two weeks pregnant

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      i’m two weeks pregnant only three people besides my self knows i’m pregnant. i can’t tell my parents because i’ll get kicked out eventhough eventally they’ll find out and then i know i won’t be able to provide fir this baby i’m only 15 y/o i’ll be 16 y/o in two months my boyfriend is 16 were both frshman in high school i’m scared that this baby is going to die because when i show i’ll start to starve my boyfriends parents have 5 people liveing with them and won’t have any body else liveing there they don’t even know i’m pregnant.nobody in my family will take me in. abortion and adoption are not an option. me and my boyfriend both want this baby but nither of us have a job or the time to take care of this baby me and him are both looking for a job and i’ll then have to convice my parents to let me leave or let them find out after we save enough money to rent a house and get all baby supplies and i hope i don’t have a nother misscarriage beacuse i’ve already had three in teh past two years. so if any on has any advice please contact my through my geust book or my email


        Do you know for sure that this is the way your parents would react? Sometimes we underestimate our parents thats all im saying.
        Maybe wait a little til your in the safe zone and then come out.


          wow. you’re only a freshmen? and three misscarriages…
          that could be telling you that your body is
          not ready to take on something so huge as top that
          big of a change. sit down and talk to your mom, maybe
          you’re assuming things too quickly…I have yet to still
          tell my mom

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