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  • in reply to: Need advice please …. #25132

    I just want to begin by telling you that many young girls have found themselves in your same situation, but you do not have to panic or feel alone. We are all here to help and support you. Because you had unprotected sex, you are worrying yourself enough that it may be delaying your period. Stress and anxiety will have an effect on your body.

    In my oppinion, walking around unsure and paranoid isn’t going to help. Go to your doctor and talk to him about what’s going on and ask him to give you a blood test. You will have an immediate answer.

    If you need any further help, please let us know. If you are pregnant, we can help guide you through the next step. You don’t have to feel alone, even at that point.


    in reply to: Letting go #25131

    I’m sorry that you’re hurting so much for your ex. You have to know that you’re not alone. It can be a heavy weight to bare with everything you’re trying to accomplish with school, and trying to be the best mommy you can be to Caden.

    Some people will always disappoint us in life. That is a fact. Our expectations of others may exceed what they are capable of at that point in their life. They have to have an open heart and a willingness to be that person we want and they also may not realize their potential to be more selfless, and compassionate. So, they will continue to go through life feeling the effects of their choices and, possibly, if they experience enough sorrow and lonliness
    as a result of those bad choices, they will change their life around.

    You have given your life to Caden and are a true example of selflessness. Your daily example of love, commitment, and determination as a mother, a student and as a role model will not go unnoticed. Many young girls will look to you for support and guidance because of what you have and will continue to accomplish. Your story will be shared by many people you may never know, but the effects of your example will be HUGE!! I hope that you can remain confident yet graceful in the face of his and his family’s attacks on you. I hope that you can feel the beauty of your baby boy when you are feeling weak and lonely, and that the beauty of his innocence will lift you and give you courage to continue on. Steadily, patiently, and lovingly no matter what others say or do.

    We are always here to talk. You can always print out a few forum posts that inspire you the most, and carry them with you. When you need take a quiet moment to sit and refocus, read some of those posts and remember the rewards of your hard work.

    God bless,

    in reply to: An update from me #25130

    Hi Kylie,

    Thank you for coming back and sharing your updated story with your beautiful family.

    I’m fairly new to the site as well and am here to share my experiences as a mother, (of 7 to be exact) and an adament supporter of LIFE!!

    I feel that by sharing our stories and giving support to oneanother, we may be able to bring about a new understanding for young girls and women of all ages. An understanding of how strong they truly are and with the right information they can demonstrate their abilities to be mothers. You have demonstrated that by your determination to make it work and at all costs… give your baby life!! You are now savouring the beauty and innocence of your baby, you’re learning to be a healthy mommy and your 2yr old little girl is experiencing being a big sister. All thanks to your courage.

    I am truly touched!!
    If you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask.

    Many blessings,

    in reply to: Potty Training #25102

    I know how you feel. I have had two in diapers many times and it is no fun. I think you’ll have enough time to get her trained before the baby is here, but be prepared for some set backs when the baby arrives. It may or may not be a problem for her, but usually when something upsets their normal routine, or a new baby is in the house, their emotions are affected and it will come out in all different areas. (usually potty accidents) They won’t last though. She will settle back into the potty ritual once the baby has been there awhile.

    Good luck and let us know if you need any other help. I hope you have a beautiful and healthy pregnancy.
    I’m always here to talk.


    in reply to: Potty Training #25087

    Hi there,
    I have potty trained a few of our children right about the age where their vocabulary is broad enough to us words to communicate and also to understand what it is I’m wanting them to do. It has usually fallen at 2yrs. of age. That’s not to say, that some pretraining didn’t go on before that. You can certainly try letting her sit on a smaller potty around the house to get use to the feel of it. (with or without clothes on) Then gradually move it closer to the bathroom. Try taking her into the bathroom with you to use the potty and she will begin to understand what goes on. As it gets closer to summer, I find it’s easier to just let my almost 2 yr. old wear panties and a dress, or T-shirt, that way it’s a little easier to take her frequently and she won’t be annoyed by having to climb in and out of pants so much.

    Overall, I’d say, whether she’s talking or not, if she’s showing signs of staying dry in her diaper at night, and for long periods during the day, try taking her as soon as she wakes up and then again after meals. See how she does by just sitting her there and not making a big fuss over it. Let her get down if she wants and go about your day. Try again in about an hour or so. If she becomes mad, or reluctant to go with you or says “no”, then just be patient and give her a few more days, or another week. Certainly, if she is showing signs of being upset about your new activity for her, I would stop for a bit then reintroduce it slowly sometime later.

    Good luck,

    in reply to: just getting it out. #25085

    Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. It will be an inspiration for a lot of young girls who read this. You have been given the gift of courage to stand up for your baby, and are now experiencing the joy and reward of your choice to give your baby LIFE!!! What a beautifully empowering thing it is to be a MOTHER!! Nothing can compare to it, and the strength you feel now is only a small glimpse of what is yet to come. Hang on because you, and everyone around you are going to fall in love with this baby.

    I am so very happy for you as many others will be. This will have lasting affects that can help future generations of young mothers and lives of the unborn. YOUR DECISION will change the views of unplanned teen pregnancies in your immediate community and can help put abortion clinics out of business.

    May you have a peaceful and healthy pregnancy. Please stay in touch and let us walk this journey with you.

    Your friend in motherhood,

    in reply to: too soon too take a test… #25080

    Hi Jennim,
    I’m sorry I was sick for a little while and wasn’t here to reply.

    People can be horribly cruel and detached, come and go in and out of our lives, and withhold love from us for selfish reasons. Why is it that the ones that say they love us one day…..turn around and abandon us the next? Fear, pride and selfishness.

    If you think of all the things that has happened with your boyfriend in the past…you may be able to associate his actions to one of these three.
    I’m sorry you’re having to go through a difficult time, when you should be commended for your courageous spirit. Don’t let your mother’s weakness burden you and cause you to doubt your ability to carry your baby full term. You CAN do this!!
    Your mother may just need some reassurance herself, or a comforting word from you. We have to help lift others up or carry them through difficult times until they can absorb some of our strength and walk on their own. This is new for your mother as well and she could possibly be acting out in fear. We tend to lash out and displace anger towards those that are closest to us when we’re overwhelmed by it.
    I have learned along the way, in some situations, when I realize that a loved one is completely off with their behavior in some way, the best thing for me to do is to be confident but silent in my disagreement with their behavior or attack. By not engaging in the arguement they so desperately want me to play a part in, or by respectfully standing up for myself with love and detachment from them, I’ve taken back control of my life and made some boundaries for them. I’ve had to say, “I love you, and want you to be a part of my life, but if you continue to act this way, you will only be hurting yourself”.

    You are essentially saying, “You may not agree with what I’m doing but you don’t have the right to break me down and treat me this way”.

    You may have to wait awhile before they can come to accept your choice and ‘their role’ in your baby’s life. We are all here for you and are VERY proud of you for giving your baby a chance. A decision like this has lasting effects on people’s lives that may take years for them to realize. What a wonderful opportunity you are giving them……by saying “Yes” to the life of your baby, YOU are giving the baby’s father and your mother an opportunity to become selfless, to put someone else first, and you’re giving them a chance to be a little vulnerable. Vulnerable to the healing power of an innocent baby.

    Best wishes and support,
    Your friend in motherhood

    in reply to: Really need help on dicipline #25056

    The good news is that your beautiful baby girl is behaving normal!! As long as she’s drinking and producing wet diapers she’s doing as well expected for her age. She, most likely, has found more joy in her new world now that she’s more mobile… I right? And she’s found that expressing herself and trying to communicate in different ways is much more exciting than sitting in a crummy old high chair having mushy food to eat.

    She will eat…..barring any other medical problems. I swear my 3 1/2 year old is making up for 2 yrs. of not eating. She did manage to eat a corner of a banana here, a crust of bread there, maybe 3 grapes after her nap and if we were having a really good day, she’d eat a bowl of angel hair pasta minus the sauce for dinner. I am not exaggerating when I tell you this. She wouldn’t be the first one of my family to try out this cool diet either. For whatever reason, toddlers and preschoolers are on the go eaters.

    You can try to eliminate the high chair, and just set a plate of nutritious finger foods on a chair at the table and let her go to it whenever she feels hungry. Let her see it and make it low enough for her to do it herself and if she’s on milk now, leave a cup of milk with her snack. I decided after watching a few of mine go through this same thing, that it’s not worth the screaming and kicking to get them to sit down formally all the time. That will come later with age, but for now I just want to get some food in her. Gradually I moved the plate from the chair to the corner of the table. Later, I would put it at her place setting but pushed back a little bit, where she knew it was there like always, but she actually had to get into her booster chair to reach into it. Once she was in the booster, she was having too much fun eating to realize that she had placed herself at the table. She was in charge….exactly what they want!! The sweet thing, is that I wasn’t the bad guy for getting her there.
    Now, she knows where the food is and if I’m good at timing it……it falls right at mealtime when everyone else is sitting down so it’s just part of the normal routine.

    I hope this has helped. Just make sure at night when she’s sleeping….you precut and prepare all her favorites for the next day, so you will be ahead of her.

    Happy eating!!

    in reply to: always the what ifs. #25055

    Silent No More!!

    You’re sharing an extremely painful and emotional part of your life, and I want to thank you. Your sorrow for the loss of your baby to abortion can save the lives of many other babies who are in their mothers wombs right now. Using the energy from your pain and giving voice to that loss can be a healing medicine that you cannot get in the doctors office.

    I know that silent walk to the room where strangers waited to end my babies life and ‘make everything go back to the way it use to be’. Where their effort at comforting me with their touch and half smiles, gave no warmth to my soul which recognized the silent cry from my body. My mind had no concept of what was being taken from me. In my young mind, I just wanted to keep my boyfriend. This was how it was to be done….atleast no one was offering any other solution. What was it that I was asking these strangers to do for me and my boyfriend that I loved so deeply?

    I grew up watching everyone who was ever in a committed marriage, including my parents and my boyfriend’s parents, divorce and remarry. I was never taught that there was value in a loving relationship even if children are involved. People will love you and leave you and if you want to survive, you’d better do whatever you can to get what you want……..we’re intitled afterall!!!

    I wanted my boyfriend to love me after our choice and stay with me. It was our decision together while we held onto our long distance relationship. He was worried for me and compassionate, and felt I was in good hands. My cousin’s girlfriend, whom I lived with at the time, was my closest family member that day. She herself was just recently recovering from her 3rd abortion. (all of them were my cousins babies) I cannot even remember her face to this day…..just her cold voice of reassurance that everything would be ok and that she’d be there when I was finished.

    There is a cold, faceless, grey silence to that day that I cannot bring into focus. It could be the mirror image of what remains inside my soul. The absence that I will never embrace until I gain the right to heaven. I will not presume that anything I do in this lifetime will merit my entrance into the place where my baby waits for me….I can only pray that God will hear my sorrow and see inside my heart. I pray that He knows how young, and scared I was and understands my confusion at that age of 18.

    You don’t have to feel shame or cowardess for what you didn’t know…….please hear me when I tell you that. Let this be a beginning of your healing and forgiveness. You do not have to continue to walk in darkness with this guilt. You were also a victim and for you to come out of the darkness, you will have to let go of attacking yourself. If I could walk with you now, I would put my arms around you tell you that you are not alone. You are loved and I know where you are. Do not be afraid of the journey ahead of you because there is peace at the end. This is a time when you are weak and cannot see the light, but I ask you to let us carry you awhile until you find your way. It will get easier I promise you, eventually the burden will ease and you will find yourself again.

    My boyfriend came for me and we married a month later. As I share this with you, I look at the pictures of my seven other beautiful children and a photo of my husband & I celebrating our 22 Anniversary. We have grieved for the loss of our baby for many years, and look into the eyes of our other children and understand only now…..what the true reward in life is. Giving our soul, our life and our love to oneanother and our children.

    Please keep in touch with this site and continue to share your feelings. We are here to support you and in turn you may be able to help another young girl.

    much love and peace,

    in reply to: confused #25054

    I would say that if your period that started on Monday, (2 days after unprotected sex) was your normal expected cycle date, then you most likely are not pregnant. When were you due to begin your period this month? If it is within Monday’s date, give or take a day or two, you may not be pregnant. However, I will tell you that anytime you have unprotected sex you can become pregant. Even while using protection, couples have become pregnant due to failure in their contraception.

    If you do not start your period on your next due date, then you may give yourself a few extra days to see if it is just late, and if it still doesn’t come you will need to get a blood test done at your clinic. They are the most accurate and will eliminate any false readings from home pregnancy tests.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.


    in reply to: hard decision #25053

    You will never regret your decision to give your baby life. I am very happy for you and know that you will be a wonderful young mother. It is a brave and courageous decision to stand up to the world’s twisted views on life and what brings happiness and reward. I hope your family will be by your side and give you the love and support that you are intitled to. This is their grandchild and a baby has a way of breaking the walls down that we adults can put up between one another. Pride, fear and selfishness will have no strength compared to the touch of your vulnerable, innocent baby as it takes its first breath and falls asleep in your arms.

    I would also like to comment to stumblebum for her misunderstanding of my first post to you. I would never “have a go” at anyone for having an abortion……they are not violent killers. What I was calling horrific was the violence of the act itself…..the abortion is a violent crime against an innocent life at any phase of an unborn childs life….and even with regards to partial birth abortions. Women are not to blame for this crime being committed. Society and it’s views towards life and it’s lack of compassion and support for a young girl when she’s faced with this situation is where I find fault. Regardless of the circumstances behind the conception of the baby, a young girl or young woman needs to be told from the beginning that they have other choices instead of being lead to a calendar to make an appointment for their abortion. It’s almost standard procedure once a young unwed mother or teen is confirmed pregnant. They are being robbed of the information that we are trying to give them here at SUG. They have a right to know what other options they have and the resources available. Doctor’s and parents, friends and other family members should be bringing pregnant mothers to a level of confidence and courage so that they will succeed at the role they are being given. We need wonderfully strong courageous women raising children……those children will be our future.
    It’s a silent criminal act on the rights of the pregnant mother. Because she among thousands of others like her, including myself learn one day what they did. We now know the burning pain and desire for that baby we once held in our body. A life, a part of ourselves that we gave up to the world’s idea of a better life. What kind of better life do we live with? Our arms cannot hold the baby we nourished, we cannot put a face to the image of our baby our heart longs to see, and our soul aches for the sound of those first cooing sounds we’d hear when our baby falls asleep on our chest.
    We are victims of abortion, victims of what they didn’t tell us.
    So, I apologize if you misunderstood my post to Victoria.

    I too was unwed, 18 and away from my family and in love with my boyfriend and pregnant. I was rebellious as was my boyfriend and we knew more than our parents who themselves all went through broken marriages. But there we were, We had nothing, no home, only a shattered idea of college and he was a brand new soldier with no money…….it was a silent choice we made, hoping we would just go back to our wonderful life of nothing. We had no idea the grief we would live with 22 yrs. later. We had no idea how much we would die to give that baby life again!!

    I am happy for you Victoria that you’ll never feel that pain. Stay strong and stay in touch with us as much as possible. We would love to walk through this pregnancy with you… is rewarding to know that we can help bring women to a better understanding of the strength and power within themselves so that they can stand up for their baby and their own life.

    You are truly blessed,

    in reply to: confused #25048

    No, I don’t believe it’s too early for that to be an accurate reading. But, if you feel that you’re just not yourself and that you need to test again, then do so. You can also go to a clinic and get a blood test done which will give you the most accurate results.

    I have had early, and late periods and periods that have lasted longer and shorter at times than my ‘normal’ cycle. As you get older, and during times of stress or changes in lifestyle, your period can become effected.

    I hope this has helped. Please let us know if you need any other guidance or help.


    in reply to: Dealing with hormones? #25047

    Keeping open communication with your loved one will always relieve the tension in the air. Like when you see him do the eye roll thing :unsure: and he’s saying “whatever dear!!” It’s absolutely normal to lose your patience with your enlarged belly, your sore legs, your cramps and pressure down below, and your overall feeling of puffiness, :blush:

    But, you have to let him know that your sorry for your lack of grace and feminity, but that you just want him to continue to support you because that’s what has helped you get through your pregnancy so far…..
    ” Sweetheart, I love you and I’m sorry I’ve been a miserable wretch, but please just ignore my behavior and know that you’ve been wonderful, and supportive and I’ll try not to take it out on you.”

    Maybe not in those exact words, but I have had breakdowns on my husband where he’s had to just leave me sitting there crying with my hugeness for awhile, so that he could regain his gentle, loving nature that I sucked out of him. I couldn’t blame him.

    Yes, they need to understand our physical symptoms related to pregancy, but we need to also respect their emotions as well. It’s a fair trade.

    Physically, your body’s need a release of the hormone build up. Brisk walking everyday x 2, will get your circulation going and pumps oxygen to your brain and to that beautiful baby. It also helps flush out all the bad air and recycles fresh air to your lungs and into your blood. You will see a difference in your mood, your overall attitude especially late in your last trimester, and you will feel healthier overall. It always worked for me. I even felt prettier with a little tan from all the walking.

    Good luck with all of your pregnancies!!


    in reply to: Scared!! #25046

    Hello Ladydee,

    Fearing the unknown can consume you and any possible enjoyment in the life you have to live now at this point with your supportive boyfriend, 9 yr. old son, and your precious baby inside you.

    Embrace the gift that has been given to you and love the ones who are in your life regardless of what the test results may be. Your boyfriend is wise in telling you that having an abortion will not make HIV disappear. You are very lucky to have a boyfriend who is willing to stand up for you, your son and this new child that you and he created. Please do not believe that killing your baby will save you any pain or suffering, or that you will be doing the right thing for your baby. Finding a specialist OBGYN who is experienced in these types of pregnancies is wonderful advice. Trust that they will do everything they can for you and your baby, should the test come back positive, and let modern medicine work.
    There are other tragedies besides HIV that can claim peoples lives at any given minute of the day. Are they not to enjoy their life or their unborn babies because of what “might” happen?

    There are no gaurantees in life, but if you are making better, healthier decisions for yourself, your children and your future life with your boyfriend, then I believe you are doing the best you can and as a result, you will see the rewards of your love for your baby.

    I hope all will be well for you, and if you need any other guidance or just want to talk, we are always here.


    in reply to: toddler constipation #24913

    I’m sorry but I have to ask…..I have a whole houseful of children and have been through some pretty ugli stuff with each of them, but for the life of me, I have never heard of children being de-wormed!!:S It has to have another name for a common ailment, I’m sure. Please, please clear that up for me!!

    I have had quite a few babies get constipated, and lots of fiber in their diet will help for sure. Plums, watermelons, and blueberries are wonderful and most kids like them. I’ve had to use stool softeners as well. I’ve even made up a warm bath with a baking soda solution. The measurements are on the box for soaking. The warm water will help loosen the muscles around the bladder.

    If your little one is on dairy, there might be a sensitivity to it. My little girl who is now 4, went from nursing to formula, then we wanted her to go to cow’s milk at 1 yr old. She would get so constipated by the end of the day, she was screaming in pain. We had to continue with formula, even as she was approaching 2 yrs. of age because her system couldn’t handle processing it. We tried again much later, and watered down her cup of milk and she never knew, and it began to get easier for her to get use to it.

    Good luck,

    in reply to: Irresponsible and scared #24912

    You will never be damned if you give your baby life……You will be blessed forever with an angel that God has blessed you and your boyfriend of 6 yrs with. He has found you worthy of giving life to his angel!! A reward for your love and commitment to your boyfriend. Whether doctors thought it was possible or not, God has performed a miracle inside your young body and your baby is warm and safe inside. Safe from the ugliness and evil inclinations of the world.

    Your boyfriend is rejoicing in the news of his baby, what a blessing for you!! You are so lucky to have his support and love. I can’t seem to understand why there’s no wedding as of yet.;) 6 yrs. is quite a long time to be dating, but for whatever reason it seems that you two are meant to be together. God has seen that himself. Otherwise it wouldn’t have lasted this time. Now God is asking you to step up to his call for you. Yes it will mean some changes in your life, but your life will still be yours and what you make of it with this little one right along side of you. Trying to run or hide and not face this decision that is before you is no way to live. It can be overwhelming, but fear does not have to dominate your mind to the point of killing your baby. Will that end the fear or loneliness for you? Do you feel that you will be able to go back to your job and not think twice about what had happened, should you choose to abort this baby?

    You feel that your family would be saddened at the loss of your child to adoption? Abortion is a cruel alternative for those who are afraid to accept the responsibility for their choices…….it is never justified by any excuse!! DO NOT BE FOOLED, THERE IS NO GENTLER WAY OF ABORTING YOUR BABY!!!! THEY ALL WILL CAUSE PAIN AND DEATH TO THAT INNOCENT CHILD. Whoever has told you that one form of abortion is not as cruel, is grossly misguiding you. You will be the one left to live with the knowledge that this decision was in your hands….you are of an intellegent age of maturity above most young teens, you have the knowledge of looking into resources, literature, videos, and the ability to educate yourself. As a professional female of 26 yrs. educate yourself as to what you would be doing to your baby……..and then walk away from that evil and never look back.

    I will quote you, ” I just didn’t think I’d ever be ready to give up my own life for a kid.”

    Isn’t it ironic, that the One that loves you more than anyone you know, the One that created you, …..gave up his only Son, by his death on the Cross, so that YOU might be saved from sin and have eternal life in heaven with Him.

    Say NO to this death……and Yes to your baby’s life, and your eternal life.
    No one will damn you for that!!!!

    Please keep in touch, I will pray for your baby.
    May God bless you with strength and the grace needed to feel at peace.


    in reply to: Legal battles #24911

    What seems to be the problem Autumn? I’ve had some experience in different ways with legal battles. I’m assuming it’s concerning Caden? (spelling?)

    I’ll wait to hear from you,
    My prayers are with you

    in reply to: Ovulated last week..too early to tell? #24910

    Yes, it is very possible to have pregnancy symptoms as soon as a few days after conception. I have experienced symptoms of early pregnancy, (sometimes feels like I have the flu, dizzy, in a fog, can’t focus with my eyes, back cramps, lower abdominal cramping…..are some that I’ve experienced)
    These have come on as early as 7 days after conception……and I was sure I was pregnant, because my husband and I were trying to conceive and knew I had ovulated the week prior.

    Are you married or engaged? I pray that if you are pregnant, you have loving and supportive people to stand up for you and your baby. Are you trying to conceive with your boyfriend? I don’t want to be personal, I’m just trying to figure out how we can best help you.

    To ease your mind, I would wait to get a blood test done when your period is late by about 5 days, and the reading will be very accurate. HPT are an option, but there are so many occasions of inaccurate readings, and the tests being done incorrectly.

    If you need any other questions answered, or need some advice, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

    God bless,

    in reply to: need sum advice #24909

    I would recommend you go get a blood test done at your doctors, since they are the most accurate, you will get an immediate answer. Especially considering you didn’t get your period in March. You could very well be pregnant by more than a few weeks. Yes, stress can play a part in a women’s cycle changing or being delayed. Don’t assume that is the case though……go find out for sure!!

    May I ask you though, why would you have unprotected sex? Are you and he trying to conceive? If that is the case, then please consider giving your baby a stable, loving home with a mother and father who are in a committed marriage.

    God’s blessings,

    in reply to: I couldn’t be pregnant… could I? #24819

    I would like to tell you that some pregnancies have occured while birth control was used. Birth control fails a lot of the time and you wouldn’t be the first. You’re not sure if your pregnant now, but waiting until you show up late for your period then going to get a blood test done at your doctors will give you an immediate answer. Then you can take it slowly with your decisions from there.

    It does seem scary to be pregnant while still young, I understand. There’s a lot of things to consider but if you are pregnant, I want you to know that you can do this. Many young girls have found themselves in your position and have had your same worries and state in life. At first it may seem overwhelming, but everything will sort itself out in time.

    There are resources available to you from the state and local child service agencies. There is a hotline you can call, 1800-395-HELP, which you can call now. They can put you in touch with a local center where assistance is available to you to get started and tell you how you can get a free test done. You will find loving support there, and they will not pressure you into abortion. They can discuss your options and even allow you to see your baby on ultrasound. They can even have someone be with you when you tell your family about your possible pregnancy. But those are things you can look into once you find out whether your pregnant or not.

    Whatever you do, don’t set yourself up to believe that aborting your baby is the answer. There are so many stories where young girls have said, “If I only knew I had other choices I wouldn’t have aborted.” , “If I only knew where to turn to get assistance I wouldn’t have been afraid to fight for my baby.” , “If I only had someone in my life to give me the courage, love and support I needed, I wouldn’t have felt pressured to abort.”
    If you absolutely cannot raise your child for financial reasons, the most loving alternative is adoption. Abortion will never be a loving alternative. You certainly would be aborting part of yourself.

    Get your blood test done and then stay in touch with this site. We can help guide you slowly and carefully through the next step.

    I will be praying for you,

    in reply to: Really really freaking out #24818

    Taking a hpt is not as accurate as going to your doctor and getting a blood test done. I would advise that you go have one done. They are the most accurate and your levels of pregnancy hormone in your blood will increase every day of pregnancy. If you’re a week late there shouldn’t be a problem having it picked up on the test.

    As for the both of you, without judgement, may I also recommend that if you are scared about being pregnant, still in school, not married, and do not feel like you are ready to be a mother, then you should not be engaging in sex with your boyfriends. Whether protected or unprotected, you could become pregnant.

    All these young ladies who have responded to you have given you a correct short term advice. Additionally however, if you are not pregnant, I am going to give you a realistic long term solution. Abstain from having sex until you are in a committed marriage where a pregnancy would be more likely welcomed and supported. It is part of the marital bond, to procreate.

    Your fears of being pregnant are not by accident. Your concsience is telling you that something is not right about what has happened. It could also be affecting your system, therefore your late for your period to start. Relieve yourself of wondering and get the blood test done, and then go from there. Let us know how we can help you if you are pregnant, but please don’t resort to abortion if it’s positive. We can help guide you at that point.

    If it’s negative, then you can make a change in your life immediately at that point and stop having sex. You may not have gotten pregnant this time, but it’s only a matter of time before you will.

    God bless,

    in reply to: Idk #24809

    Hello mee,
    It seems to me that you had unprotected sex very near your time of ovulation. There is no sure way of knowing unless you go get a blood test done at the doctor when your period is late by about 5 days.

    There is always a chance that you can become pregnant when having sex. Even with protection!! Birth Control fails more times than not. The only form of birth control that is 100% safe and effective is ABSTINENCE.


    in reply to: what’s the chance i could be pregnat? HELP please #24806


    Yes, it could be a phantom pregnancy, and your symptoms could be indicating pregnancy. They are true symptoms of early pregnancy, but they are also symptoms of pms for some women. Sore nipples, bloating, nausea, headaches, backaches, dizziness, tiredness, and mood swings are all symptoms of both cases.

    You will not know for sure until you show up late for your period by about 5 days and get a blood test done at your doctor. It will be the most accurate test.

    Let us know if you need any further advice or guidance.
    God bless,

    in reply to: Pains During Pregnacy Is There Somthing Wrong #24805

    I’m sorry that you’re in pain. It could mean a lot of things. It could be your uterus stretching as your baby grows inside, so that there’s more room. But,it is best if you could get to a doctor and get examined, get on some prenatal vitamins and iron. It is very important not to keep this to yourself, or you could be having major complications and never know it until it is too late. I know that you feel alone and scared about what has happened, but there are a lot of resources for you if you need care. Call, 1-800-395-HELP. It is a confidential helpline for crisis pregnancies. They will put you in touch with someone in your area, and they can assist you in getting to a physician, state assistance for medical coverage, and even have someone go with you to talk to your parents. You need assistance!! At a young age, things from your perspective can be overwhelming if you don’t have love and support. Call that number, and talk to the people on the line. Tell them your concerns and fears as well as the fact that you haven’t told your parents. Don’t be afraid to stand up for your baby, and hopefully your parents will see the love you have for him/her and will want to support you.

    We are here to help if you need advice or loving support.

    God bless,

    in reply to: hard decision #24800

    Meg has wonderful advice for you, and I would like to just add that there are many ways that you and your boyfriend can begin your new life with a baby. Many have done it before you. My husband and I had only a few hundred $$ to live off of when we first got together. But, we lived with another couple to make due until a promotion came (military man). It wasn’t how we’d like to have begun, but we loved eachother so much and were willing to do whatever it took to begin our life that everyone was against. Then our first baby came, and we still didn’t have much, except love and a desire to beat the odds. Your life will be whatever you make of it. Don’t wait for others to live your life for you by letting them decide your fate with regards to this life inside you. Don’t let your instability with your boyfriend or finances cause you to commit the most horrific act of violence…..It is death to an unborn baby, an innocent life created by God!!

    Abortion is not the answer to any situation in life. No one has the right to kill a baby, at any phase of it’s life!!!

    What people may not be telling you, until Meg gave you the information, is that you have resources available to you as well as other choices. Adoption is a wonderful alternative if you cannot keep your baby. Do not be misled anylonger…..take the time to fight for your baby. Do some homework and take an active part in your life and the decisions you are facing. Read as much as you can on this website and understand what is going on.

    We are all here to pray for you and help in whatever way we can, but YOU have to be the one to fight!!

    May God bless you and keep your baby safe.

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