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ParticipantSome people keep testing neg even though they are. I know somebody that didnt know she was pregnant until 5 months because she kept testing neg. Take care of yourself, you never know!
ParticipantWell they sound like they could be pregnancy symptoms. 3 days after is not too early to start sensing them – its just like that for some women. The usual advice with a pregnancy test is to wait until your next period would have been due. If you do one and its neg, wait a few days and try another. If thats neg, but you still have symptoms, get a blood test. Always trust your instincts though. If it reads neg it doesnt always mean you arent. I read about somebody on this site who ended up having an ultrasound because she was convinced she was preg even though 2 types of tests said she wasnt. She was right. Good luck and i hope that you are!
ParticipantI dont believe it is necessary. It is beneficial in some circumstances, like if you like as a nomad out in the desert, and sand etc is more likely to cause infection. Nowdays it is done mostly for religious reasons i believe. Whatever the reason, its entirely up to you, but make sure you find info on for and against as with any medical procedure. Nobody jump down my throat – my opinion was asked and i mean no offence to anybody!
ParticipantBy the sound of things, you need to get out of that situation. Not only for you (because it is not healthy) but also for your unborn baby. I know that the thought of single parenting is not appealing (i will be a single mum) but there is alot of help out there these days. I would suggest ‘fessing up to your family and addmitting all is not perfect and they may be able to help you. They can help if they dont know anything is wrong. Best of luck.
ParticipantHi – sorry to hear that your baby was born early. But they have amazing technology these days that can allow babies to live that would have not lived 5-10 years ago. Its a worry of mine that my baby will be born early, so to ease my mind i went looking on the internet for survival stories of premmie bubs. There are alot out there that have lived after being told that their survival chances were slim. My fingers are crossed for you and your baby. How many weeks were you? Feel free to chat anytime.
ParticipantHey – im 23 weeks tomorrow and get booted rather hard on a regular basis. I dont think its much to worry about, just annoying at times.
ParticipantHopefully everything will be ok with you and baby. I understand the stress an abnormal thing can cause. I was 19 wks 2 days when i had an ultrasound to check everything was normal with baby. A few days later my midwife rang and told me that (and i never did figure this out) my baby had a variant from normal. It (apparently she) had a left ventricular intracardiac echogenic foci. She said that the doctor who was reviewing my ultrasound pictures said because i was in a low risk age group for downs it probably meant nothing and that he wouldnt even bother telling me about it (can be a normal variant). However she thought that if it was her baby she would like to know. I hadnt had any downs screening tests done. I got the second trimester blood screening test thing done, and stressed like you wouldnt believe while waiting for the result – which was fine. The things about these blood tests is that they give you a number (if you had that type?) which can make you panic that your baby will have a problem. I heard about somebody who was a 1in4 chance of having a downs baby and she didnt, so a high risk doesnt mean you will. Feel free to chat if you want to.
ParticipantHi – sounds like its possible. I would suggest doing a test if you haven’t yet. If your period was due on the 18th, then the hormone amount would be high enough to show up. Good luck.
ParticipantAs far as i know its possible. My symtoms didnt really kick in until about 6 weeks, but i know somebody whose started basically the morning after. She knew because of a sudden and unexplained aversion to coffee. She also got nauseus. If you havent done a test yet i would recommend that, but if it turns out negative wait a while longer and retest as you may not yet have enough of the hormone in your body.
ParticipantCongrats on your son….So did you get a cheeseburger after that??
ParticipantUnlikely but it is possible. Alot of women are at their most fertile around 2 weeks (on a 28 day cycle) before their next period is due, but some women are fertile at anytime of the month. I have heard of people getting pregnant through having sex while they had their period.
ParticipantHi, a test should be able to pick up if you are pregnant or not by now. If it says neg, wait at least a few days before trying again as you may not have had enough of that pregnancy hormone (trust me…you will soon) in your blood. Good luck.
ParticipantHi. You should probably do a test if you havent already. Try and get to the doctors if its positive coz pains arent always a good thing. Sounds like you could be but wait for the test result.
ParticipantCongrats on getting pregnant! I hope it goes well for you. Im only 4 months so cant really offer advice (still looking for it myself) except try not to stress. The first trimester is a bit of a waiting game, but chances are you (and bub) will be fine. My fingers are crossed for you!