your posts. I’ll keep you guys updated on what i find out at my next ultrasound! I kinda hope its a boy because ive already picked out a name for sure… Aiden Micheal Condon

    in reply to: Replacing my family with my babys daddy.. #19887

    i have a younger sister

    in reply to: Premature Girls Wanting Babies #19832

    Well, for some of us it happened unexpectedly, but I was the one who didnt really do anything to prevent it from happening. So I was on the birth control pill, i stopped taking it for a while, met my babys daddy and during that time i liked the thought of getting pregnant, having a life growing inside of me, having someone to love and care for, someone that would also depend on me. Now I’m 4 and a half months pregnant, and i don’t regret it exactly but i feel so stupid for wanting a baby when i didnt really fully understand what i would endure. I never thought about my eduation either, I’m 17 and im in high school, I stayed back two years, once in 7th grade and once in 9th, and now im paying for it by spending another 2 extra years in school. I had been thinking lately about dropping out, but now im trying to focus again and just stick it out. So i want to discourage those 14, 15+ girls who want babies from getting pregnant, but then i guess id be some sort of hippocrite.

    in reply to: omg..i cnt believe what i did.. #19826

    ***huge imaginary hug***
    I’m soooo sorry that you had to go through that. But you can always have a baby when your ready. I’ll keep you in my prayers hunni…

    in reply to: choosing adoption – duedate5/11/08 #19825

    Hey maybe I can help, I’m 17 years old and 16 weeks pregnant. I’m having my baby 5/20/08 a little after yours. I’m really scared too, i work two jobs, i go to school /w two years left in high school, but the only thing thats different with me is that my boyfriend is still in the picture. Trust me, your family will come around to help you while your in school. My advice is to get a part-time or full time job while you go to school, save up as much money as you can, and who said you cant go to school with a baby? Its been done before and you can do it. At least your in college. I really envy you lol, I feel like dropping out everyday but the thought of my baby growing inside me keeps me going no matter what everyone else thinks/says. I’m doing everything and anything i can for the future of my child. Plus, there’s alot of financial aid programs, you dont necessarily need welfare or anything like that, but they have state programs for discounted daycare and stuff like that so you could still go to school. If you want any more advice im here =]

    in reply to: Hey all u girls out there! #19822

    yeah im kinda lost. i feel like giving up even though i want the best for my baby, I just want to drop out, get my ged and go to college. I have two years left, and im 17. I stayed back twice and im supposed to be graduating this yr. It really really sucks. I’d rather get my ged now, go to college, take care of my baby after its born in May, finish my community service, work full time and save up money, and get to see my boyfriend more often. I’d rather drop out and go with my plan B then spend 2 more years in high school and graduate when im 19!! =[ idk what to do i feel so lost… well meanwhile im still in school but i feel like theres no point in going if im going to drop out….

    in reply to: come and go pregnancy signs #19820

    don’t worry too much about it. You can find out using an ovulation calender, search google for one, if you don’t remember when u last had your period try to estimate it and look back about a month ago on the ovulation calender and it should give u a week’s idea of when you concepted.

    in reply to: Hey everyone!!…Its been a while #19763

    aww yay awsomee ill never let anyone bring me down =]

    in reply to: RANDOM =) #19762

    How old were you when u got pregnant? 16
    How old are u now? 17
    How long was your labour? still preggers
    Did you have ne drugs or interventions? hopefully none
    Did you finish school? I still have two years left because i stayed back twice, but im trying to finish as soon as i can!!
    Would you change things if you could (eg abortion, adoption)? i dont believe in it, my parents tried to convince me
    Are you still with the father? yep

    in reply to: Ame07 #19761

    My advice is for you to get a civil restraining order. it doesnt cost any money and he can get arrested if he contacts you or comes anywhere near u. are u getting child support?

    in reply to: Dated a Rapist #19760

    hey hun, I sorta know what your going through, and ive got some helpful advice. Now abortion is never the answer in my opinion. Since you’ve been through that traumatic experience i have some helpful options for you to think of, there are emergency shelters in every community, i believe there is infoline if you dial #211 depending on where you live. Stay with someone you trust, anyone other than your boyfriend. I know it will hurt really bad to leave him but hes not right for you, and your child. think about your baby. Also, there is adoption, if you strongly believe your not ready to take care of a baby. I’m here if you ever need me.

    in reply to: You’re not gonna want tohear this ! #19754

    I am so sorry this has happened to you. I’m scared in a way because ive had some red flags with my babys daddy before, but things have never escalated to the point where he’d punch me or hit me, although we do get into heated arguments and he’ll throw things.

    in reply to: Coryn’s Birth Story! #19694

    aww congratlations

    in reply to: Health Insurance Help….. #19693

    my babys father is still with me. I’m very proud of him because he just got a good job. He’s working at Direct TV and getting paid $13 an hour. I’m saving every dime i have and putting it all in the bank, so far i have almost $500, and I’m going to keep on saving and saving until the end of my pregnancy, and i’m going to take a couple months off to take care of my baby before i go back to the teen pregnancy program at the school. I know that things are going to work out. My family thinks its selfish to want to keep my baby when i cant support it, when i know i can support it and ill do everything and anything i can. I know i’ll be a good mother no matter how much my family doubts me.

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