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  • in reply to: Advice #26783

    Yes the need help one is mine too, this one was just an updated one

    in reply to: Feeding problem #25756

    Maybe it’s the formula she doesn’t like or maybe she is lactose intolerent, i would suggest changing her formula. We tried a few different ones before we found one that my daughter really liked.

    in reply to: Dealing with hormones? #24989

    Yeah i was bad in the beginning too, i would freak out at my fiance for almost nothing at all or sometimes because he was the only person near me. What always helped me was when i was done being mad or stressed or whatever i would always go up to him and say sorry and that it wasn’t really him i’m just really moody latley and he seemed to understand. It helps to let them know that it is not always them as it is hormones, maybe your bf is not quite understanding that. It defiantly is a thing to get used to.

    in reply to: for fun!!!!! #24717

    The weirdest thing i’ve done while being pregnant was when i was coming home from a road trip and smelt something funny and realized it was the blanket i was using and then i realized that my house smelt funny and i started to cry because my house smelt funny

    in reply to: Are you ladies ready for round two?.. Q&A #24040

    Well i’m only 22 weeks but i will try to help.

    1) i’ve only gained 5 pounds so far

    2)i am 18 with my first

    3)i told them the next day

    4)I just told my mom that i had a doctors appointment next week and she asked why and i said because i am pregnant.

    5)I am out of school

    6)Well i am 22 weeks and viably showing and having been since about 3 and a half to 4 months

    7)I only changed my diet to cut out sugar and caffeine and increase fruit and fiber and protein but i don’t really pay attention to calories.

    8)Well i knew the first day my period was due and didn’t come but didn’t take the test til 4 days later to make sure.

    9) well me and my boyfriend wanted this child so i didn’t really consider it but the thought was there because i wasn’t sure we could do it but then i just remembered that i wanted and that i am carrying something that some woman spend thousands of dollars to do.

    in reply to: Can i be pregnant? please look #23468

    Hi, you can’t get pregnant from being fingered. It is impossible. There has to be cum or pre cum containing sperm to get you pregnant and there are other reasons for the lack of period like too much excerise or not eating properly. Hope i helped.

    in reply to: i HATE my bladder #23453

    Hi liquid, i hate to tell you this but it doesn’t lessen it up. I’m 14 weeks and have to go more and more. Try leaning forward when you are using the bathroom that way you get more out cuz you are pushing on your bladder instead of sitting up. But don’t stop drinking liquids your baby needs the nutrients it gets from the liquid.

    in reply to: When is your due date? #22744

    I’m not tgo far along either, i’m almost 6 weeks and i am due June 15th/2009

    in reply to: it’s done #14094

    Your not a hypocrite…There are still lots of young girls that you can help. Just because you had an abortion doesn’t mean you can’t help others…

    So i ask again please don’t leave:(

    in reply to: Confused and being pressured #14021

    Well hun

    The only way you know whats right is what your heart is telling you. You said you loved the child already, it sound to me like you have already decided to keep it in your heart and your brain and everybody elses brain is getting in the way. Just tell them i’m keeping my baby and theres nothing you can do about it. It will be hard no doubt about that, but what in life is actually easy. Storngly think about what you are doing before you do something you regret.
    Keep posted on your decion.

    in reply to: Do you think I should go back to him??? #13918

    Hi there

    If i was in that situation i would stay with Matt even though he is not conors real father he has been more of a father then glen. A father doesn’t have to be some who share your gense of blood it can be any man who loves the child. you got lucky to find someone to love you and your child. If you give that up and go back to glen whats to say glen won’t do the same stuff he did before. Then you will be without a father figure altogher for conor.

    Well i hope i helped
    Keep posted.

    in reply to: hi #13826

    Those energy drinks are not recomended because it is pur concentrated caffine and i will agitate the baby and can stun the growth of the baby. As for staying away i really connot help you there.
    Hope i helped

    in reply to: Im not sure if im pregnate #13668

    Well first things first are you having symptoms? Did you miss a period? Do you feel pregnant? before me or anyone can give you advice you got to tell us whats going on.

    in reply to: i need major help!!! #13142

    Hey girl

    That is a bad idea, if he actually loved you then he woulod not want you to "prove" your love with sex. If your not ready then you should be with someone who will wait for you and not pressure you into it. If you "prove"your love with sex then you will only end up feeling takin advatage of. You will be thinking why did i waste my first time on that guy. Well let me know what you decided.
    Keep posted


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