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ParticipantHi let me start off by saying congrats!!! I really hope you get enough support and try your best to just not stress out. The baby feels eveything your going through and its really not good to be so stress out. Keep us updated!!
ParticipantThere is a possibility of you being pregnant because of how you take your pill so irregular. If I were you I would take a test as soon as you think it would show. I might be pregnant and i’m waiting till my period and if it doesn’t come i’m going to take a test. Is your period normaly regular?
ParticipantI really hope you don’t abort your baby. It is extremely scary to be in the position you are in but so many girls get through it. Of corse no one can tell you what to do but we can tell you stories of why not to do it. I got pregnant at 14 by this guy that "loved" me.. When I told him he said he couldn’t handle that and that I was just too much drama…I misscarried. I got pregnant again by a different guy at 14 1/2. He told me that I was just trying to ruin his life and to get out of it. I was just about to get an abortion but decided not to…I was going to keep this baby not kill it. I loved the baby at just 8 weeks but I felt something was wrong…and there was…the baby didn’t have a heart beat and I was dvistated.
ParticipantThat is so cute and so sweet.
ParticipantHi my name is Kaitlin. First off congrats on your children. Just wait and take a test or go to your doctor and find out there. If your family was supportive of the first 2 they will support you again. If you ever want to talk i’m here. Good luck.
ParticipantBeing so young I really think you should go to collage to make a better living for you and your son. You may want to rethink about your major your son will never hate you. Just do what you think is best for you and your son even if that means changing a few of your plans in life. I hope this helped a little. Good luck.
ParticipantWell I think if you think you are culd be pregnant I think that you should take a test.
ParticipantTell her that it is her choice. That everything happens for a reason and that if she gives up her baby she will regret it (most people go into depression) No matter what anyone says or does that you will be by her side and support her threw it.
ParticipantIt makes a huge difference. You should take one right when you wake up and if it does that again go to your doctor and get a blood test done that will tell you for sure.
ParticipantThat can be alot of things but try not to worry about it too much. That could be implataton or it could be your peroid from not eating right or stress or somthing else. If you are worried about it buy a hpt. I wish you the best of luck
ParticipantI misscarried but my first symptoms I was really tiered sleeping 14 hours everyday. I could not get full and I was like attached to saltin crakers I couldn’t look at chocolate or sweets without getting sick. I was nausios all day. My sister (who also misscarried) her only symptoms were feeling tiered and craving salty food. I found out with mo 5th hpt and my sister found out by a blood test. I hope this helps you.
ParticipantYou really aren’t alone so many girls are going threw that same thing. I wish you the best of luck and I hope everything turns out well. You can do it just belive in yourself and keep your hopes high. Everything will be ok.
ParticipantI’m glad it worked out the way you wanted it too and if you had stronger feelings for him you should be with him.
ParticipantEverything will be ok. I have been threw that abuse homelessness depression suicide attempts and self mutilation. I don’t exactly know what the rest feels like but i’m sorry. I know my sorry doesn’t change anything. If you ever want to talk i’m here sorry if I wasn’t much help.
ParticipantTake a test and if it comes out neg. take a blood test. i’m sorry i’m not much help but thats really the only way to know for sure
ParticipantYou can take one 1 week from your period but everyone is different some ladies don’t take a positive pt till 3 months. The only way to really be sure is a blood test. I hope all goes well. I wish you the best of luck.
ParticipantSince you are already 5 months pregnant I suggest that you really have a talk with your boyfriend find out if he is going to be there for anything and everything. Thats alot of drama for you to have so just try and figure out what would be best for you and your baby.
ParticipantI would say go to a clinic and have an ultra sound done. A blood test may or may not show up. I wish you the best of luck.
ParticipantI think that if its how you felt with your 2 year gol you should get a blood test. Try to relax and not think about too much. I hope everything goes well.
ParticipantTake a pt and if you think you are go to the doctor and get a blood test. Like I said its probably from getting off the shot but there is a possibility that you could be. Everyone’s body is different. Sorry if I put you down in any way. Good luck
ParticipantYou should go see your doctor. Some of the symptoms don’t happen till 3 months so it would be kinda wierd to get them so early. Good luck
ParticipantI would just notify a doctor.
ParticipantThe only way to see is by a blood test. You really need to get a blood test maybe see another doctor or go to gynicologyst (sorry I don’t know how to spell it) I hope this helps a little bit.
ParticipantIt can be implantation cramps and early pregnancy feels like your period coming. You could possibly be pregnant. You should go to your doctor and get a blood test done to find out for sure. Good luck
ParticipantI would keep the baby, It may be hard to care for a baby but you can do it.