two days ago…

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      It just wasnt meant to be.

      He rushed me to the hosiptal two days ago, because I was bleeding really bad. I checked in and they said it had been a eptopic pregnancy. I didnt loose my fallopian tube since I wasnt very far along, but I lost ALOT of blood, not to mention the baby. I was admitted for a day or so overnight and released at 2 yesterday. My mother came up and his parents. It looks as if they are very supportive of us having a family again, so soon. Kennahs death anniversary is in 9 days… just not exactly the best time to be sick and miserable. I miss her. I am on bed rest because I lost so much blood and they dont want to have to admit me again. I am hoping though that our bad luck will soon end…. second miscarriage in a year after losing our precious baby girl. I am being monitored and have to go bad in for a ultrasound in two days. hopefully everything will be okay.


        I’m so sorry to hear about the things you are going through. It may be alot to handle right now but you have to do your best to look forward and maybe you should take a short vaca to kinda clear your mind. once again i’m sorry and i’m sorry I wasn’t alot of help but I hope things start looking up for you.


          Omg hun Im so sorry to hear that. I know there is nothing to say to bring your baby back but I hope everything is okay. You have us to talk to so just let out your feelings and keep us updated. Keep resting.


            Wow I’m sorry to hear that. Try to keep positive and we’ll be praying for you.


              sorry to hear about your second loss.
              Not a good time to deal with the stress again either.
              It will happen when its right. Its just a shame that ppl have to go through this til it sticks.

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