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  • in reply to: circumcision?? #19922

    girl i think that was a one in a million case (brookie wookie) i think you should do it because it IS cleaner….sweat secretion, dirt etc WILL get trapped and kept there and as reaklly young children lil boys don’t allways do it perfectly right, my fiance is circumcised and it alot better cleaner and less smelly then some of the horror stories i’ve heard…cheese people cheese …doesn’t form when there’s nothing for it to form in…euugh!

    in reply to: embeeded forever #19918

    Happy Birthday darling Angel, watch over your mommy and daddy…send them kisses because they miss you…

    You’re all in my prayers Devyn
    God Bless

    in reply to: Is my pregnancy ruining christmas? #19710

    Girl that was a wonderful selfless thing you did for your fiance’s sister. God will bless you for it don’t you spend even a second feeling guilty for what you did because you grandmother is acting very selfishly (with all due respect). It is very unfair of them to blame the whole thing on your pregnancy I’m sure if you wasn’t pregnant you’de do the same thing. Your mother and grandmother obviously have their own issues with the fact your pregnant and as ar result are putting all the fustration they feel over everything on your pergnancy. You may need to just accept that your mum isn’t going to be on your side with this one but do what you feel is right and don’t be ashamed of it. You have a good right not to go to christmas at your grandmother’s house and you need to tell your mum that it is not you but your grandmother who will be f***** christmas up through her olding this grudge and taking on this attitude you also need to confront your grandmother and tell her clearly that you are in no way ashamed of your pregnancy and dont see it as nothing you have to dred ‘facing up to’…..hold your head high you duid a beautiful thing…:)

    in reply to: Can anyone relate? #19656

    OMG it’s so good to see someone my age who’s married… I’m engaged and everytime i tell someone they get so negetive about it just because I’m younger than most of the ‘happily engaged’ first let me applaude you on that because its so hard to find these days. Second I totally understand how your feeling me and my fiance are trying for a baby but ‘m a little anxious to know how I’m going to fit it in i work 12 hour days a so…But i guess work is so much more flexible than school…what you should do is go online and find out whether your school has any special facilities or whatever for students wit children and babies you could always make something up to explain your needing to pee however telling your teacher you have a weak bladder may be 100x more embarassing! Third I would say put your head up and don’t be what if some foolish ignorant people seu’r not a child you are a married woman…you really can’t worry about people’s reactions…some people would have a heart attack at the thought of being married at 19…did you let taht stop you?? don’t stress though girl because it will shake your focus…what you need to do is sit with your husband and parents (if you’ve told them) and think of a plan of action…and the sooner you tell your teachers the better and tell them proudly…which looks worse a girl hiding/not saying anything about her pregnancy whos belly is growing and needs to go pee all the time or a young married woman striding proudly to her teacher and announcing that she is having a baby and therefore needs to have a proactive discussion o how she can work her school around it …..the latter i think

    in reply to: 2 weeks old! #19653

    OMG that last pisc is soooo adorable!!! awwwww

    in reply to: Could i be?? #19649

    okay girl since your late tat could be a sign but at the same time the pill can mess you up a lil especially if you miss one or two…i’de wait till your like a week late then take a test to be sure…all the best! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Hey everyone!!…Its been a while #19628

    wow that just brightened my day that was really inspirational am soo looking forward to one day having a baby of my own…your baby is beautiful!!! good for you girl!! God bless…:)

    in reply to: I feel so weird leaving my teens? #19584

    OMG i know how you feel i’m not pregnant and I don’t have any kids but i’m sooo dreading hitting 20 I work 12 hours a day take care of myself and pay for my own bills and looking to move out of my mum’s house and thats nothing but for some reason hitting 20 is like O..M…G I won’t be a teenager anymore…As for being a 18/19 year old mum my friend just had a baby at 18 she’s engaged, employed has her own car and house with her fiance…how can anyone say she’s too young to have a baby when she’s handling adult life better than some thirty-somethings…as for me I don’t think I’m too young t all to have a baby but then i gues everyone is different…I think the ages 18-25 are the perfect age range to start a family…if yor mature enough and can deal with the responsibilites…and then there are people who are much younger that do great too…but anyway yah back to the subgect matter…..20….ugh! :)x

    in reply to: Boy or girl #19528

    well i’m not preggo yet but i had this dream ages ago that my cousin had a baby girl and i was preggo with a boy…and now she’s pregnant..i don’t know if it will be a girl but i have SUCH a strong feeling…maybe your dreams are telling you something..i always trust them…:)

    in reply to: What last name does the baby get? #19510

    frst of all if you know the relashionship aint’ gonna last don’t bother having a baby with the guy…that would be selfish of you and inconsiderate of the child…secondly if you do have a kid give it a double barrell name that begins with your name that way you can just drop it off the end if the dad drops off in the end….problem solved…X

    in reply to: Please Pray for me #19447

    uww darling… I say a special prayer for you and your little bubby…wishing you the best of luck and asking God to send an extra angel to take care of you and your baby…:)

    in reply to: ODIN IS HERE!!! #19416

    awww congratulations girly!! wishing you health happinesss and all of heavens joy for the years to come!! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: it caused me to be depressed…help #19378

    did the abortions mess with your fertility or do you just not want to try again? thats so sad i could never let anyopne make me abort my baby but i guess it is hard to go against what everyone wants you to do especially if they are the people you love. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: About Abortion #19377

    OMG i nearly started crying..had to hold it together though cos i’m at work! so beautiful…i can’t belive abortion is legal up to taht long have you seen a child at 5 months! its a baby just small…i hate abortion…kill abortion not babies… x

    in reply to: There she is! #19344

    oh sorry didn’t see her name in BIG PURPLE LETTERS! sorry i’m unobservant like that! lol! congrats!! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: There she is! #19342

    OMG she’s beautiful!! I’m new on here so I haven’t seen previous posts. What did you name her? πŸ™‚

    in reply to: i WAS pregnant after all…But.. i lost the baby #19339

    Hey I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your baby. that damn hospital should have known wtf?? either way hunni trust GOD and believe me when i say everything happens for a reason. You’re in my thoughts and prayers…I’m here if you want a shoulder to cry on (or a mailbox..:) ) God bless you hun.x

    in reply to: My Daughter is dying… #19338

    You and your family are in my heart and my prayers. God gave you his angel…he misses her…can you blame him? Hug your wife and cry with her. Believe me thats the probably the best thing for both of you right now…x

    in reply to: oh no #19337

    Darling you should have been more careful if you didn’t want to get pregnant.Having sex on your ovulation time isn’t the only time you can conceive.Remeber sperm can live up to 5 days…sorry darling but you brought this on yourself…resposibiliyl is key. While there is a big chance you are pregnant you have a 3/4 chance your not so my advice is to cross your fingers and your legs for the mean time. x

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