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  • in reply to: Very Confusing Results #16053

    You should get a blood test done….I have never gone from a + to a – but I was pregnant and had negative two weeks before a positive. Our bodies are all different…maybe your hormones are more elevated at night???? Let us know πŸ™‚

    in reply to: ? #16032

    well depending on what your activities consisted of the night before, if you had eaten something bad, or if you have the flu…Yes but if you think you are preg take a test πŸ™‚

    in reply to: might be pregnant… #16031

    Chances are really high. And dont beat yourself up calling yourself stupid will only lead to depression. Sure maybe you didnt make the best choices ( I know I havent in the past ) but it doesnt mean that you cant start fresh tomorrow even if you are pregnant. Embrace the consequences with the motivation to make new and better choices πŸ™‚ Thats what I did only it took me two kids from two dads to decide to make the choice to wait until marriage. Well I have been married now for 4 months and we waited untill our wedding night to have sex for the first time……I never thought that I would be able to say that so I hope that you will be able to take encouragement from this note and start fresh in the morning (whether you are pregnant or not) If you need to talk or have more questions you should visit my profile and leave me a note… take a test soon.

    in reply to: i need advice…condolence? #16028

    Hey carlie…congratulations on your little bundle πŸ™‚ I am praying for you that the Lord will give you a good focal point during your labor to keep you distracted form the what if’s. And I am praying that He would keep you and your little girl safley tucked away in the shadow of His wings. I have had 2 babies (now almost 5 and 2 1/2) I had some fears just like you do and I think its normal to worry about something going wrong. My daughter was born with her cord wrapped twice around her neck. The doctor had it undone so quickly that I didnt have time to freak out. She turned out just fine. My son was a blue baby and sometimes I still worry about him when he gets sick because I have heard that blue babies have more resperatory problems than most. Medical science is so advanced nowadays that they can take care of almost anything that happens. Make sure that if you have group b strep that you watch for signs in your baby, my son ended up with it and I didnt even know he was sick. Some of the symptoms are….not eating alot, being lethargic, and spitting up (not like a full vomit but the feeding basically just coming right back out). I hope this info would give you wisdom and comfort. The only One who can relieve our fears and give us peace is Jesus πŸ™‚ ps. right now because you are still preg the second hand smoke will only affect you not the baby….when the baby is born if your bf holds her smelling like smoke it will affect her. Make sure that no matter what happens you choose your baby over a man. If he is not willing to go to the extremes to keep her healthy, and do faithfully stay by you (if he is going to he should marry you) then he is not worth having someone to hold. I had to learn the hard way twice. I now am married to a wonderful man who has never smoked or drank a day in his life and he is not the father of either one of my kids (he is a great daddy to them though) so dont sell yourself short. Make sure that you choose a good daddy for your little girl, I will be praying for you. (please dont think I am judging your bf just because he smokes doesnt mean he wont make a good daddy I am just stating facts about health issues, my sons dad smokes and we have a hard time letting him go with him because of it) let us all know how your birth goes πŸ™‚ Meg

    in reply to: me too i think im pregnant!!! #16025

    If you were only one day late and it was a heavy flow then you are most likely not pregnant. How old are you? If you kind of want a kid and you are not married with a steady income and a good support group of family and friends I would recommend waiting untill you do have those things (especially marriage) untill you try for a baby πŸ™‚ Meg

    in reply to: SOOO scared right now…I’m 18 #16024

    Yes you should use a test…. most home pregnancy tests are pretty acurate these days but use a brand name if you are looking for the best accuracy available…also you can go to the doctor and get a blood test done they are the most acurate. If finances or medical are an issue try looking for a pregnancy recourse center or a caring pregnancy center…most even have ultrasounds now and they are free πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Am I pregnant? #16015

    well there is a huge chance of you being pregnant….take a test and let us know how it turns out πŸ™‚ Meg

    in reply to: im just wondering #16014

    Hey sweetie from the sounds of things you have too much going on with your body to be sure of anything. If you cant handle not having sex you should at least be on birth control but if I could remain abstinent after 10 yrs of sexual activity then I know you can. I would go to your doctor and get bloodwork. After having a baby you really need to let your body get back to normal before you start having sex. Also while breastfeeding your periods can be really messed up. Please slow down and adjust to being a mommy and if your boyfriend (I assume father of your baby, I went through 2 pregnancies alone) really loves you then he will respect your body give you space to adjust and marry you if he wants to stick around. If he wont marry you then you shouldnt be having sex with him…..Love and Prayers Meg

    in reply to: Could pregnancy tests be wrong? #16013

    You need to go to a doctor or caring pregnancy center. You need a blood test….your hormones may not be elevated enough to tell if your pregnant. If you are not preg and you have missed your period this long you should still go tothe doctor. Let us know how it turns out :)Meg

    in reply to: pregnant #16003

    Well walking is good because it helps your body prepare for birth and keeps your heart in good shape (dont over do it though) I cant give you the best advice on a nutrisious diet but Im sure your doctor can. Make sure you drink lots of water and take your prenatals πŸ™‚ have a great pregnancy and keep us all informed of how you are doing πŸ™‚ Meg

    in reply to: Movements #16002

    I loved feeling my babies kick. My favorite was when they stick a hand or foot way out and move it accross your belly πŸ™‚ Its like a big bump that moves around πŸ™‚ Be glad that you have a healthy active baby inside you!!!! Its when they stop moving that you should be concerned…….Meg

    in reply to: starting babies on solids #15997

    My son was eating solid foods like chicken and cherios before he had a single tooth!!!! Just make sure you are right there with them and be responsible….some babies need more in their tummys than other babies and sometimes doctors and WIC counselors tell you not to do certain things too soon but it is more important to listen to your baby. They cant talk but they let you know what they need if you pay close enough attention…..Meg

    in reply to: Milk #15995

    Well no matter what DONT use a breast pump it could stimulate labor and you dont want to do that at 32 weeks. Every woman is different and your body just might be alittle ahead of everything else πŸ™‚ I would talk to your doctor and wear breast pads LOL Let us know how it works out πŸ™‚ ……Meg

    in reply to: baby in problems #15993

    Lord Jesus, I just want to lift up this little life to you right now…..You know why he is sick and You know whether or not You will heal him..I pray that You would just reach down and touch his little body right now and that if it would be Your will to heal him that this sickness would leave his body this moment…Lord sometimes You allow us to go through pain and loss to build us up and prepare us for what will come at us later in life so I pray that if its Your will to take this baby home to be with You that You would make every moment special with him and his mommy while he is still here….I pray that You would prepare this mommy to accept whatever happens and that You would give her a double portion of Your strength…grace….and mercy. Lord I want to lift up all of the other cares and concerns involved with this situation….medical bills, the father, treatment options, and other everyday expenses in this families life. I pray that You would give all the doctors wisdom and discernment and guide their hands as they interact with this baby. Lord we committ all of this into Your hands and ask above all that Your will would be done in these lives and that You would be praised no matter what the outcome is……I pray all of these things in Jesus name….and if anyone else agrees join me in saying ….AMEN Let us know how things turn out………Meg

    in reply to: baby in problems #15992

    Hi there…I have never been through what youre going through but I want to pray for you and your baby!!!

    in reply to: AHH!!!! #15972

    Well??????? We havent heard yet…..Yes or No????

    in reply to: Yeast infection pill!!! plz answer. #15971

    I have not heard anything in specific about diflucan messing up your baby…before I knew I was preg I went to the hospital becuase I didnt know what was going on with me (I was preg) they gave me a urine and a blood test both negative then they tested me for all STD’s and stuff. Everything came back negative. They told me I had PID (Ididnt) I knew enough about it and how you get it and I kept telling them I knew I didnt. They didnt know what to do for me so they gave me pain pills and MAJOR anti-biotics. The anti-biotics (that I didnt need) gave me a HORRIBLE yeast infection. The pain pills didnt do a thing!! So I went back, they gave me monistat and diff meds and made a follow up apt. for me with a gynecolgist to find out what was going on. It was 2 weeks later so I didnt sleep with my boyfriend because I had a yeast infection and I didnt know what was going on with my body. I went to the apt. and they had me give urine. They did a preg test and it was positive. I had her give me 2 more LOL I tested neg on a blood test 2 weeks earlier and hadnt had sex. Well they sent me straight to a radiologist because of the situation and they told me that my daughter was a tubal pregnancy and she had slipped out and replanted just in time or she would have killed me. Needless to say they had given me EVERYTHING you dont want to give a pregnant woman and my little girl (almost 5) turned out just fine. Dont worry babies are tough and if something comes up just give it to the Lord :)…Meg

    in reply to: i think im pregnant! tell me what u think please! #15970

    If indeed you did have sex on your most fertile day and you did concieve you are probably still in the process of conception….I think it takes like 2 weeks….just wait and take a test…Meg

    in reply to: Could I be pregnant? #15969

    If you are 2 weeks late and a test is not picking up on hormones you should go to a doctor and get a blood test…Try going to a pregnancy recourse center or a caring pregnancy center they are free and most have ultrasounds now πŸ™‚ hope that helped…how old are you and what is your situation???…Meg

    in reply to: will i get pregnant again? #15968

    I am sorry that you are in the midst of pain and an emotional battle. There are a few things I agree with from the other comments but I would like to add to them and refine them. Abortion is wrong for so many reasons you know that obviously because you are in the spot you are in. I am not going to drill you and shove it down your throat…thats not what you need. What you need is truth just like all of us. I am sure that you will end up conceiving again. Most women can after abortion. My concern for you is that you are letting the pain and regret from your decision lead you to believe a lie. One woman commented "pray and it shall be answered" I believe whole heartedley that God answers prays…every single one. Sometimes He says yes sometimes no and sometimes not right now. I know from my own personal experience that God is not going to "bless" things that dont honor Him. He declares in His word that sex outside of marriage is not what He wills for us nor is it pleasing to Him. So to pray "Dear God me and my boyfriend want a baby…would you please bless us with a child even though we are living in sin and rebeling against what Your best is for us???" is a very ignorant thing to do. I spent 10 yrs being sexually active and I had 2 kids from 2 dads outside of marriage, so dont think I am some "churchy girl" who doesnt understand what it is like to live in the world of sexual imorality. I know very well what that life leads to…Death!!! You have already experienced that. The death of a baby because things were not done in the order that God ordained them to be done in. I really do feel your hurt my sister has had 3 abortions and she has shared her greif with me. I hope that you will hear my words. I made the choice to be abstinent untill marriage when I found out I was pregnant with my second. 3 1/2 years went by untill I got married and I had sex with my husband for the first time on our wedding night. I have never experienced such fredom and blessing in a relationship. God loves to bless people who desire to do it His way. We all fall short of His grace…we all stumble…but if we are saved by the blood of Jesus then we are forgiven and are mercies are renewed every morning. I hope that you would take the right steps to get on a path that would please the Lord. Please get married before you have a baby…everyone involved (especially that baby) will be so blessed. I always say that with the life I was living I deserved AIDS but God in His grace gave me children instead. God does bless us inspite of who we are even when we are in sin, and I think He gave me kids instead of AIDS because He knew that I would turn from my sin and praise Him. So I hope and pray that you are prepared for the reprocussions that could stem from the choices you make from here on out regarding sex before marriage. I hope and pray the you would let the Lord heal your broken heart and that He would restore to you the life and joy that was taken from you. If you have any questions about why I feel the way I do or what my life used to be like just post a note on my page…Today is the day to make new choices..Meg

    in reply to: First Beauty Pagaent!` #15967

    I hope you have a great time. Just make sure it stays fun for both of you and the moment it is not PULL OUT πŸ™‚ best of luck πŸ™‚

    in reply to: bills after the baby was born #15931

    For both of my pregnancies I was on OHP (Oregon state medical) and they paid every dime. I know that different states have different health plans and I dont know the coverage that you have. When I was 14 I went to the hospital and after billing me over and over again they wrote it off and I was forgiven that debt. It also happened again when I was 16. That was up in Washington. Here in Oregon My daughter fell and broke her collar bone and we didnt have medical at the time so they set up a payment plan with me and I only paid 20.00 a month. When I lost my job I was completely broke and I filled out the paper work to have it written off and I sent in a note explaining my circumstances. They forgave that debt and I was very thankful. If you get stuck with a big bill and all you can afford is like 10 or 20 a month the hospital will usually work with you if you just communicate with them…..I hope that your medical will cover your expenses so that you have one less thing to stress over :)….Meg

    in reply to: Maybe miscarriage? How do I know? #15918

    You need to go to the doctor (even if you are afraid to let anyone know the truth about what you have been up to) If you have misscarried (depending on how far along you were) not having your body cheched out could lead to infections or even infertility if I’m not misstaken. Maybe this would be a time that you will have to admitt your faults to your parents and need to admitt that you are sexually active. I hope all goes well but no matter what you think the reaction will be PLEASE go to the doctor and make sure that you are healthy :)…..Love and Prayers Meg

    in reply to: tanning #15915

    Are you talking about natural tanning in the sunshine or tanning in a booth???? I have heard that tanning booths are bad for you when you are preg and even if you tan in the sunshine some women get blotchy spots all over because of the hormone change that occurs with pregnany. Try to take the best care of your body and your skin right now. If you get cuts and scrapes while pregnant it will turn to a scar easier because your baby is sucking all the nutrients from your body. I think the same thing about tanning. If you get all blotchy while you are pregnant your skin may not get back to normal afterwards……Hope that helped…Meg

    in reply to: I just don’t know #15914

    I took a test that was negative and two weeks later it was positive. Sometimes your hormones dont elevate very quickly.. Let us know how this turns out and dont hesitate to ask more questions……ps. take a blood test at a doctor if you dont find out soon.

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