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  • in reply to: misuse of this site #23059

    I was 18… My babies dad said he’d always be there… Guess what?! He left anyways, He told me to either get an abortion (not at all an option) or place him for adoption. I wanted my son to have a daddy because God created it that way for a reason, I wanted him to have everything he wanted. It’s not that I wasn’t capable of being an amazing mom, it’s that my (and most other single ppls situations) won’t allow it because you have to work, and you have to scrape to put food on the table. Boyfriends aren’t all that, they are just human and they don’t often stick around when their friends are out partying… I know that you may think your situation will be different, Lord knows I did, and guess what? My son lives in NY! Not with me, but with the family who can give him the world, soccer games, skating lessons, and a shot at what ever university he wants! Don’t be selfish and wait till you’re married…. It will be better and blessed. God loves you and wants you to be able to enjoy being a mom, but He wants you to wait till marriage for you, your bf’s and your childs sake….

    You are not every ready to be a mom, but you are more ready when you are mature, financially set and married!

    in reply to: misuse of this site #23058

    I agree that some of the girls aren’t 14 but seriously, it hurts to see all of these ppl who can go talk to a dr about how to get pregnant, when most of us are figuring out how to cope through the pain of either loosing a child or placing them for adoption. This is a site to support eachother not ask advice on how to get pregnant. Or say, oh yeah I’m pregnant but I knew I was going to have to have an abortion! That kills moms and ppl who can’t have kids. It’s not fair for ppl to be flaunting it…

    in reply to: Adoption, and the misconceptions. #22894

    Hi, Ummmm, I’m not sue I understand your post. By the way, I am a birth mother who was just reading the topics and this one caught my eye. My relationship with the adoptive parents is amazing. I could move down the street from them and see my son every day. A lot of what plays into a working relationship between the birth parents is how the adoptive parents handle things. I know that I was very fortunate to know the family ahead of time and that my situation could qualify as almost freaky but it’s great!!! My son is 3 months old now and He lives in Ny and I in Az. Talk about long distance! I talk to him on the phone and we skpye occasionally. If you want any thoughts from and girl who’s made the better choice to give her son up so he could have a daddy and a great life I would love to chat! Take care and good luck with the adoption!!!

    in reply to: misuse of this site #22878

    I agree with the topic! So many girls are like asking advice on how to get pregnant when this website is not made to condone getting pregnant without being married. It was made for girls who made the mistake to support eachother and share their experiences!

    in reply to: weight #21921

    You’re a fine weight. The average is 110 to 125 or something like that. If you’re not trying to loose weight you should go see your doctor though! Take care girl!!!

    in reply to: so young #21878

    No it’s not wrong! He’s taking care of you! Things are going to be hard and you are both going to have to make a huge effort to keep things working but I know that you can. Rely on God for strength and He will get you through. Good luck with you’re new marriage and the pending arrival of your daughters!!! Love you, take care!!!!

    in reply to: Wow, daddy. You’re not what I thought you were. #21810


    My baby’s bio-logical dad is a jerk too. Know you’re not alone. When I told him I was pregnant he gave me two options, abortion or adoption. I chose adoption and it’s been an amazing blessing so far. Ethan (my son) was born on the 20th of July. The family I chose is exactly what I’ve always wanted for my kids. I have an amazing relationship with them and it is so incredibly open most people think it’s weird. I could move down the street from them and they are ok with that. Open is the way to go and it can be a great thing if you make it that way. I’d love to talk with you if you want! Good luck girl. Adoption is incredibly hard but God can help you get through it if you ask Him too, also a good support system is necessary.

    in reply to: Wanting to adopt #21788

    Hey I just adopted my son out to a home similar to yours. The agency that the family used is Bethany Christian Services. We did an extremely open adoption like abnormally open so it’s exciting to see what God is doing in that aspect. They seriously just left today and they got here on the 15th while the baby actually came on the 20th. Good luck and keep us informed.

    in reply to: Being INDUCED #21682

    Babies can be born at 5 months and have a great fighting chance… 2 weeks is no big deal. Good Luck

    in reply to: Life and Adoption #21670

    Thanks MissKirsty, The prayers are greatly appreciated!!!

    in reply to: Tabitha Jael Weber!!! #21608

    Congrats Girl!!!! I’m so excited for you guys! Isn’t God amazing? I will keep you all in my prayers! Love ya! Keep us updated! 🙂

    in reply to: CANT GET PREGNANT NEED HELP #21581

    I would go see a fertility specialist. They can be of more help than any of us.

    in reply to: Down Syndrom Baby #21282

    I will be praying that everything is fine and that God will be preparing you both for the outcome. Keep me updated please… Love in Christ!

    in reply to: Adoption vs. Keeping the Baby #21219

    Hey, My bf and I chose adoption for our baby. We weren’t taking the easy way out, and believe me, it’s been anything but easy. We chose it because we wanted our baby to have married parents and a stable environment to grow up in. We love him with all our hearts and also have a great relationship with the parents we chose. Our adoption’s very open and we can see him as much as we desire. I’m not saying it’s right for everyone, but I know that it can be a beautiful thing. Pray and ask God what is best for the baby and what He asks you to do about it. But know this, He will give you the strength to do whatever you choose. Good Luck… I just posted something in one of the forums, "Anyone chose adoption for baby," incase you’re interested. Adoption isn’t easy, but you can get through it if you choose that. and you can ask me anything… If you want to talk, I am here…

    in reply to: torn between options #21218

    One of the options I’ve explored is working at a day care center so that my baby can be with me while I’m at work…

    in reply to: 10 week count down #21211

    Congratulations… I know what you mean about the whole 10 weeke count down. I’m in the same spot. Are you keeping the baby? I hope things go smoothly with you and that things work out well for you. Congrats again:) Take care and remember to trust God. He knows what He’s doing… xXx

    in reply to: Need some advice i’m very confused #20391

    If you’re afraid that you could be, your brain goes crazy and trys to convince you that you are even when you’re not. Just like you can make yourself sick by thinking about it to hard. I wouldn’t worry though.

    in reply to: Juno #20344

    Me and my boyfriend saw it, and it hit way to close to home for us since I’m pregnant and we are adopting the baby out to some really close family friends who can’t have kids. It was good if you aren’t in that situation but if you are I definately don’t recommend watching it at all…

    in reply to: Why shouldnt I love him #19672

    I totally agree with you. Two of my babies were a product of rape. Granted I lost both of them but I still love them. I still cry myself to sleep at night because I don’t know what they would be like right now. I hated the circumstances and I didn’t want them but the longer they were a reality the more I grew to love them. I think about the both daily and wish they were here so I could snuggle with them and show them how much I really do love them, even though all I have are imagined babies to think of them as. Though people say it, it really is not true and don’t let them convince you other wise. By the way, Congratulations on your son. Treasure him like nothing else girl! Love ya

    in reply to: Want to have sex but scard! what do I do?? #19664

    Hey Mairssa,
    Treasure your virginity. I lost mine at 16. I had always dreamed of giving it to my husband on our wedding night but since I thought that it had been taken from me when I was little I didn’t care. Now it kills me. Save it girl. You won’t regret it. It will be the best gift for you and your husband to share on your wedding night. Love you girl, take care. Britnie

    in reply to: I can’t stop thinking about my baby. #19663

    Hi, I am so sorry about your loss. I know what you are going through. I’ve lost 3, most recently I was 2 months along and lost it. I’d lost the other two a 5 1/2 months and then 4 months. It doesn’t get any easier and the thought of missing the one you lost doesn’t go away. Know that your baby is in heaven with God. If you need to talk just let me know ok… Take care and you are in my prayers.

    in reply to: Can anyone relate? #19661

    Don’t be afraid to tell them that you are pregnant. You ARE MARRIED and if they are going to judge you for that, not only are they out of place but it is unnecessary. You will do fine. Obviously this was in God’s timing because you were on birth control and it happened anyways. Just relax and let things flow. Be glad that you have this opportunity, I’ve lost 3. I know that the timing seems off but things will work out. Good luck. And just be honest with your teachers… 🙂

    in reply to: My life after the abortion #19400

    That was very brave of you to share your story… You will be in my prayers…

    in reply to: i WAS pregnant after all…But.. i lost the baby #19345

    Hey sweety, I know what you’re going through. I’ve miscarried 3. The first I lost at 5 months and he was formed, it was the hardest thing I’d ever gone through,granted the first two were from rape and I didn’t want them but you still get attatched. I lost the next at 3 months and the most recent one, the one that I desperately wanted to be ok at 2 months. I say that I wanted that one to be ok because he was my bf’s. I didn’t not want the other two to be ok but I really wanted this one to be ok. Trust me it is hard but you can pull through. If you have any questions or just want to talk I am here and more than happy to talk with you ok? You are in my prayers. Just know that your baby is in Heaven with God. Don’t be mad at God though, this was not His plan… Ok. love you girl, hang in there…

    in reply to: There she is! #19343

    She is truly beautiful… Congratulations!!! I am soooo happy for you. I’m glad that all is well with her and I’m assuming that you are ok too correct? Good luck and keep us posted. God Bless, Britnie

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