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  • in reply to: labor induction…? #18365

    ive been induced 4 times n it hurts the same to me everyone is diff depending on you you may want to walk around or just stay in bed i say def get an epurd. its great n will help alot. it will feel gross when they break your water though its all warm n googey.but good luck n youll be ok

    in reply to: Terribly Lonely #18364

    1st let me say never call your self a falurie youve got your self off drugs n drinking n got a job have a place to live n have a beatiful wonderfu thing a baby growing inside of you n if god thought you were so horrable you wouldnt be here never the less preg at that your a wonderful lady for chossing life for your child n youll be able to do this n if your so called friends all want to drink n drug than you dont need them let them ruin there lifes on your own in a few yrs they will not be doing half as good if that as you n your bf will be. props to him for getting of the drugs n taking care of his family hes great to., im just begging you to stop telling god to take your child trust me you dont want that at all i had a miscarr. 7 weeks ago n its the worst thing that could ever happ. to you ive been through alot in my life as well not drugs n homelessness but everything else you have stated n more ive been through n look im here im ok i have a family n never thought i could do it n i did beli., in your self youll get threw this n when you feel lonely dont allow your self to be lonely come here n chat you can email me if you would like you never alone people care about you n want you to suceed keep your head up your going to get threw this in youll look back n say wow i cant bel i thought down of my self so bad. keep your head up n rem your never n i mean NEVER ALONE., mommy6/ justine

    in reply to: 16 DAYS i pregnant??!!! #18351

    it sounds like your preg cause any lil line either means post other means you didnt do it riete i would def make a doc apt n tell them what happ. or do it again but it sounds like post to me keep us posted n good luck

    in reply to: junk food and pregnant #18340

    well elt me tell you i had that problem with 5 pregs n i didnt stop ever with my 1st 3 even when im not preg i love that junk food it wont totally hurt your baby once in a while but try to cut down

    in reply to: miscarriage? #18236

    you have to go to the doc did you have alot of crapy feeling i think somethings prob wrong with your pe not miscarrage but go to the doc n check you need to keep your self heathly

    in reply to: new in my gallery #18235

    hes so cute

    in reply to: I need someone’s opinion #18218

    even a faint line means postive unless you did the test wrong i would do another one n go see the doc but it sounds like your going to have a baby keep us posted n good luck

    in reply to: preg?? #18217

    yes you def need a blood test i would go to a dif doc or a clinic n get a blood test dont wait to long cause it def sounds like your preg., good luck keep us posted

    in reply to: what is it?? #18216

    sorry for your loss hugs to you its going to stay that way for a lil while i lost my baby about 6 weeks ago at 15 weeks n i didnt even know i lost my angel till they told me there was no heart beat i had systoms than n i had them afterwards for almost a mo., there going to be there till you get your pe.,…. most likely i got mine 5 weeks later i know it hurts to have them still they will go away though n if you feel uncom., call your doc exp it to them there there to help you.your not weird its normal it will go away if you ever need to talk im here 4 u., mommy6

    in reply to: will it harm the baby? #18215

    i dont think it will harm your bbay but i would call our doc to ask anyways better to be safe

    in reply to: Am I Pregnant? #18214

    well if you tok a test n there was two lines you are most likey preg not 100% but most likely some woman get there pe.,..s when there pe the 1st mo or so its rare but it can happen. go to your doc asap n have tehm do an exam n test they can tell you for sure n make sure all is well wether you are or not. good luck keep us posted

    in reply to: Boyfriend help.. please reply ! #18213

    wellthats def a tough discuusion sorry for your loss i also had had a miscarrage at 15 weeks about 6 weeks ago.i know its hard to cope n you want another baby but i would wait a lil while n see if danny changes at all cause you ovbly., love him n want to work out your relonship but you def dont want to have a baby with a immature person cause if hes that im., than he isnt going to be able to cope with a baby wait n see tell him how you feel n that he needs to amke certain changes give him somethings to work at n see if he trys than if he does maybe than think about it if not im sorry to say but its ok to be with him but i wouldnt have a baby with him., good luck n if you ever need to talk you can email me mommy6

    in reply to: more scared than ever #18212

    well your strong if you came for advice thats the first step in the right direction., i know your scared n you never thought he would leave but hes not a man if he could leave his family for some girl who isnt much of a woman for taking him but thats good for them cause god doesnt like ugly meaning they will get tons of bad luck., be strong your kids need you seek support from all your friends n family members rite now you dont have to go through it alone ask a family member to go with you you can do it trust me i have 6 kids grannted i have my man but he doesnt do much anyways i bel in you you can do youll be ok youll get through it will work out keep your head up n stay strong if you ever need to talk you can email me., n good luck to you

    in reply to: abortion=murder #18211

    thats so beatiful i think it should be posted more places

    in reply to: my girlfrind is preg #18210

    your a wonderful man your sticking with your girl theres so many men alot older than you that run like lil kids i bel you should def keep your baby n i hope it goes good when you tell your grandma shell probaly be pproud that your staying with the mom i would be if i was your grandma good luck keep us posted n congrats to you n your gf

    in reply to: Is my baby growing?? #18149

    all woman are diff some get bigger than others if your really worried talk to your doc they can so an ultrasound i think your ok though. good luck

    in reply to: Engaged!!!!!!! #18128

    congrads n maybe it will happen soon good luck n much love for yous

    in reply to: dating all over again #18019

    well dont let your last man keep you from trusting again n having your own life go out again i wouldnt let myself get a total connection with him but a few dates arent going to hurt it will keep your mind off your x n youll be having fun trust again not all men are jerks go out n have a good time good luck

    in reply to: pregnant but no insurance #18018

    i agree with suzy medicad the easiest way to apply is through your local clinic for a program called pcap its mediciad for pregs only n i think your baby will be included in there ask around i didnt have insur when i was preg n i got med. n it helped.,

    in reply to: Could I be pregnant?! I’m so not ready for this… #18017

    hi i think you should stop stressing some girls bleed after there 1st sexual exp i did i wouldnt worry so much unless you start getting syptoms than you need to take a test but fro now its ok stop stresing on try to focus on school n your realonship.good luck

    in reply to: Can someone tell me more about this… #18016

    well hon everyones diff some peoples labors last for a few hrs n some people a few days i hope that didnt scare you i had all hour labors my longest was 12 hrs n my shortist was 2 2 was my first i had all back labor was 5 out of 6 i had massive pains in my back i had my 1st naturally all my other 5 with drugs 2 with demarol it sucked 1 with a spinal it sucked n 2 with eparul it was great the exp of getting it stung while it was happening but once it worked it was so great you can do it though the whole exp is so worth it when you have a beatiful baby in your arms youll forget all about the pain you just endured., youll be fine

    in reply to: Abortion #18014

    i didnt have an abortion but i want to tell you theres alot of support on this site n youll get through it as long as you talk it out days will get better

    in reply to: need advice urgently: baby and career? ? #18013

    i think you can do it as well keep your baby n than you can def explain your sitution to young girls when you become a midwife pleanty of woman have babys n finish school good luck to you.

    in reply to: Please help!!! #17991

    well hon your heart is going to hurt cause you trusted him n it will be hard to trust another man again dont do it dont take him back cause if he did it twice he will do it again hes a pig sorry. youll be ok it will take time but def let him be around to help the baby you dont need to be with him to have help. youll find a good non chating man one day it will take time but it will happen theres good men out there.congrats on your baby n dont answer the phone everytime he calls let him suffer make him know hes done .good luck

    in reply to: confused #17990

    you really should take a test n see a doc so you can explain to them your sit., so if you are or are not preg they can help you fig out what else could be going wrong or not wrong., good luck

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