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  • in reply to: When is your due date? #26391

    august 1st or 2nd πŸ™‚

    in reply to: baby names #25572

    What did you decide to name your little girl?????

    in reply to: Confused and Stressed, help? #25564

    you seem like you would be a great dad just because of the fact that you’re so concerned about all of these things πŸ™‚ And you can make it through high school, But you will need a job or cash assistance or something πŸ™‚

    in reply to: a curious question!!! #25493

    I got my period πŸ™‚ lol, so allll is good !!! ;}thank ya!

    in reply to: Quick after-school food ideas for the kiddies? #25482

    My mom used to always have a BIG pan of spaghetti always made so i could just microwave and eat!!! I loved it!!!

    in reply to: 15 and pregnant #25481

    Hi just a quick reply here πŸ™‚ I don’t want to scare you but you need to make sure before you tell your mom that she won’t try to charge your boyfriend for rape… It happened to me, it’s really not that fun to be going through with your mom!!

    in reply to: baby names #25480

    I like Daisy and Henry πŸ™‚ they are unique~~~!!!~~~

    in reply to: Am i pregnant?? #24869

    yes you can!

    in reply to: soo…my mom told my brother who told… #24868

    thanks for both of your advice!

    I have not had sex today wich is good for me πŸ™‚ Usually I do every sat and sun!

    I am a housekeeper and I am around chemicals, But I am not going to quit my job untill I am for sure, I’ve decided to hold off on the birthcontrol untill I can buy another test wich may be the 16th, but Idk if I can not have sex untill then but i’ll be more carefull! thank you guys for reading! πŸ™‚ When does your stomache start to grow, get chubby or anything?

    in reply to: soo…my mom told my brother who told… #24858

    We are engaged, and I had a sexual experience prior to my fiance. I don’t think we are going to stop having sex… maybe not as much sex but Im positive we will still have sex… Not that I don’t like your advice, So thank you πŸ™‚ And in what way do contreceptives harm babies?

    in reply to: i forgot to take my pill #24854

    Did you take the pills immediatly after you realized? My friend got pg with only missing ONE pill!

    in reply to: UGH!!! yes no wat>???!??? #24171

    i’m not mad at any of your replies…

    I grew up with my mom and my dad being divorced since I was six months old, My mom had at least 7 different boyfriends through me growing up and I can honestly say

    I AM HAPPY!!!

    I’m willing to scream it over my town!

    Even though we don’t have money
    or a greatly functioning family
    I can say that my brothers and I
    are truelly impressed with our life!!

    I mean, Marriage is a paper that is signed
    and a ring on a finger and vows being said…

    (BTW) My boyfriend and I are getting engaged this summer!!! And will be married in June 2010.

    and these aren’t for sure plans about the baby or the marriage, but we will be engaged this summer!!!

    Thanks for your guyses advice!!!
    I appreciate it!

    in reply to: Names??? #24162

    I really like clara and felix and phillipp

    in reply to: i think im pregnant #24155

    I think you shouldn’t be scared!!! If you want the baby it’s good rite???? Best of luck to you!

    in reply to: UGH!!! yes no wat>???!??? #24142

    Well, Actually I think i’m going to get pregnant in September 2009. I will be a CNA and have the baby in june, i could take summer off and be with the baby then go to work in september…I mean, ok, I know everyone’s concerned about the economy, but this is my choice and I want to have a baby πŸ™‚ Thanks!

    in reply to: am i ? #21082

    I have a question for everybody, when you
    bleed from implantation is it alot?

    in reply to: two weeks pregnant #21062

    wow. you’re only a freshmen? and three misscarriages…
    that could be telling you that your body is
    not ready to take on something so huge as top that
    big of a change. sit down and talk to your mom, maybe
    you’re assuming things too quickly…I have yet to still
    tell my mom

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