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  • in reply to: help me… #16918

    Sorry to be blunt (no pun intended) Get a new boyfriend or be single for a while….if he is doing drugs now he will probably still do them if you are pregnant and still once you have the baby… this point he has no intention of being "a family man" if you really want to get married and have a family one day then I would suggest looking for a man who is not caught up in drugs…people used to tell me that marijuana was the gateway for all other drugs…I used to tell myself "no way, I can smoke pot and not try anything else…" well within a year or so I had done two other drugs and after like 8 years I had done everything but heroin…I have been clean of any and all drugs for about 3 1/2 years now and I have no intentions of EVER doing them again….get away from him before he starts doing everything else….Meg

    in reply to: first appointment? #16910

    Dont be freaked out….I know you dont like needles but you will have your blood drawn…at your first appointment they usually take all your medical information and ask questions about your family’s medical history…they will probably screen you for STD’s and for AIDS.. they will measure your tummy and take your weight…and they will take a urine sample to test your hormone levels and make sure that you are right on track 🙂 your doctor will ask questions in regards to how you want to deliver to start you thinking about your birth plan…the sooner you start thinking about it and planning it the better it will be…it doesnt always go how we expect it to but it is better to prepare your mind and body….walk as much as your doctor says is fine drink lots of water and do some exercises to strengthen your legs and thighs and pelvic mucles….again check with your doctor and make sure you dont over do it 🙂 keep us all informed of how you are doing and take care….Love and Prayers…Meg

    in reply to: I dont know how to confront this #16906

    I bet you are freaked out!!! just take things one step at a time…wait until you miss your period (if you do) and then take a test….if you are not pregnant then I hope that this scare will cause you to remain abstinent until you are married and if you are pregnant well…make sure you tell your mom even if you think you will be in huge trouble….if she suggests abortion you need to stand up (in a respectful way) and take responsibility for your actions….you need to either keep this baby or give it up for adoption….I havent done the research yet but my dad told me that if a girl aborts her FIRST baby that she is way more likely to get breast cancer… there is an enzyme that is released during child birth that gives you more "immunity" to that kind of cancer…sometime today or tomorrow I plan on looking up the info and gettting all the facts right but you can check it out yourself…my dad said to go to google and type in "abortion breast cancer" and thousands of links will pop up…..I spent 10 yrs being sexually active, I had two kids from two dads, and I had a terrible hole in my heart that I thought could never be healed….when I was preg with my second I made the choice to not have sex again until I was married….I didnt….I have been married for 5 months now after 3 1/2 years of abstinence…it was the best decision for my body and for my emotions that I could have ever made….I just hope that you will make that choice alot sooner that I did and save yourself alot of things…pregnancy, STD’s, AIDS, heartbreak, rumors, feeling used, dissapointing your parents, losing your self worth…..I could go on and on…I hope this helped you….Meg

    in reply to: what is he doing??? #16877

    Well all I have to say is put him to the test…I got back together with my daughters dad when she was 3 weeks old (I even had a restraining order on him) I know exactly how you feel right now…with a new baby it feels like the two of you will have a fresh start and with all the distance you have had it is easy to forget what went wrong and it is easy to feel passionate and even tingly inside…well put him to the test….make him wait…DONT HAVE SEX WITH HIM… you could end up pregnant…and also it is easier to stand your ground if you are not in a vulnerable position (being emotionally attached during sex) if you dont have sex with him and he starts flaking out it will be easier to let him go….if he really wants to stay around for you and Kian then he will wait until you are married to have sex again…if he wont marry you and wait until then to have you in that way…then what does he REALLY want….I will be praying for you..stand strong and think of your baby boy…not having a dad around is better than having a bad influence and an unhealthy lifestyle in your home….for now let him be a dad but not a boyfriend…if he cant respect the fact that you need time (after all he did walk out for most if not all of your pregnancy) and he cant understand why he cant come and go as he pleases then he has alot more growing up to do before he would meet your maturity level and even come close to being worthy of your hand….let us all know if anything changes…Love and Prayers…Meg

    in reply to: Gender or not to gender… #16876

    With my first I wanted to hear "It’s a…" for the first time and not say "duh I already knew that!!!" Well the moment I haear "It’s a girl" was so amazing…with both of my kids I knew very early into my pregnancy what gender they were..I let my little girl be a surprise but when I was pregnant with my son I wanted to find out because I had friends with little girls smaller than my daughter and I wanted to know if I needed to keep her clothes or if I should give them away as hand me downs….well I hope that helps…Meg

    in reply to: I’m going crazey ? #16844

    I dont count it a blessing to lose a baby so I guess I’m not like alot of other people…dont get so sucked into depression that you lose focus of your family…for whatever reason we dont know but God allowed you to lose your baby….it may be a tough trial to go through and I know your hurt is overwhelming but just think…you were bummed at first when you found out….next time can you imagine finding out…you will need your kids to pull you and your husband down from the clouds you will be so excited…you are leaning to cope right now and maybe someday down the road a good friend or one of your daughters will have the same experience and you know what…you will be able to relate and help someone else through their tough time….just remember if you give your cares to the Lord He will work it all out…Tears endure through the night but joy comes in the morning…I will be praying for you…Love and Prayers..Meg

    in reply to: I still haven’t started….. #16842

    You should go to a pregnancy resource center…they have free tests and some even have ultra-sound machinery….if you are late enough they will give you an ultra-sound if your test keeps coming up negative….have you talked to your mom….she might be able to help???

    in reply to: Could this even happen??? #16841

    Are you trying to get pregnant??? It sounds like you know your cycle very well so you would probably know better about how and if you conceived….Are you married???? If you are not married the only way to guarantee to not get pregnant is abstinence…..having unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy so of course there is a chance that you could be pregnant…….if you dont start your period take a test or go to the doctor for one…..let us all know….Meg

    in reply to: Spotting Could I be Pregnant? #16840

    well you should deffinately go to a doctor to get your blood drawn…alot of women (myself included) dont show pregnancy on a hpt very soon…if your hormones are not elevated enough it wont pick it up….a blood test is usually more accurate in earlier pregnancy…..I dont know how old you are but you should talk with your mom or go to a pregnancy resource center…tehy give great cousel and free to low cost services….Meg

    in reply to: sooo #16839

    As long as you provide for your baby and make good choices they usually wont take a baby from the mom…you need to tell your mom so you can start getting prenatal care…as for the racial issue shame on them…just keep treating them how you would want to be treated and let them judge if they want but dont give them a reason to and dont fuel their fire…just take care of you and the baby and please tell your mom even if you will get in trouble…Meg

    in reply to: dealing with lonelyness #16838

    Well I can imagine how difficult it is to not have your husband around I was a single mom for 4 1/2 years before I got married and I was abstinent for 3 1/2 years before my wedding night so I know lonely…..I started going to church and I made some friends but no person not even my husband can compare to my friendship with Jesus…any time I am lonely I read my bible and its like having a conversation with God…He understands everything I am going through even when my husband doesnt…He has been rejected more than I have ever been so He can relate to me when I feel hurt….There are so many good and precious promises in the bible..He promises to turn our ashes into beauty and our mourning into joy…He promises that He has good thoughts toward us to give us a future and a hope….I know that its hard to get out of bed with out the right motivation but reading my bible to see what the Lord has for me each day has been a good enough reason for me…try it sometime….it might make motherhood easier and more joyful…it has for me…I hope this helped…Love and Prayers…Meg

    in reply to: Why? #16837

    Ditch the guy no matter how bad it feels to loose him….if I were you I would surround yourself with a good support system 🙂 go to a good Non-denominational bible teaching church and get plugged into a bible study…you would be surprised how many people in churches have been through hard stuff in their lives…sometimes people who go to church act like they are better than people who dont go to church but the truth is we are all rotten sinners!!! People mistake church as a place that you go to if you have all your ducks in a row but it is not!!! The church is a hospital for those who are hurting…I was just reading in Matthew today that Jesus went into the temple and drove out all of the hypocrites and began healing the blind and the lame… sounds like you have alot of hurt and grief in your life and the best place to be healed is in a group of people who love the Lord and who will pray for you and counsel you. One day you will meet a man who is worthy to be with you…until then there are others out there (even in the church) who are hurting and with your experience you can relate and understand…let the Lord use your story to encourage others to not give up…like myself…I work at a funeral home sometimes…I have lost many close friends and family members…I know how I wanted to be loved during the time of loss so therefore I love others in the same manner…I hope this helped and I will be praying for you..Love and Prayers…Meg

    in reply to: Pregnant? #16784

    I had a yeast infection right before I found out I was pregnant both times…..if you have had sex protected or not you are at risk of pregnancy…go get checked out for STD’s also because that can be a cause of the UTI also……let us all know how it turns out… abstinence is the only way to protect yourself from pregnancy and STD’s

    in reply to: need advice.. #16783

    You should go to a doctor and get a blood test….if you are 5-6 weeks late and have a negative test go to a pregnancy resource center and get a free ultra-sound….most of them have the equipment now…You should stop having sex that is the only way that you know you wont get pregnant….form th esounds of it you have had a rough life…sex wont make you feel better….in the end it will make you feel just as unwanted as your parents have made you feel…save yourself for marriage (I may have messed up alot of times in my past with other guys but I didnt have sex with my husband until our wedding night and I have found self worth again) it is worth the wait and you wont ever have to fell confused or guilty again either….tell your guardian your situation and face the music….Meg

    in reply to: here is my story #16782

    Thank you for sharing your heart with us all…..and thank God you are alive…my daughter was a tubal pregnancy as well but her and I both lived….she slipped out of my tube somewhere areound 6 to 8 weeks and replanted…..I have a history of tubals in my family and I had put that on my paperwork when I went to see a gynecologist to find out what was going on with me….I had been sick like you described and I had had a urine and a blood test at the hospital that both came back negative…that is why I was at the doctor to do a follow up…the intake nurse had my give a urine sample for a preg test….I told her that I had had a blood and urine test 2 weeks earlier that were negative and that I had not had sex since then….well it turned positive and I made her do 2 more tests….because of my history and the circumstances they sent me straight in for an ultra-sound….I had severe scaring in my left tube…..My little girl is a miracle from God and I thank Him often for her…..I believe that God allowed me to be pregnant with her because when I was 3 1/2 months along my mom killed herself and I found her body…had I not been pregnant I may have done the same thing…..God has a different plan for all of us and I strongly believe that He doesnt allow conception before marriage as a blessing I believe He allows it to do a work in and through our lives…..I always say that I deserved AIDS but God in His grace gave me children instead…when I got pregnant with my son I made the choice to not have sex again until I was married….I got married in November and our first time was our wedding night…I went 3 1/2 years with no sex and it was worth the wait…..I am really sorry for what you had to go through but I am glad that your eyes have been open to what sex before marriage can do to you….married women can have tubals and misscarriages to dont get me wrong but having a husband to support you through it is a big difference adn you dont feel guilty either.. once again thank you for sharing and may the Lord bless you with a little one when you are married one day…..Meg

    in reply to: how sick is this #16773

    I am thankful that you have been given eyes to see how "wrong" it is for your girls to end up in these situations…at the same time we need to be careful not to judge and condemn these people… we need to stand up for what is right and we need to say what is wrong is wrong..but God knows the heart of each person and He is to judge not us…. I hope you continue to seek out these stories and share them so that people will have their eyes opened but I also hope that you will see how ugly sin is and start praying for these people…. you know that God sees every sin on the same level??? a tiny little white lie is as ugly as the mother of the 10yr old who allowed her daughter to be in that situation…. thinking a mean judgemental thought about the 12 yr old and her boyfriend is equal to murder in Gods eyes….I am not just saying this becuase I feel like it these words are in the bible….If you think a hatefull thought towards your brethren then it is as bad as murder…and looking at someone with lust in your heart is as guilty as adultry…. I think you should keep up the "preaching" to the young girls out there that these things are wrong but remember that you are not innocent either and I am sure there is plenty for God to judge in your heart as well as mine….if you want to know more about why I feel the way I do visit my profile and sign my guestbook and I’ll get back to you….Meg

    in reply to: baby # 3 and don’t kno what to do #16772

    I think that if you got an abortion it would show your mom that you are irresponsible….she is probably helping you because she sees that you have lived up to your responsibility and she wants to bless you for that…keeping this baby means that she might not help you anymore but she warned you didnt she??? but killing your baby is a horrible thing to do and being the mother of two already I cant imagine that you would consider it…Your boyfriend isnt off the hook either…he needs to marry you or quit having sex with you!!!! we were created to fall in love, then get married, then have sex, then have kids… the world today tells us that you can have sex, have kids or abort them, get married if you want to or even get divorced if your just not happy, and that you dont have to love someone to sleep with them dont even have to be emotionally attached!!! that is not how God meant for it to be….the way I see it is that you are old enough to legally get married…you have two children with this guy and one on the way…if you are not ready for marriage then quit having sex…if you cant afford to have a "fancy" wedding then go to the court house…when a man goes into a woman the two become one and in Gods eyes the act of sex between you has joined you eternally…you can never seperate and become two again….it will leave you torn and broken and you can never replace what you leave "attached" to the other person…your boyfriend needs to be a man and marry you and start taking responsibility for his actions and you need to quit letting get away with it ..dont have sex with him again until he marries you…you are showing your kids that it is ok to do things in the wrong order and that it is ok for a guy to come and go as he pleases… tell him lets get married or you need to get lost!!!!!!… stand strong and dont give in.. you need to face your consequences and raise your kids to not do the same thing…..Meg

    in reply to: Fatherless babies #16771

    Both of my children are fatherless babies…but….the do have a daddy…I got married in November and now my kids have the daddy they have longed for….it was not an easy road to be a single mom for 4 1/2 years and to know that my kids had two different dads and that neither one of them was man enough to step up and support their kids….I had fears at times that I wasnt enough for my kids and that I would end up exposing them to a dangerous person…but I also didnt date guys….I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years untill my wedding night in November of 06….I spent time loving on my kids and I put a relationship far out of my mind until I met my husband….I met him at church and I watched how he interacted with my kids (as like they were his own) he had everyones respect and he was very well loved by everyone I knew….He respected me at all times and he even stepped in and helped me out financially when I needed diapers and stuff…we didnt even kiss untill we had been together for 8 months and we had sex for the first time on our wedding night…..forget about guys for now….it is better for your son to not have a father right now then it is for you to bring the wrong guy into his life….My encouragement to you would be to get plugged into a Non-denominational church where they teach right out of the bible….get him involved in a sunday school class and your self into teachings and bible studies…your chances of finding a good wholesome man (and daddy for your son) are very high at church….not everyone at church is a good person and not everyone in church is safe….remember satan could not defeat the church so he joined it…Seek first the kingdom of God and His righeousness and all other things shall be added…..that is the verse that gave me perserverance when it came to wanting a husband and a father for my kids….and you know what???when I quit seeking a man in my life and I started developing my relationship with my Savior and spending time just being a mommy that is when it happened…Pray over your son and ask God to protect him from harm….Perfect love casts out all fear…God loves us perfectly..unconditionally..and eternally…when you are afraid pray and commit yourself and your son to the Lord….your son will thank you when he is older for bringing him to the Lord..He is our Heavenly Father and when He feels it is the right time He will bring your son a father here on earth….I hope this sure did for me…..Meg

    in reply to: Update #16745

    Amen….. you have my prayers as well…Meg

    in reply to: really confused #16744

    Go to a pregnancy resourse center they give free tests…two days is early to have symptoms but still get checked out….with pain in your side and swelling down there you could have an infection!!! go to the health department or a sliding scale clinic and get checked out…. I would stop having sex until your married and you wont have to worry about these things….I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years before my wedding after 10 yrs of being sexually active so I know it is possible and that it is very rewarding…I never had to worry about pregnancy or STD’s…..let us all know how it goes…Meg

    in reply to: Freaked Out #16743

    Well I know many girls who have made it through school with a baby!!!! If you are thinking about abortion you should cast that thought far away from your mind….think of it this way…do you want to be known at school as the girl who got pregnant and killed her baby…or.. do you want to show them who you are deep inside…a girl who made a poor choice but has the guts and the strength to STAND UP and face her responsibilities…you may not have alot of support right now but if you pull up and start making good choices…do your homework, listen to your parents, take some parenting classes and prepare yourself then your family and others who love you will see that you need the support and that you are not looking for a hand out….If a man is hungry and you give him a fish he will eat it and then soon be in need again..if you give him a fishing pole then he can catch all the fish he needs…show them that you "want the fishing pole" and they will teach you and support you but dont kill your baby and "ask for fish" get what I’m saying??? You can do this and you can learn alot in this trying time but dont kill your baby!!!!! Love and Prayers Meg

    in reply to: Curse of the Pregnancy Hormones #16742

    Well I havent been pregnant in 2 1/2 years but a friend of mine recently had a baby…she was told that she was having a little girl and after 4 ultrasounds (she had alot of complications so she was always getting them done) to confirm I had a PINK baby shower for her…little dresses and bows 🙂 well about a week after the shower she found out that Abigail was a bad name for a BOY!!!!! LOL well all that to say that one day she was at Ross shopping and she got stuck in the aisle….the only store clerk in sight was a man and she described him as the type who has never dealt with a pregnant woman…anyways she was sooo emotional and she was crying and her belly was so huge that the guy had to help her get unstuck (she was trapped between the cart and the shelf LOL) she recovered from the embarassment of being hormonal in public and she laughs about it now!!!! you will too one day :)…Meg

    in reply to: JUST FOUND OUT #16737

    well if your parents and his cut you off from resources then it is time to learn how to spend your money very wisely….do both of you work??? you can stay home with your kids and do daycare….maybe it is time to get married or to quit having sex…you both need to take up alot more responsibility….find a local Non-Denominational church…start reading the bible…there is strength in the Lord and His Word has so much wisdom in it on how to raise your kids and how to make good decisions…..let us all know how things turn out and remember to STAND UP…this season shall pass..what are you going to learn in it and from it :)…Meg

    in reply to: Is it wrong #16736

    I dont think you are cruel or selfish….I used to feel the same way about my sister and her kids…I would be on th ecouch watching tv in the morning and her kids would be eating chips out of the bag and making a mess and she would be in bed….my nephew used to pee in the mop bucket and it was gross….my neice used to steal my stuff and hide things….I love my sister very much and she has changed over the years…when I look back it wasnt that I didnt ever want kids I just had the fear of being a bad mom…her kids are not and were not bad kids they just needed guidance and dicipline…she needed to clean up after them and get out of bed and give them breakfast….when I finally had my daughter I related to her alot more…kids are tough..they need constant supervision, freequent meals, they need to be cleaned up alot, have their hands washed, they need rules and consequences for not following them…..I learned the hard way but kids need two parents (it is possible to do it alone I did for 4 1/2 yrs) from the sounds of it your sisters have had premarital sex and your family has been left to deal with their consequences….praise God that you can see the challenges they go through…let this example in front of you "scare" you into not having sex untill you are married….If you are married one day and get pregnant I know your heart will be more willing to keep the baby instead of adopting (plus your husband and his family wouldnt be too happy about adoption LOL) I try my hardest to keep my kids in line…when we go out to dinner with all 3 kids we usually end up having a couple people come up to us and tell us "Your kids are so well behaved…." it takes alot of hard work but not everyones kids are a nightmare…I teach my kids to say excuse me if they need to say something…they are not allowed to interrupt an adult conversation….they go to the corner for not listening..they pick up their toys when asked…they say please and thank you…etc.etc. when you are married and decide to try it out and have a child or 2 or 3 or 4 LOL Raise that child to be respectful of other peoples things and to use good behavior dont let them be a nuisance…my kids are happy and they have alot of fun…but every where we go people are amazed at how they listen and obey…..dont let someones lack of parenting and responsibility steal away the joy you can receive from a baby one day……Meg

    in reply to: My Story….. #16735

    Thank you for sharing your story….I was also a single mother for 4 1/2 years…from the sounds of it you had it alot worse than I did because I was never homeless with my kids (I was as a teenager for a season) I am praying that your pregnancy will be a healthy one….I cant wait untill my husband and I get pregnant…I have had 2 kids out of wedlock and it is very difficult to do it alone so I am happy that you are in the season of new beginings as well….committ this baby to the Lord and He will protect you both….God Bless….Meagan

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