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ParticipantMy advise would be to get off the birth control…it is messing with your body…..if you are worried about pregnancy then use the best form of birth control out there….abstinence….I was sexually active for 10 years and had 2 kids from 2 dads before I tried it….I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years until my wedding night and I never had to worry about pregnancy, STD’s or AIDS… is possible to be pregnant and have a period so I would investigate further…..let us all know what happens and please consider my advise….Meg
ParticipantI agree with you, children are a blessing and being a good mom doesnt depend on age…I also believe that unmarried girls especially those who are not old enough to work a job or drive a car should wait to have kids….if a girl ends up in a crisis pregnancy keeping the baby is the best way to go….they are life changers and they grow you up…not to mention the joy they bring…but….to all the girls out there trying to conceive please wait….just because babys are wonderful and just because so many of us have made it through pregnancy, birth, and bills please dont take it as condoning….it is always best to bring a baby into a happy healthy stable marriage….I wish I would have had the patience to provide that for my kids…but I also didnt get pregnant on purpose…for all of you out there who choose to keep your babies even at a young age big thumbs up, you are troopers and you loved your kids enough to let them live even when the world or your boyfriends or your families told you to kill them….but to all the girls out there wanting to or trying to conceive….show your love for you future kids by waiting until marriage to bring them into the world…..Meg
ParticipantI would come clean with both families….a relationship that is based on lies is one that will fall apart….your fears of this backfiring are most likely going to come to pass and if you are pregnant there is a chance that he will go to jail for statutory rape (depending on what state you live in and how your family takes this) your boyfriend is older and as the guy in the relationship it is his responsibility to keep things pure in your relationship….if he really loves you then he will come clean and ask forgiveness from your family and his and he will wait until you are old enough to get married and also wait utnil then to have sex with you….I dont have a problem with the age gap with the exception that you are still a minor and he should know better than to have sex with you…he is older and he is taking advantage of you…you are consenting but he should have more respect for your body and should have waited until you were old enough to marry him to get in bed with you…also he should have more respect for your parents..he is lying to them and they are going to be hurt….I hope that you will find out what is going on soon whether you are preg or not…but please stop sleeping with him…if you are not pregnant then you could end up that way if you keep having sex and if you love this guy then wait until you are old enough to get married so you dont send him to jail….also from an outside perspective if you have only been together for 2 1/2 weeks and he is putting hiself in a spot to go to jail by sleeping with you and he really wants you to be pregnant that should send red flags…this guy doesnt deserve you…please be careful…I will keep you and this situation in my prayers……Meg
ParticipantI say dont take the money….by doing that it is saying…."my innocence, emotions, and sence of well being can be bought" sure the money would be nice but it sends a bad message to those out there with bad intentions….it will tell all the other pedifiles out there that they can bribe with money those who they victemize…send him to jail and and make an example of him….Meg
ParticipantWow…what a bold clear message….I am so proud of you…it has been amazing to walk these years togther…even though we are so far away….your kids are so beautiful and you are such a great mom….you take so many pictures and you do so many things with them…even though you have nothing somtimes you still have so much to give them….you have acomplished so much more than your circumstances told you that you could…you have such an amazing story and I am glad to call you my friend and so much more blessed to call you my sister in Christ….thank you for making this video…just think of how many babies you will save…I love you so much…Meg
ParticipantThe only form of birth control that you can not get pregnant on is abstinence… there is a chance that you could be pregnant….have you taken a test yet?? sometimes in early pregnancy your hormones are not elevated enough so a blood test would be a good way to go….I hope that you will have answers soon so that you can set your mind at ease or start getting the best care you can get for you and possible baby….either way, no matter what happens I hope that you will consider abstinence….I was sexually active for 10 years and had two kids from two dads and a heavy broken heart before I made that choice…I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years until my wedding night and I will never regret that choice and I believe that my marriage is more blessed than it would have been if we had slept together before marriage….you can make your own choice and I am not here to point a finger or tell you what to do but I hope that you will consider my input…there is a lot less stress in the life of someone who remains abstinent….no unexpected pregnancy, no fear of STD’s or AIDS, and a lot less feelings of being used or rejected in a breakup….take care and let us all know what comes of this….Love and Prayers…Meg
ParticipantThe only form of birth control that you can not get pregnant on is abstinence… there is a chance that you could be pregnant….have you taken a test yet?? sometimes in early pregnancy your hormones are not elevated enough so a blood test would be a good way to go….I hope that you will have answers soon so that you can set your mind at ease or start getting the best care you can get for you and possible baby….either way, no matter what happens I hope that you will consider abstinence….I was sexually active for 10 years and had two kids from two dads and a heavy broken heart before I made that choice…I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years until my wedding night and I will never regret that choice and I believe that my marriage is more blessed than it would have been if we had slept together before marriage….you can make your own choice and I am not here to point a finger or tell you what to do but I hope that you will consider my input…there is a lot less stress in the life of someone who remains abstinent….no unexpected pregnancy, no fear of STD’s or AIDS, and a lot less feelings of being used or rejected in a breakup….take care and let us all know what comes of this….Love and Prayers…Meg
Participantthe "pull out method" is not birth controll….there is always a chance that you can get pregnant on any birth controll with one exception….abstinence….if you are worrid about getting pregnant then you shouldnt be having sex…especially on your fertile days…. the question is did you have any other bleeding or discharge other than the brown stuff???? If yes , you continued to bleed then you are probably not preg….if no and that was all and now you are late you could be pregnant….go take a test and let us all know what happens and please consider abstinence….I was sexually active for 10 years and it left me nothing but heartache 2 kids and feeling used and empty….thank God that it didnt leave me with anything else like AIDS…I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years until my wedding night and it was so worht it…..I encourage you to StandUp and make the same choice….Meg
ParticipantJust wait it out a little longer to see if you start and if you are still really late then go for another test….a pregnancy recourse cernter might have a free ultrasound available and they will give you one if you are 6 weeks late with a negative test… you and your husband WERE split up but I assume you are back together…right…well I hope that you will find everything out soon and I pray that the Lord will bind your marriage and strengthen your hearts…..Meg
ParticipantHow about…..stretch marks, water breaking, morning sickness, ultrasound, projectile vomit (LOL), thats about all I can think of at the moment…..hope that helps, I threw a baby shower for a friend a while back and something I came up with for gifts for the games was to give something that had to be given away in order to receive the true gift…..example, I gace a coffee cup with assorted tea bags and a few encouragement greeting cards and sent a note of instruction to pray about someone you knew who could use a little encouragement and send them a card….they got the cup and tea but they had to bless someone with a little note in the mail, another one was a gift card to a local coffee shop with enough money for luch and coffee for two….the instructions were to take a friend to coffee and lunch and to spend time praying for eachother….just a fun idea…everyone at the shower loved it…..have an awesome time getting spoiled…Love and Prayer…Meg
ParticipantWow your some woman…..congratulations on your new little bundle… mom had to go to the hospital with my sister sticking part way out…..she was trying for a home delivery and it went wrong… is a miracle that my sister is alive….she had the cord wrapped around her neck so many times that it almost killed her…..I hope you get plenty of rest and enjoy your little guy…..Meg
ParticipantMy pregnancies were night and day!!!! I also had a girl then a boy so I dont know if that makes a difference….I htink as long as you are healthy and that your doctor is taking precautions to monitor your early contractions that you will be fine…..I dont think a 2 week difference in due dates makes a whole lot of difference unless you are really going into pre term labor…..from the sounds of it you have a great doctor and you have had a baby so you know roughly what to expect……if this baby is larger than the last it could explain having more pain than last time…..just hang in there…you are getting closer to meeting your little girl every day and I will be praying that she stays put untill her little body is fully developed and that the rest of your pregnancy and then labor and delivery will go well….Meg
ParticipantI agree with you that the dad is being honorable…..but your sister is the more honnorable one for choosing life when she had the means to kill her baby….it is so awesome that you have your little nephew to have and hold…..I think that it is better for a dad to not show his face than to show it randomly on and off….it hurts a child to see their dad consistantly for a season and then not again for a year… kids are stuck in that cycle with their biological dads and they dont even give child support….I am proud of your sister for making the choice to not persue visitations if he didnt want them and for being a StandUpGirl…..Meg
ParticipantI agree with you and I am so thankfull to have a place to relate to others who are going through what I have been through and a place where people understand the trials of parenting….God Bless you and enjoy your little one……Meg
ParticipantI just wanted to make a response to this because I feel it is important for those who are considering abortion to read this and not have to search far for it…..
Participantif you are sexually active then there is always a chance that you could be pregnant….being 10 days late and having other symptoms sounds like you could be…..I would be honest with your mom and take a test now….if you are already 10 days late then your chance of accuracy is really good….take it with your first urine of the day and dont wait any longer than you have to to find out to mae sure you get the est care you can if you are pregnant…..if you are not pregnant then remember that the only form of birth control you cant get pregnant on is abstinence…….Meg
ParticipantWait until you are late to take the test for the most accuracy and take it with your first mornings urine…..the only "method" of birth controll that is 100% accurate is abstinence….sometimes if you think you are pregnant you can send signals to your body by worrying about it too much and then you will miss your period or start getting sick….your body will "fake" the pregnancy because of your stress about it….let us all know how it turns out…Meg
ParticipantWell if he wont do a blood test then go to a different doctor…if your test matched the positive sample on the box even if it is faint then it means you are pregnant…go ahead and take another test first thing in the morning that is when your hormones are most potent and go get a blood test from a doctor who will listen to you and your concerns……take care…..Meg
ParticipantThe only 100% sure way to not get pregnant is abstinence….you should go ahead and take a test just to make sure…let us all know how it goes…..Meg
ParticipantHi there I think that you are going to do just fine….my sister in law had a baby a while back and she has downs…she was also born with a hole in her heart and alot of other complications…she is the most precious little thing and she brings so much joy and love to those around her….there were so many times when she could have just given up but she has survived all of the surgeries and beat all of the odd up to this point so my encouragement to you is to just pray for your little one because God works miracles….and you are right you do deserve a child with special needs because if you have the heart of a mother for this little one who will need so much more than most kids then you are the perfect one to raise this little guy….I think God gives baby’s with special needs to those who have the most love to give…may He bless you and give you the strength you need for delivery and perserverance for the struggle that will come afterwards…..Love and Prayers…Meg
Participantwell if you are pregnant I pray that this baby will make it… mom lost a baby the same way you did and my daughtr was a tubal pragnancy…she actually slipped out of the tube and replanted… therefore I know God works miracles…..if you are pregnant and you want to raise this baby and enjoy motherhood then dont let your family change your mind….so what if having a baby will keep you from being a COE or whatever…..being a mommy will be alot less stressful than that and being a mom is just as worthy of a job…dont let them put you down but please please dont get an abortion….I hope that you are able to find out asap and that your family will not pressure you to fulfill their dreams for you….you can make it…just let us know what happens….Love and Prayers…Meg
ParticipantWhat kind of tests did they do???? If they did a blood pregnancy test and it was negative then you probably are not pregnant unless your hormones were too faint to show up yet but that is rare for a blood test to not pick it up….just make sure that you keep an eye on your health….if you get sudden pains in your left or right abdominal area go to the doctor if you dont start your period soon then get a blood test/another blood test…..let us all know what happens…ok….Meg
ParticipantWell if you are already a few days late most HPT’s will show up with a result….abstinence is the only for sure way to make sure you dont get pregnant…so ….if you end up not being pregnant this time I would really encourage you to wait untill you are married and if you are pregnant to make the same choice….if you dont start your period and you have a negative HPT tehn you should go to the doctor and get a blood test……also pregnancy recourse centers give free preg tests and they have educated counselors waitig to talk to you depending on the results…let us know what happens….Meg
ParticipantHey there…as I have already told you… have every ounce of my respect for abstaining untill marriage….I think the fact that you are making sure he loves you before you say I do is a very important thing to think about….what I want to ask you is…do you love him???? Marriage was meant to be for 1 man and 1 woman untill death….if you dont know if you love him enough to commit to that then it is best to wait… guess is that he does love you with a very true and deep love….you had sex one time had a baby and he is respecting you by marriying you and waiting untill that day to have sex again….if he didnt love you then he would have bailed out when you told him NO SEX or when you got pregnant…..are you two receiveing premarital counseling???? If he is wanting to marry you for the wrong reasons then counseling will bring that out…..I know that it is best for children to have both of their biological parents married and living under the same roof..but….it is worse to go through a painful divorce down the road then it is to not get married…..if you are ready and willing to committ and so is he and both of you want this marriage for the fact that you love each other and want to spend the rest of your lives together then get married…..if you have uncertanties then please wait… with him and ask him questions if he loves you he will understand where you are coming from and he will give you the reassurance you need…I will be praying for you…..Meg
ParticipantThere is a girl on this site who has had her period and she is roughly between 3-5 months??? I have also heard many stories of girls having a period the first couple of months… yes it is possible to have your period while pregnant…..Meg