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  • in reply to: Showing #22404

    I would say yes, I was showing with only one baby at 14 weeks. Best of Luck. Jessica

    in reply to: False pregnancy? #22403

    I would say to wait until after your period is due. It very well could be your mind playing tricks on you. Jessica

    in reply to: Should I tell her mother? #22402

    Why don’t you offer to go to the Doctor’s with her. Then once she is on the prenatal medication and under a Doctor’s care your worries are taken care of. I would say that’s probably as far as you should go with it, just try to convince her that you will go with her and no one will know. I think it is her job to tell her mom when she is ready. Best of Luck. Jessica

    in reply to: Can I Be Pregnant??? #22385

    Anything is possible but it does not sound likely. I spotted while I was pregnant both times for the first two months but it was not a normal period. I would say take a test but there is no missed period. But I guess give it a try and see what happens. Best of Luck. Jessica 🙂

    in reply to: pregnancy depression?? help me please.. #22384

    I think every pregnant women thinks about the things that could be wrong with her baby thats part of being a mom. Which I think that because you are looking into all of this and are so concerned about your baby it means you will be a gret mother. Well bad news is from the moment you conceived you will always worry, thats just what moms do. For example my daughter is almost 6 just started kindergarden and I was a wreck the whole day I felt I should stand outside the classroom and patrol her every move. What if she got lost? What if on of the kids was mean? What if they let her out of class before I got there? The teached did not know her name so how did she know she was in her class etc etc. Basically thats what a mom is all about and as much as we would like to put our child in a bubble that just isn’t possible. And IF there was something with your child you would deal with it and love your child just as much. You driving yourself crazy over all this is NOT GOING TO CHANGE A THING. So enjoy this time and your child will be the most beautiful and smart child you have ever seen, trust me. Best of Luck. Jessica

    in reply to: 7 years ago today!! #22362

    Thats great. My situation is just like yours except I was pregnant 6 years ago. Funny how it all works out. Best of Luck. Jessica

    in reply to: So, I am currently 5 days late for my Cycle. #22361

    I think you should wait until next week and then take another home pregnancy test and if it comes out negative make a doctors appointment to find the root of the problem. Best of luck, Jessica

    in reply to: Ultrasound in less then 3 weeks! #22360

    I think that is a very cute idea…..with the bags and the picture frames. Unfortunately with pregnancy the whole thing is a waiting game. I too was very excited but somehow the day came and went and now it’s 6 years later. Enjoy every moment because it will all go by very fast. Good luck. Jessica

    in reply to: pregnancy supplements that aren’t tablets??? #22358

    I would have to imagine there is but you should ask your doctor. Maybe the normal pill can be crushed and then taken with water. Just ask your Doctor because some pills you can’t crush and take because they have to be released over the course of the day. Sorry I could not be more of help. Best of Luck. Jessica

    in reply to: MY Story #22351

    I am so sorry for everything you have and are still going thru. As a mom myself I can’t imagine the pain you have endured from losing a child. I am so glad to hear that you are pregnant and all is well. Reading this really made me stop and think (more so than usual) how everyday must be cherished, thank you for that. Jessica

    in reply to: i think i might be pregnant.. ? #22350

    You really should go to the doctor. Going to the doctor is not going to make you pregnant or not pregnant just shed some light on the problem you are having. Best of Luck. Jessica

    in reply to: my bf is a jerk. #22346

    My advice would be to have a heart to heart with him. Next time (hopefully soon) when he lets his guard down explain it to him. How you feel examples etc. Just make sure NOT to dwell only on the bad also make points of what he does good so you can keep his attention and he doesn’t feel like you are attacking him. I believe a key part to a relationship is communication. If you let this go on now it will most likely only get worse. You are treated the way you allow yourself to be treated. Explain it to him when you feel it’s right and then stick your ground when it happens pull him aside and address it. That would be my advice but every relationship is different. Best of luck Jessica.

    in reply to: Family Issues #22343

    Well that is not very nice of your cousin. And I agree with you if she is going to make faces and not even acknowledge your baby she should not come over. I know this is what everyone says but it is very true everyone will get use to it in time. But until then stick your ground and if someone is disrespectful of you or your child dismiss yourself from that situation. NO ONE including family has a right to make you feel that way. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: I’m new, need some help please…. #22342

    I don’t think there is a specific forum for women due in certain months. However I do often time see women write and ask who else is due around the same time frame. Sorry I can’t be more help. Jessica

    in reply to: i’m so excited #22334

    Congratulations. Glad to hear everyone is healthy and happy.

    in reply to: birth anouncement and new mom questions #22323

    Congratulations….. I did co sleep with my daughter and although it made it so we could both sleep it made it much harder in the long run. She is only a week old she doesn’t know any better. If I were you I would try to get her our of this habit now because as she does grow use to it you really wont get any sleep. Maybe try one of those things that they lay on and has a stiff triangle shape pillow on each side so she feels something is around her. Sorry it has been 6 years so I don’t remember the name of it. Well good luck and take lots of pictures you will blink and this stage will be over. 🙂

    in reply to: Really need some advice #22312

    Maybe you are ready to have a baby and it would not cramp your style because you don’t do much but how about thinking about how it effects the baby. When it comes to kids sure it is better if you have a nice job and you will love them etc etc but in my opinion what is also very important is having a father for that baby. It is one thing to get pregnant on accident and stand up and have the child it is quite another to plan getting pregnant with someone you are not married too. And you yourself said you may not always be with your bf. Kids need a dad and I know first hand how much a child hurts when their biological father/ any father figure is not around. And that is a possibility in your situation. So step back and think about the baby and not yourself, after all thats what being a parent is all about. Best of luck, Jessica

    in reply to: HELP…please! #22311

    I will be painfully honest with you…. Life doesn’t work that way he can’t just say im ready to make a life change and then once it happens bow down. In my opinion that shows you what kind of a person he is. You have to follow your heart on this one..but know that you could raise that baby on your own if you had to. A lot of the girls on this site are your age and younger and have done it. Kids are not something you can just decide you want and then change your mind. I wish you the best of luck no matter what you decide to do. Jessica

    in reply to: 10 days #22310

    Your absolutly right…… Just keep digging and you will get there. Best of Luck… Jessica

    in reply to: I can’t make everyone happy… #22270

    You certainly are on the fence. Unfortunately you are not going to please both parties but that is part of being an adult. Making the decision that you see best fits you. I believe you could be the best mom to your child as could any other mother that puts their mind to it. Or you could go thru with the abortion but what if it doesn’t go as easy as your mom makes it out to be. I would say 90% of women regret having an abortion and suffer emotionally with it. I have been on both sides so im not trying to say to do one thing or the next just trying to tell you either choice may turn out different then you are planning. I do wish you the best of luck and my advice would be to follow your heart. Jessica

    in reply to: I’m back #22261

    Not sure if this would do it or not but did you just start a new birth control? Best of Luck. Jessica

    in reply to: Newbie here #22251

    Welcome to the site.

    in reply to: preggy #22250

    Congratulations and best of luck.

    in reply to: Home Delivered Groceries #22249

    I heard of Publix doing it at one time but was told that they were not doing it any longer.

    in reply to: baby fat….shoot me now! #22232

    Your not alone most mom’s gain weight and struggle with getting it off initially. Like they said just breastfeed, walk or jog when you can (the baby will probably love it). This too shall pass………

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