Forum Replies Created
Participantso for one ur "friends" rn’t really ur friends if they rn’t talking to u just cuz ur preg…that’s not what friends do…and for another thing u can keep going to school and hav this baby…one of my best friends had her baby last year right near the end of the school year and we were juniors and she still finished they year out from home and now she’s graduting this saturday!….so don’t let ne one tell u that u can’t keep going to school because u have a baby!…oh and as for being a "slut" that’s just stupid teenage talk so dont listen! they can’t think of ne thing better to do than talk about u and that’s what’s sad…
Participantdon’t worry u have time for that baby to flip….and i’m gonna tell u that i’ve heard of other girls having to hav the baby flipped and it hurt because they have to push pretty hard on ur belly to get the baby to flip and it could also cause u to go into labor…BUT like we’ve said don’t worry u have time!
Participantif ur parents are as religous as u say then they should look apon this as a blessong not a mistake or ne thing just tell them…let them know that it was not planned but u plan to be a great mother and hope that they will be there for their grandchild…..
Participanthey hun i suggest u stop having sex with him if ur relationship isn’t going so good, and it’s perfectly normal for u to have these urges of wanting a baby, but i suggest that until u get into a stable relationship of love that u protect ur self very well against getting pregnant…ok?….
Participanti think u just need to do what u want..but it seems to me that moving out may ne the best thing to do, BUT only if u know u can support ur baby and ur self and keep going to school….oh and as for the baby shower, i’d tell ur parents that a baby shower gives u quite a few of the thing u will need for a baby and if they don’t want to be the ones buying everything then they’d better let you go…..although u might want to make that sound nicer! lol…
Participantuumm…hun i hope u know the AGE of CONSENT for ur state..this means that is u parents DO have a problem with ur BF and u ARE preg then they can have him thrown in jail for statutory rape (this means that no matter if it was consentual sex he can get in trouble)…so i pray that either ur not preg or ur parents don’t have a problem with him….
Participantthis is ti meg not you…………….HELLO! she already said that he’s going to jail!
ok now this is to u, do what u think is right….bweber
Participantgo do a test and see, cuz if it’s not normal for u to this far late then u may be preg…
Participantwow u found out the same month that i did, although mine was the first week of october ’06…i’m due in two weeks…and my husband and i just got married back on feb. 2nd, and we’ve been together for going on three years next month….
Participanthun u DO NOT have to put him on the birth certificate, it’s ur choice…and u have the right to NOT allow anyone u choose in the hospital when ur having the baby…and if u can tell the judge a very reasonalbe valid reason for wanting a restaining order against him then u can get one, besides it’s stalking u if u have moved and u do not invite him to come over and he does it more than once and u ask him not to…also all u have to do in court for custody is to prove beyond a reasonalbe doubt that u r the more stable parent then u will get cutsody of the baby (include the fact he still owes u a large sum of money)….
i hoped i helped….bweber
Participanthun if u r preg and ur tummy is moving already that would mean ur WAY farther then u think (like 5 months or so)….
Participantif the blood test said negative than ur more than likely not preg, cuz blood tests are like 100% cuz they test the horomone levels in ur blood…so u may have another problem like a cyzt on an ovary or something else that can cause u to be late or not have a period….i’d suggest this to ur doc and see what he/she says….
Participanthave u done the test?…it’s been a while since ur post…
Participantget a blood test, and then if ur preg they can do an ultrasound to check how far u are…
Participantmoms just know when something is up….my mother-in-law knew when i called to tell her that she’d be a grandma…but just take the test and see….
Participantif u really want to know what is safe to do during pregnancy ask ur doc, they know best, also ur doc will tell u if u are gaining too much weight, don’t worry because ur going to gain weight just talk to ur doc if u think ur gaining too much….although if u want to watch what ur eating don’t cut out meals or make smaller portions just to not gain, just eat healthy!
Participanti agree w/queenB…don’t feel stupid or ne thing for wondering and asking more about something b4 u take it…
Participantaaww….congrats!..i can’t wait to have mine!
Participanti suggest going to ur doc if u had regulat periods b4 these missed ones…cuz u could be preg again and hurting ur baby by taking the BC, or u may have a cyst on ur ovary or something that causes missed periods….
Participanto know u love him but if he’s hitting u that is NOT a good relationship to raise a baby in and u NEED to get out!! NOW!!!!…please for the sake of ur baby get out and if he hits u again call the police!
Participantjust have ur baby and give him/her the best and most love that u can, u don’t need the dad in the picture everyday..he can have visitation or whatever…but don’t let him ruin ur excitment!
Participantu could be preg…i never had ne symptoms except missing my period (by one day)….and i’m now 36wks and 4 days with a baby boy…so just go take a test and see….
Participantusually it’s not a real "period"’s spotting, some spotting may be heavier than some but that’s usually the case, not an actual period..if ur worried this may happen to u and u have a feeling that ur preg just go see ur doc…k…GOOD LUCK!
Participantwell u have until DEC to decide what YOUR feelings are…i don’t think it’s his feelings that u r worried about (from what i pick up from reading what u wrote) i believe it’s ur feelings that u rn’t sure about not his…can i ask how old u r?
Participantgo to ur doc and see whats up….