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ParticipantIf you have already missed your period HPT’s are more then 90% accurate.
ParticipantI appreciate the responses but what I was trying to say was that I WILL NOT get an abortion and although I don’t want another baby right now and it would be hard I would do it. Thank you.
ParticipantWith baby #2 you start showing earlier and you will fell like you look bigger then other people think you do. With my firdt I felt like I started showing at 6 weeks… to me I was huge! but no one else could even tell till 12 weeks. First you should find out if you relly are pregnant, and who knows you could be having 2!
ParticipantWell I’m glad I helped. Sometimes I am unsure weather I sound mean or not when really I’m not. I really do hope he turns around… but sometimes it’s best that the dads aren’t in the picture. My friend has a baby and that baby’s dad wasn’t there either (he actually had her jumoed when she told him she was pregnant) but she still loves him… and just like me NOW he wants to be there for her and the baby but he is in jail and was a drug dealer… and I personaly think that she shouldn’t do that to her baby (my dad was in jail and it completely ruined my life when my mom got back together with him) so i’m speaking from experience but that is her choice. Just remember to make that right choice for your baby. And I know sometimes it can be hard. If you want to talk I am here.
ParticipantJust because your baby’s father didn’t take the responsibility of being a father doesn’t mean your baby’s life won’t be perfect. My daughters father told me “It’s not mine, I have a girlfriend now so stop trying to ruin my life.” when I told him I was pregnant… Now my daughter is 4 months old and NOW he wants to be there. Now he says he’s sorry and he was scared and he wants to be a family. I thought he would never turn around but he completely changed. I’m not saying every guy will be like that and life isn’t perfectin any way, but you can do your best to give our baby the best life you can… and you can do it.
ParticipantSometimes you just have to wait it out, I know it’s hard but don’t stress yourself, that can put your period off. You should really see a doctor if you think you are pregnant. You might want to wait another week and take another HPT if there is no sign of your period. You should also tell someone that you trust, perferably an adult so that you can get all the stuff you need for pregnancy if it turns out you are pregnant.
ParticipantHi i’m Kaitlin I’m sorry I’m telling you this and I don’t mean to worry you more but those are a few of the symptoms I first had. Take a pregnancy test but make sure you do it in the morning when you first wake up to get a more accurate result.
And just remember that every baby is a gift no matter what. I’m 16 and have a 2 month old daghter and it’s the most wonderful feeling in the world. If you have any questions I would love to answer them for you.
ParticipantWell it sounds like you may be pregnant and the test you took it may have been too early to test. If you really think you are you should get a HPT and a diposible cup and have it in the bathroom for when you first wake up. Pee into the cup and hold the HPT in the urine fir 15 seconds. Its just easier that way. If you have any other questions I would love to answer them, by the way my name is Kaitlin I am 16 with a 9 week old daughter.
ParticipantYou don’t feel the implantation just the spotting occurs or no spotting at all, maybe you did something your body wasn’t used to,
You wouldn’t be feeling symptoms if you havn’t missed your period after implantation bleeding. It is most likely your body is just changing or it could be a weird period. I wouldn’t worry if I were you it is extremely unlikely that you are pregnant.LillieAunas_Mommy
ParticipantI’m not going to tell you to just relax and forget about it because I know it’s not that easy. But you could try giving him some time to think. Having a baby runs peoples emotions high and for some peopole it’s harder to take than others. He may just be trying to figure things out.
I know you would like that support from him right now and I’m sorry he isn’t giving it to you but right now I suggest that you find support in a different place like family and friends or even this web site and try to talk to him about how he is feeling and what you would like for the both of you and than you really need to think whats best for you and the baby. I’m a single parent at 16 because I knew it would be best for my daughter. I know it’s easier said than done, I’m sorry.
ParticipantWell normally tou wouldn’t feel pregnancy symptoms till after your missed period and definently after implantation.
The likelyhood of you being pregnant now are extremely low, I wouldn’t worry if I were you. But to keep you from stressing you could take a pregnancy test just to clear your mind.Hope this helps,
ParticipantYou could go see your doctor for a blood test or you could wait 2 or 3 weeks and take a test, since your periods are so irregular i’m not sure when would be the right time to test. Do you know when you ovulate?
Best of luck,
ParticipantThere is no need to worry many people get pregnant after abortions and sadly I have known some girls who have had 3 or 4 abortions (on purpose) before they carry a baby to term.
ParticipantI’m sorry for what you have went threw and what your going threw now. That’s hard for one person to handle. I can’t say that I fully understand what your going threw but I can tell you I have been in some pretty bad positions full of hard times, and had an urge to want something to fill the hole in my life.
It’s ok to want something so bad, something to fill the hole in your life… but I can tell you it doesn’t work that way. Although a baby is an amazing gift it sadly won’t fill the space that those hard times left.
And your not crazy, not the least bit.
ParticipantIf you took the pregnancy test later in the day after drinking liquid your urine could have been too deluted to read the HCG horomone. It is always best to take pregnancy tests in the morning when you haven’t drinken anything, you shouold get another pregnancy test and take it in the morning. Or you can go to the doctor.
ParticipantWell I got really bloated at 6 weeks but people started asking me if I was pregnant at 12 weeks. I started to show pretty early and I didn’t stop growing until I gave birth.
Lol I was hoping I would be one of the girls that started showing early and stopped growing at like 7 months.LillieAunas_Mommy
ParticipantThe only way you will know is to take a pregnancy test. But in the meantime… I know the wait is long.. you should try your best to just relax and don’t try and find symptoms (that will cause more stress for you). Wait to take a test till after your period would have passed. You normally would start showing symptoms till after your missed period.
ParticipantI can’t belive that the doctors would treat you that way. And I really hope that you decide to keep your baby…and that your boyfriend warms up to the fact.
ParticipantYou could be pregnant. My sister was on the pill and forgot just one day and she fell pregnant. Are you sure the bleeding was with draw from the pill? because it could have been implantation bleeding. You should really go get tested.
ParticipantI’m so sorry to hear about the things you are going through. It may be alot to handle right now but you have to do your best to look forward and maybe you should take a short vaca to kinda clear your mind. once again i’m sorry and i’m sorry I wasn’t alot of help but I hope things start looking up for you.
ParticipantI think that if you have that big of a problem with your mothers drinking you should move in with your boyfriend especily if your little boy is living there with you because it might be effecting him too seeing his grandma drinking. You would be getting an emancipation and as long as you can show the court you are able to make desicions yourself and take care of yourself everything should be ok. Just follow your heart.
ParticipantMy due date is May 3rd. (5/3/09)
ParticipantThe father is a huge part in the baby’s life but you also have to remember that you also have to do what you think is best for your baby and yourself.
ParticipantI think that people should support the mothers dcision to keep their babies. Its a though choice and people shouldn’t be so hard on teen mom’s because they won’t kill apart of them. Having children at any age is hard and I know being a teen mom is harder due to parents and society but no matter what age you are you love your children unconditionaly. Pregnancy and birth are natural things that people should look at them like that. I wish all the teen mom’s and soon to be mom’s good luck and congrats!!! Its hard but if you stay strong you can do it.