Can someone tell me more about this…

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms Can someone tell me more about this…

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    hey everyone I had a few questions and I was wondering if some people might be able to explain their experiences maybe. I’m sure everyone wonders this but I was wondering, could you tell me what the to expect? Like the pain starting from the beginning down to what childbirth feels like? I just worry that should I be having a baby I might not be tough enough to get through it because of what the pain is. I thought maybe if i kind of knew what the feeling is like I might have a general idea of what to expect.
    thanks everyone!



    Hi Kayla!
    The quick answer to those questions is that God will give you the grace. He will give it to you when you need, though, and not any sooner! Every pregnancy & delivery is unique…I’ve had 4, all similar is some ways and radically differ in others! There is just no way to know tell you exactly what to expect!
    Although you can’t help but wonder what your experience will be, try to focus on & enjoy where you are now and your baby’s development this month. I was amazed during my pregnacies that as I reached different stages in "our" development, I was ready to be there. Things I feared or could not understand at the 5 week stage, I was ready for at 35 weeks.
    As far as pain in childbirth…I’ll share what might have dispelled some of my fear as a first-time mom. The pains of labor are not where I feared they would be! (it’s in your uterus) Yes, there was pain and it was not like anything I had ever experienced, but it just wasn’t the horror I had imagined. BUT, holding my newborn baby was more joyful and beautiful than I could have ever imagined. You’ll be tough enough, don’t worry about that! Your toughness will grow with your tummy!
    I’ll be praying for you!


    well hon everyones diff some peoples labors last for a few hrs n some people a few days i hope that didnt scare you i had all hour labors my longest was 12 hrs n my shortist was 2 2 was my first i had all back labor was 5 out of 6 i had massive pains in my back i had my 1st naturally all my other 5 with drugs 2 with demarol it sucked 1 with a spinal it sucked n 2 with eparul it was great the exp of getting it stung while it was happening but once it worked it was so great you can do it though the whole exp is so worth it when you have a beatiful baby in your arms youll forget all about the pain you just endured., youll be fine

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