Forum Replies Created
Participantcongrats on your baby boy much luck to your family.
Participantwell it sounds like preg systoms to me you need to take a test and go to a gyn visit to see n if you are you def want to know how far along you are . good luck
Participanti would go to the doc and get an exam cause a fant line either means the test was old or not done rite or in my cases preg so you may very well be preg but dont get your hopes to high the best bet is the doc . good luck.
Participantwell when i went to school with my daughter i went to a alt high school and i got to bring my daughter they had child care there. speak to a counsler to see if they can help you cuse finshing school is very very important .
Participantwow i feel your pain im so sorry for your loss i cant tell you how to feel any better. i just had a miscarrage and had to go through the whole dev process on the 29th of may, i didnt know the sex of my baby so we named our baby jamie morgan [ ]. I hope you will feel better soon do things to rem your baby boy thats what im doing i have a mem. box n i put things in there if you ever need anyone to talk to you can email me or send me a mess threw here. mommy6
Participantwell your life ir rough you will get the baby girl you want if you dont mind me asking how far along were you when you had your miscarriages im almost 15 weeks n my doc says im going to have one this is my 7th preg i have 6 living children but this is the worst feeling in the world how did you cope .
Participantwell good luck with having your baby girl i dont think your parents would be that selfish n not let you go to your own baby shower would they. i think you should go stay with your boyfriend if your parents are pushing you into things that arent up to them its nice to hear your going to finish school n have your baby n his family sounds great if there willing to let you move in n have a shower for you maybe thats what your family needs to wake them up is you moving out into his house n being able to do it with out there help than they will relize you made the rite dec. well good luck
Participantdef get an ultra sound n that will be the best there usaully only like 1 week off if at all. good luck
Participantyou could def be preg cause i got preg twice taking bc n alot of peoples home tests come out neg. get one done by a doc so if you are you know n you must stop the bc before you hurt the baby n poss. your self to n if your not your doc can look at other things that can we wrong. good luck
Participantwell i have never had one but it does sound like it was but you def need to see a doctor even if it is a family doc instead of a gyno but see someone soon.good luck
Participanthappy belated mothers day to you as well as all the girls here.
Participantwow you have a happy ending story that first guy the kids daddy hes a real d, that about sums him up i wouldve killed him n the 4 hr away girl.but hes better with her maybe they will have a horriable life together n hell prob do it to her to. so your getting married thats so nice n he loves your kids there is some real men left out there n keep trying for that baby it will happen maybe youll grad. n than get preg well good luck.
Participanti was in the same boat as you 8 yrs ago i was with my hubby for 5 yrs before we got married and 2 kids and one on the way n i wasnt sure marriage is a big step its different for everyone do you really love him thats the big question cause i believe if hes still with you and the baby -child he cares how much youll never really know but i think if hes man enough to do his job of being a dad and wants to be a husband thats really cool, your young but you need to do whats rite for your self what makes you feel good n happy n i believe you will marry him n it will work out i cant say forever but it will be ok. but good luck anyways.
Participantim mommy6 you have a nice story.
Participantwell your story is a little bit like mine im almost 12 wks preg now but this is my 7th baby n my youngest is only 7 mo now i wasnt sure what to do it took alot out of me to decide but as you can tell i dec to keep the baby i guess its the way god wanted us to have these babys for some reason or another im married n my realonship is crazy all the time but we will get through it n i think you will to but what ever you decide good luck on your choices
Participantwow isnt it funny my daughter my oldest child out of 6 n one on the way so 7 is going to be 11 she is almost a teenager its scarey shes going to middle school next yr. when i found out i was preg with her my family said abortion n i said no n i love her more n more as she yes you must look down the road a few yrs.
Participantim so sorry to hear about your baby you must be under alot of stress rite now thats so hard if you need anyone 2 talk 2 im on here mommy6. i hope you start to feel better soon n may your little one rest in heaven.
Participantwow he sounds like the biggest jerk ever sorry but he does he needs to grow up n step up if he is old enough to have sex hes old enough to deal with reson. after sex. but if he is such a jerk do what you need to do for your family your kids must come first incl. the one inside sure your kids will understand i just cant get over how he just wants to try to date someone else now i would tell this other person what type of person he is n i would be the biggest b in the world cause i would also go tell his family about this sit. do your self a fav dont have sex with him again if he calls you blow him off a little bit make him wonder.i thought i was the only one on here who is over 25. im going to be 30 i have 6 kids n one on way in im stressing, im married but what im trying to say is there is good men out there but you must take care of yours first well good luck n if you ever need someone to talk 2 im on here. mommy6.
Participantwell i think this is a hard sit. i think its all up to you but i would keep the baby n he has to talk 2 u no matter whet you do because its not only your child you can take off from school for a little bit n go back but make sure you go back eventually even its 5 yrs go should talk 2 your mom n tell her how you going to be 30 in oct n i have 6 kids n one on the way i was so confused i didnt even want to go out the house cause i didnt know what to do when i found out i was preg this time but i dec to keep this baby, this is it for me though im geting a tubal done but if you ever need anyone to talk 2 im on here. n good luck.
Participantmy daughter is going to be 11 and she doesnt even think about sex and drugs thank you god yet on the other hand her friends sister is 12 now 13 and is preg by a 19 yr old what is wrong with our world today that a 19 yr old cant tell the diff. or just doesnt care this is so sick.
Participantwell you may be preg n you may not be getting your per. cause of stress you should go to a clinic like planned parenthood or a place like birthright where you can get a free confidental test to see, cause some people home tests dont work and they may have to do blood work i didnt think i was going to be a good mom cause my dad was a drunk my mom was great, but i thought for sure i would turn out like him but i didnt i think im a pretty good mom i have 6 kids n one on the way.i would wait to find out if you are or not before you tell your guardian if thats poss. if not than dont be scared maybe some else could tell her. i know its scarey i got preg with my daughter when i was 18 n my teacher told my dad. so youll get threw it n if you ever need someone to talk to im on here well good luck mommy6
Participantyes there is a very big chance thats how almost all my babies were born n most all the symtoms sound good good luck