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      Hi there i am a 19 year old mom to a 9 month old baby girl, well i will be 20 next month and i am worried i am pregnant again. You see i am on the pill and my fiance and i use condoms about 95% of the time but according to my pills i was supposed to get my period on thursday and it is now monday and i still haven’t gotten it. Now i need help/advice on what to do because for one thing the new baby and my daughter will be 18 months apart and i wanted then 3 years apart and the baby would be due in november and my fiance and mine wedding is supposed to be in october and i don’t wanna be 8 months pregnant on my wedding day. So i need help on what to do and also maybe some stories from mom’s that have raised children this close in age. I’ve taken 2 HPT and they both have came back negative, so i am calling my doctor today but any advice/stories would be appreciated on how i am supposed to handle this if i am


        Hi, I posted to an entry so similar, I wonder if you’re the same gal. Check out the other ‘need help’ post. My brother and I are less than 18 months apart. We had a lot of fun, but were competetive and definitely kept mom hopping. My mom was a 19 year old newlywed when I came along. She made it work and had a lot of funny stories about how it was chasing after two kids so close in age. I love my brother and couldn’t imagine a world where one or the other of us were not here. When my mom passed away suddenly, he and I were there for each other in a way that no one else can be but siblings. My advice is: go get your wedding portraits done at a photographers now, before you show, and let the nuptials be more fun this fall. One of my friends did that, she was fitted for the dress, kept getting bigger, and had lovely portraits taken from the front before she got too big to wear the dress at all. No one knew her dress was undone in the back, haha! The photographer was very understanding. The wedding day photos were more candid than posed, which turned out nice.


          Yes the need help one is mine too, this one was just an updated one


            Hi i’m actually going threw that right now i’m pregnant with my second kid and my son is only 1 he’s going to be 2 when i give birth to my second. so i say keep ur head up and go threw with it at least ur kids will be so close in age that they’ll start school right after each other and always have someone to talk to good luck just think of the pros and not the cons

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