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ParticipantI am very glad to hear that. Best of luck and stick your ground. Jessica
ParticipantWell it’s been a while but I just made a point of playing hard (keeping awake) during the day except for the “nap times” and at night I would not turn on any lights or talk to the baby. Best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantI totally agree with you. I was actually talking about this yesterday, DAILY there are forums about a girl that thinks she is pregnant when she had unprotected sex and continues to (sometimes even counts how many times) and then is like what do I do? This drives me crazy.
On the flip side when I was 14 or so I really wanted a baby. I can’t tell you why or how it happened but I just did. I’m now 24 with a 5 1/2 year old and my life is great. So sometimes even for those girls that want to have babies they too need some guidance. I think it is good for them to talk to other girls that have wanted babies and express to them why it is important to wait and why considering we have gone thru it. I preach all of the time that I would say 9 out of 10 times teenage mothers will break up with the teenage father. Kids do need both parents, I see first hand with my daughter how not having her biological father around really hurts her emotionally.
ParticipantI think you should try not to think about it. You don’t want to convince yourself you are pregnant and then if your not be devastated. Sit back and relax if you are pregnant you will deal with it and if your not you will be when the time comes. I wish you the best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantI too think you should try to take another test. Hiding from it is not going to make it go away, your just going to drive yourself more crazy. Best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantYes you could still be pregnant. But im sure that is no surprise that having unprotected sex leads to getting pregnant. Best of Luck. Jessica
ParticipantI am very sorry for the pain you are going thru. I can’t tell you I know what you are going thru or how to make it better, but I do want to tell you that you are an amazing person. I had an abortion at 16 because primarily that my parents were pushing it and I also thought I would not be able to do raise the baby. I was not the stand up girl that you are, you chose life for that baby and gave a family that would not otherwise had a child that chance. I admire your courage and you are the true meaning of a mother and stand up girl. You stood up and excepted the life you created and did what you felt was best for your child. You should be very proud of yourself. I do wish you peace with your decision. I am here anytime to talk. Jessica
ParticipantDon’t let anyone make you feel stupid because your not. You should call your Doctors office and just go. Don’t look over your shoulder and wonder what people are saying because it doesn’t matter. You have every right to be in the office if you think you are pregnant and you are being responsible for going. If your Doctor is disrespectful, switch Doctors. She makes the same money off of your visits and pregnancy tests as she does with a women that is 30 and pregnant. Best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantI think your wife is very lucky to have a man that cares and worries and wants to help her in anyway he can, not because he has to but because he wants to. I think the key is to be there for her like you have been. Sometimes for me anyways it is not about what you say but what you do give her extra kisses and extra hugs just because. I admire you for being a stand up guy they are few and far between. Best Wishes. Jessica
ParticipantI think you should just go back to the Doctor and get a blood test. Best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantNot sure of the medical mumbo jumbo and im sure you could drive yourself crazy with it. I wish you the best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantWell you could be pregnant. But that is the big chance you take when having unprotected sex, so im sure your not surprised. Jessica
ParticipantWelcome to the site.
ParticipantYou are not a horrible person….I know this doesn’t seem possible right now but the pain will fade with time. Don’t expect for it to be next week or next month but it will eventually and this will help you grow into the person you will someday be. I had an abortion at 16 and it was awful, I too cried myself to sleep and thought about that baby all of the time. It’s been 8 years (god that makes me feel old) and I still think of the day the baby was supposed to be born but it did make me who I am today. And I don’t wonder anymore if I would have been able to do it because I now know that I could have but I would not have my daughter that I had at 18 if I had that baby. So sometimes life takes turns and they are hard but it will all work out. I really hope you believe me when I tell you that you are not a horrible person. I am here anytime to talk. Jessica
ParticipantAs hard as it will be I think you need to wait. If your relationship with your bf is meant to last you can and should wait. You should strive to have the best life you can and a admire your bf for being a stand up guy that is trying to do that for you guys and potentially you future family. Like you said in another topic you responded to the pain from an abortion (numbness) does get easier over time. Some of what you are feeling I am sure is because of the abortion and just like the numbness lessened with time so will the want for a baby. Kids are very cute but they are not going to fill that void you feel you have. Just wait and go to school, get married and have a wonderful happy environment to bring your baby up in. Best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantDon’t take any chances, just go to the Doctor. Best of Luck. Jessica
ParticipantWell welcome to the site and think positive. If it doesn’t happen this time it will happen another time. Best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantI agree you should just go to the doctor and get a blood test.
ParticipantTaking the test is a little nerve wracking but not taking it is just going to drive you nuts. Best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantBabies arn’t something you shun away because it’s not a good time. I am not for or against abortion but in your case I think it’s time to take some responsibility for your actions. You and your bf created this child now be the adults you were being when you had sex. You can be a good mom that provides for her child you just have to give yourself the chance. I myself had an abortion and was scared that I would not be able to have more kids and you are really playing with those odds. Start using protection if you don’t want to continue going thru this. I really do wish you the best of luck no matter what you decide to do. Jessica
ParticipantI think you should talk to your mom. She probably did not mean it the way it came out. She may have just meant it as with your son you need some help because of school and all. Thats not a bad thing if your mom is watching him she is helping you. I know what is like to have a mom that makes comments or does not know how to present a concern so that’s what I am equating this to. Sit her down and talk to her about what she said. And as much as you don’t want to hear this, she is right. You should wait to have another baby. Best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantYou need to just call him and tell him. I would not advise telling him face to face because something might happen. Let someone know that you trust like your mom and/or dad. Best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantNo one can make the choice for you…..think long and hard about it. An abortion will most likely leave you very emotionally hurt. It is a very hard thing to go thru physically and emotionally. And having a baby is a life long commitment. I have done both an abortion at 16 and had a baby at 18. I would not change it for the world both have made me the person I am today. Anyone can raise a child and make a life for them. If you put your mind to it that child could have a life just like a child born to parents in their late 20’s. This is something you have to live with so think long and hard. Kids are great and there is nothing in this world like raising them. 🙂 I wish you the best of luck no matter what you decide to do. Jessica
ParticipantEverything is going to be ok PROMISE. With or without your bf by your side everything will be ok. I agree with you he should not be talking to his ex like that what so ever. You should tell him how you feel and then if it continues you need to act on it right away. You are a strong girl stick in there and it will all work out. Worst case you are a single mom with a beautiful little girl. It has been done before and it’s not all that bad. Remember life is what you make of it and don’t let anyone bring you down. Best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantWell worrying about your child is VERY NORMAL and be honest that will never stop. You worry about them before they are born, will they have 10 fingers and 10 toes? and then when they walk will they fall? When they go to school will they get lost? Will they make friends ? etc etc. But no matter what you worry. No matter how your son ends up you will love him no less. You will think he is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. So try not to worry because there is nothing that would make you love him less.
About feeling like you won’t have time with him, to be honest you wont have enough time. But most moms don’t have enough time. You do have a lot on your plate but even if you were a mom working full time it would be exactly the same. I fall into this rut all of the time I feel bad that I don’t have enough time to spend with my daughter. But truth of the matter is everything we do is for our kids. You go to school to create a future for both you and your family. My advice would be to stay in school and strive to be the best. Everything else will fall into place. Be thankful your baby will not be in daycare and will be with family. Best of Luck. Jessica