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  • in reply to: Baby Fever #28020

    Hey congrats on ur 2 kids! i cant say i know wat u feelin but i can say that u shud wait out for the riht guy, someone u can build a life and home with and someone who will be stable n love u n care for ur kids d as u all deserve. i know the urge is der n it wont go away but u gta be responsible and fulfil ur urge n desire for a nada by wen d tym is ryt…tke care!xx

    in reply to: when will i show #28003

    its different for every woman and every pregnancy, the general time is between 3-5months u start gettin a little speed bump n then a pretty preg belly till 7-8th monh n BOOM a belly sooo huge u cant c ur toes lol!!

    in reply to: I want others opinions. #28002

    i know its hard to put aside and its hard to not think about it, but hey if it makes u feel better go ahead ntake those preg tests everyday, let me know wat happens on day 9, n im not sure if the blod test will pick it up now, i ASSUME it would….but thats jus a wild guess… keep us posted on wat goin on…

    in reply to: any input will be helpful #28001

    hey, firstly im so glad that u are taking the time to think this through. from what u are discribing, yes it doesnt seem the environment to bring up a baby in, and while u have an option to be a single mother, id like to bring to ur attention another idea… ADOPTION. u said u feel strongly against abortion and u r nt ready to be parents and that u cannot finance the child and u want ur baby to have the best kife possible, this might be the option for u, there are soo many couples who are desperately wanting a baby.

    ultimately, like u said, it is ur choice to make, i just wanted u to know all ur optins, keeo us posted n good luck!

    in reply to: negative result of PT #27973

    yeah i think its prety accurate, if u had intercourse 21 days ago and fell preg it would be showing on the preg test by now fr sure, so i think ur not pregnant….

    in reply to: I want others opinions. #27972

    hey :), firstly id lke t say that yes u are right about the ovulation dates not always occuring at dat can happen, secondly ur also right that if u are preg it is wayyy too early fr milk to be comming in HOWEVER the breast tenderness and slight cramping are both symptoms of a possible pregnancy and u may think its too early but some women experience the symptoms from day 1 so it is possible. i suggest u dont panic n just wait till ur period is due, if it comes but the flow is very light or u just find urself spoting a little, that could also be an indicaor that u are pregnant and then should take a test, however till then, keep a look ut for other signs eg frequent peeing, nausea etc…. i hope u find this info usefull, tke care! keep us updated!

    in reply to: someone pleas help #27962

    i think its unlikely but possible…. u should take a blood test to be 100% sure if ur preg or not….good luck! let us know what the result is

    in reply to: negative result of PT #27961

    hey if u really wana put ur mind at ease and not 100% sure if the urine test is giving u the accurate result then get a blood test done! also i agre with Meg u cud be stressing and therefore not getting ur period… ope this helps, tace care and keep us updated

    in reply to: I’m pregnant :’) UPDATE! #27945

    congrats Gabby, keep us posted! let us know how it goes at the doc

    in reply to: erm.. 3 days late :/ #27863

    let us know whats up when u do…..

    in reply to: My hidden bubble #27842

    hi there,i understand the pain and dissapointment u feel at urself as a mother. but it was somehing u had no control over, it is not ur fault and pleez dont blame urself! u are a great mom to ur kids….i dont know about u, but i believe in Destiny, and in my opinion it was just destiny, ur son innocently jumped on ur belly and u like u said, u had only suspected at the time. ur baby is waiting for u in a better place, a place hat is eternal, and i hope u find comfort and solace in knowing that u will be re united again… if u would like to talk plz feel free to add me aa a friend. tace care x

    in reply to: Have I forgotten anything? :S x #27840

    hey ther! firstly congrats on d pregnancy with twins, dat mus b so awesum! i think u have everything u need, um but im noy sure where u frm, but im from South Africa n although i breastfed my kids, i know that people who formula feed here often need those, oh wat the heck do dey call it…. its a insulated bottle warmer, it keeps the mixed formula or the water for ur formula warm when its already in the bottle, and ppl here also carry a flask to keep purified water in when they are out and about….. sorry if this is useless info to u but jus thought it might help…take care and congrats once again, ur gonna be an amazing mum t those lucky twins!

    in reply to: its been forever.. #25797

    hey hey hey look whos back…. dont b a stranger now super mom!!

    in reply to: Baby fits #25530

    hey sweety!! woah have i been down that road lol, i agree with JenLo on the laptop thing, distraction distraction distraction is the best way!!

    on the naps thing, i did it like this wit my daughter, i was breastfeeding so that naturally made her drowsy but before i put her down i rocked her humming a tune n then jus before the eyes close put her in n she would toss n turn n pull her face like she was about to cry then i start humming the tune again n stroke her till she slept, eventually she got to a stage where she would still toss n turn but aslong as that tune was being hummed she remained calm till she fell asleep…. now she is 18months n falls asleep on her own with no hassel but she has her days wen shes over tired or grumpy n i jus start humming n before u know it shes out!! she still wriggles like a worm though but it doesnt disturb her sleep at all…

    sorry this was soo long lol and btw he is 6mos now so he is learning to manipulate and he is learning that drying will get him wat he wants soo pleez wateva u decide to do jus keep dat in mind

    lotza love hun, u know where to get me if u need anythin!!


    in reply to: Am i crazy or is this normal??? please help #25406

    Hey Erin

    first of all congrats on ur pregnancy!

    yes this is fairly normal as ur body is goin through crazy hormonal changes now that ur pregnant, its nothing to worry about but feel free to talk to a doc if u are worried about it, thats wat they are there for, it gets better after the first trimester or so


    in reply to: Im Worried Im pregnant!?!?!Help #25405

    take a blood test for the quickest most accurate result0

    in reply to: early labour symptoms??!! #25291

    hey there…. yip this cud b signs that labour will dawn soon… how soon? u wont know till it happens 🙂 but now is the time to keep an eye on those tummy pains n monitor them, u r gettin lower back pain n tailbone pain coz the baby is settling into the pelvis n the shooting stinging pains are also for the same reason and bcoz of this it puts pressure on the back which probably wont ease till u giv birth…. u r showing all the signs of an upcommin labour so i dont think it will be long now…..

    im 38weeks preg n where i am its winter, so i find puttin a heat pack on my back helps ALOT n taki a warm shower with the shower heade aimed at my lower back works wonders too, u can try counter pressure too by lettin sumone apply deep pressure to the back or take an exercise ball n place it between u n the wall n do squats with the ball rolling on ur back, its wonderfull stuff lol

    hope this helps n dont worry it wont be long now b4 u hold ur lil one n all this pain will be nothin more then a memory 😀


    in reply to: Find out the sex or wait? #25290

    well i waited it out for my 1st born n to hear it was a girl jus gave a crazy wonderful surprise as we wer all playin the guessin game n im currently 38weeks preg wit number 2 n dont know the sex again coz i wana have that same feeling!! ill keep all my babies a surprise

    in reply to: easier said then done.. #25271

    hey im sooo sorry to hear abot how u r feeling…. maybe you need to tell someone exactly what you have said here and let them phone n make the appointment for you and have them take you there that way you know u will go through with it and i think the sooner you get help the better because as u said, a self distruct mode has been turned on which is not unusual if one doesnt seek help.

    but the fact that u are able to recognise it n know that this is not the way u r suppose to be is a GOOD thing, it shows that u r not gone over the edge and there is a part of ur brain that is being rational over the strong pain n hurt u r feeling

    im soo sorry for your pain n i hope u get the help u need before this gets worse…. and hopefully with this help, time and healing… you will find peace and get past this very difficult time

    lotsa love xoxo

    in reply to: Starting to show? #25185

    well wit my first pregnancy i started showing at about 13 weeks n amazingly this time around i only started showing at 22weeks (i found out i was preg at 18 weeks!) n now im 36weeks n i look like a whale!!!

    in reply to: Childrens toothpaste? #25160

    hi. i havent heard bout dat but my lil one luvs Aquafresh milk teeth toothpaste

    in reply to: should i tell her? #25103

    hey, i really think that if u tell her n tawk to her it will do u a WORLD of good, talking about it to sum1 who wont judge u n loves u is a vital step in the healing process, ur mum really has no say in who u decide to tell, coz it was ur baby,its ur pain, its ur life thats affected, not hers, n i think if u trust n luv ur nan n u know she isnt gonna judge u then go for it, u need alot of support from those who love u…. i have no idea how u shud break it tho… good luck n i wish u all the best, take care of urself


    in reply to: just getting it out. #25091

    im soo glad that u made this choice and im even happier about tha fact that u chose to share ur story for others to benifit…

    in reply to: Really need help on dicipline #25060

    hey lol i have a 15month old girl too n she does the exact same thing except she eats well and she started acting up at around 13 months….they have basically hit ‘the terrible 2s’ a lil earlier. they want things their way or no way. it is VERY important for you to show her at this stage that you are boss coz if she starts gettin her way wit manipulation, shes gonna becum spoilt, but shes gotta be handled with luv too odawise shes gonna be stubborn lol its a balancing game!

    thers a variety of methods to choose from, all with different levels of strictness, its for you to choose which ones u are comfy implying and also wat she responds best lil one responded best to a method that involved allowing her to vent her anger so that her feelings arent suppresd but i didnt pick her up or anything during the anger burst then when she calmed down or came to me for calming, i explained to her why she cant have her way and gave her a hug n kiss n played a game or read a book that she chose. she realized very soon that getting angry n throwin a tantrum got her nowhere, so now instead she cums for a cuddle n we go n do something where she is in control and things go her way…

    good luck!!

    in reply to: HELP! please! #25050

    each pregnancy is different and so are each ones symptoms… in one u myt have more or less sickness then the in the other same applies for the backache, swelling, peeing etc etc etc lol i dont think u need to worry jus enjoy the ride! however if u feel the need to, go to ur doc n tell him or her about ur concerns, after all thats wat they are there for


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