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  • in reply to: Several questions #25563

    Ok, I’m going to answer this.

    1. I can’t believe she said 2 months to start giving him rice cereal, 4 months is the youngest you should start. If it worked for you though, than that’s great but I can’t imagine it wouldn’t hurt his tummy. Don’t wean him until he’s a year, then switch straight to Homo Milk because he’ll need the fat and calcium. Weaning at 1 year is not a must do, it’s personal choice, but you have to watch out for teeth problems as a result of using it all the time. As for food, if he’s a hefty eater just feed him what he needs. Let him have a few teeth before he gets into the solid stuff (like apples) but cheese, crackers, bananas, anything really is ok for him to eat now.

    2. You CANNOT spoil a baby. They need lots of love and need to know that you will always be there. When he becomes a toddler you will need discipline yes, but giving them lots and lots of love is not spoiling.

    3. I found a Safety First bathring at walmart, I’m in Canada so I don’t know if they’re in the states, but that’s where i got mine.

    4. Good night Moon is a classic, and ones with big letters and clear pictures he will like. there are some books that leave a place for a picture of their face, so that they are the main character of the story!! My son loves his!!

    5. Big fear of mine too, for the stairs get a baby gate and as for the patio, you have to watch all the time. Especially as they get older you’ll realize that they are more mobile but incredibly reckless.

    6. If it’s loud and screaming the noise might startle him, but as for the content I don’t think it bugs them but that is a personal opinion. I’m sure lots of people will say different but I personally think it’s not a big deal until they are more aware of things like that.

    7. I am not even there yet, so all I can do is wish you the best of luck and it sounds like you have some good goals in life.

    8. OMG, this never goes away. Sorry, it’s all part of it. Once you get a little more used to having him and finding your identity as a parent you will become more confident in yourself, but as for being scared about something happening to him, that’s a universal fear for Mother’s and Father’s a like.

    9. If you just love him and share your spiritual bond with him, he’ll feel it and be safe. I am personally not christian but I know the power of faith, and he will realize it.

    Good luck, I love reading your updates, you are such a great Mom and a wonderful person!!

    in reply to: misuse of this site #25533

    I no longer frequent this site for this very reason. I see girls who talk about having numerous abortions and getting pregnant yet again, “wanting” to have a baby, etc. etc. It’s so sad and wrong. As a teen mom, I’m doing the best I can and sometimes it’s hard, because I question whether or not I’m giving my son everything I can.

    It breaks my heart seeing children treated like they’re “not a big deal”, it seems on here girls do not take their children seriously.

    Being on here makes me so angry, I think it has become about enabling, not preventing.

    in reply to: confused!!!!!!!!!!!! #25499

    If you think you are pregnant, go to the doctor (it’s confidential) and ask for a blood test/ urine sample. They will test you, you will find out the result, and you move on from there. Next time, do not have sex until your BC kicks in and you won’t have to be in this situation.

    in reply to: Because we are worth it #25498

    Autumn, I have been following your story on here and you are doing a fantastic job. I have a hard time being on here because a lot of the stories are sadly all the same. I’ve been reading what you have to say since you were pregnant, I strongly believe that you are the best your child deserves, you are doing everything right.

    My son is 2, so I feel I have a basic grasp of what to expect, and how things are going to be. Each day brings its challenges, its ups and its downs. I am so happy you have found my words helpful.

    Teenagers who have children, there is such a general opinion about them all. I’m not a bad mom, but I wasn’t one of the A+ girls who got pregnant her first time. My home life was crap, and I’ve dealt with a lot of stuff, but it has only made me stronger. I don’t dwell on it, in fact it makes me more motivated to be the best I can.

    The little piece about your son cuddling with you makes me realize that YOU GET IT, the little tiny things that make that bond indestructible, that makes you truly fall in love with your child. I see babies sitting in their car seats, never being held, never being talked to. Every moment that my son lets me hold him, talk to him is a moment to be cherished. Watching him grow and learn new things makes me choked up.

    I’m not for or against (to a degree) teen pregnancy/parenting, I am against children not getting treated well, or being robbed of a chance at a good life simply because someone doesn’t want to give it to them. Doesn’t matter if you are 40 or 14, each child deserves a chance at life and if you’re not willing to give them that chance for whatever reason, then you should not be a parent.

    Having a child and subsequently raising them is a selfless task, you give and give and give and don’t get much back. That’s just how it is. Your kids don’t “owe” you anything, if you do it right, they will love you the most and that should be sufficient “payment”.

    As for me and my boyfriend, we’re friends first, a couple second. When things get too stressful we either take some space or we spend some easy going time together, just the two of us, playing video games or going for a walk.
    We are both aware that our relationship isn’t perfect and we’ve decided that no matter what happens, we will remain a team, and be great, supportive, loving parents to our son, together or not.

    As for a career, I’m way behind in school, I dropped out before I had my son and haven’t really gone back since. This september I’m going back and getting what I need to do to graduate. After that, I am considering a career working in a nursing home.

    btw, don’t feel guilty about leaving your son with someone now and then, I said I don’t agree with partying every night and day but needing a bit of time to yourself now and then is a necessity for Mom’s old and young. In order to be the best mom you can be, we all need a break to do something for ourselves now and then!!

    Just be the best you can, and love your child all the time, unconditionally.


    you had a lot of good words to say and I appreciate you saying them. It’s about the willingness to succeed and the effort you are willing to put in to give your child the life they deserve.

    in reply to: Quick after-school food ideas for the kiddies? #25478

    something easy but healthy is always good, set out a plate of pita bread and hummous or veggies and dip. Simple but healthy and really tasty!

    in reply to: so totally random! #25477

    Hey girlie, I just bleached out my whole head and dyed it bright red! I’ve had it like that for awhile, I love it, it’s like Ariel the mermaids hair lol.

    And Optimus Prime is more my type 😉

    in reply to: whatever happens #25476

    Good for you! So many parents put their kids in the middle of when they’re splitting up, it’s not a great place and kids don’t deserve it. Good for you being mature and doing what is right for your baby 🙂

    in reply to: Time can change a “father” #25213

    Good luck, that is quite a remarkable story.

    in reply to: can’t cope anymore… #25212

    You need to stop trying to get him back. He is not going to be a supportive and healthy part of you or your babies life. This boy is not ready to be a father, so don’t force it on him. If the man doesn’t want to be with you, don’t try and make him. You need to focus on your baby, you need to be strong and have a backbone, you can’t let your life be run by an abusive partner. You said that he threatened you? Wants you to have an abortion? Someone with that attitude has no right to be around you or your child. Stand up for yourself, do not let him treat you like dirt. You are defending the dignity of not just yourself, but your child. Set a good example.

    in reply to: BAD BEHAVIOUR! AHJGFSHGDJFHWF #24506

    yay! Thanks guys. Yeah he’s been very aggressive lately, pushing kids, throwing things, tantrums yadda yadda. But he has BIG consequences every time now so he’s eased up quite a bit. Thanks for all the advice, we’re working on it!

    in reply to: OK, weirdest feeling EVER #24201

    haha that’s so funny, it’s like our bellies are always reminding us that we had a baby in there. that’s neat that you guys all feel it, I’ve only ever heard of it right after you have the baby so that’s interesting to hear you guys have it too…Yeah, I have gone to the doctor getting a million pregnanacy tests and shes always like “Nooooo, you’re not pregnant” LOL, she says its just gas! LOL I’m such a freak!

    in reply to: Am I making the right choice? #24200

    Hey there, I don’t have any advice but I do have a question. I am 17 and on the IUD, I have a 15 month old boy. How did this happen to you? How long were you on the IUD for before you got pregnant?

    in reply to: Hello! I’m new! #24044

    Hey my name is Anna, I had my boy when I was 15 too! I’ve just turned 17 and he’s 15 months already! The time goes by SO fast, how are you??

    in reply to: Hey Mommies! #24017

    Yeah he’s a big boy, thirty pounds lol, but he really happy and healthy..more and more of a child everyday!

    in reply to: Why am I feeling like this? #23911

    Hey girl, Yeah you have PPD, no biggy, I had the exact same scary feelings as you, it just happens to people sometime ok? Get a hold of your doctor and get into a PPD support group. I got through it and you will too, you’ll be ok sweetie.

    in reply to: Need help with excuse for school #23683

    just get a letter saying that you’d had a medical procedure and need to take care of yourself

    in reply to: Newborn road trip? #23682

    I’d say wait just till he’s a few weeks old because a big trip like that will be stressful for you as well as baby. The first week after birth is for quiet, getting acquainted time. When he’s a few weeks old I’m sure it will be fine to take him, just nurse him lots, and keep him bundled up, newborns spend most of there time sleeping anyways. Have fun!

    in reply to: Irritable? #23681

    Well hate to break it to you but the emotional rollercoaster takes off pretty much day one of conception! So you and your partner are in for a rocky ride, don’t forget either, those hormones don’t calm down right after birth, you’re looking at a month and a half of the same, shrieking, smelly monster that pregnancy turns you into (hahaha I’M KIDDING, it’s not that bad really) all I can say is get LOTS of sleep, do lots of quiet couple things, watch movies, go for walks and eating well (as in one piece of chocolate cheesecake, not three) and it’ll be over before you know it! Ahhh, right, the most important thing of all for both of you, DON’T EVER, EVER lose your sense of humour 🙂
    best of luck!

    in reply to: rest in peace zachary mommy loves you #23680

    Oh god, I am so so sorry to hear about your loss, I could never imagine losing my son, I hope you have all the support you need for this hard time! My son and I will pray for baby Zachary tonight when I put him to bed, god bless!

    in reply to: My story #23679

    Hey girl! Don’t sweat it, I was fifteen when I got pregnant and..well, go to my profile and check out my old posts! I was feeling the same way as you! I was so scared, I felt completely alone, I had no idea what I was going to do! But that baby came out and now he’s a 14 month old terror of nature! Haha just kidding. But really, he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me in my life and everyday I just gaze at him and say “I love you” with all my heart. I’m not going to kid you, motherhood is HARD but ask ANY mom of any age and they will say the same thing. Raising children is a challenge! The only difference is we young mom’s sometimes face a few more challenges but that does not affect our ability to be great moms! As for MIA dad, and I’m sure a lot of girls will say this to you, it is way more important to have one parent that loves you more than anything then to have a Dad who could care less! Good luck and feel free to write me anytime!

    in reply to: identical girls :) #23678

    Congratulations on your babies! What a handful! That’s going to be so special, they will be best friends for life..and as they get older they will play with eachother and you’ll have free time! How old are you by the way?

    in reply to: Life As It Is.. xox*| #23677

    Thanks so much for writing this! Yes, I remember at 15 making the choice to keep my little boy and how afraid I was. When he was born I’ve never been so sure about anything, god I made the right choice. My little Odin is 14 months now and has so much life, so much!!! Curly hair, sticky fingers, kisses, giggles, curiousity…When we walk to the mailbox we have to stop every two seconds to pick up a pinecone, when we get home he’s got all his pockets full. And I would never give it up for the world.

    in reply to: My story #23676

    You know, I always found it easier to decide what the right decision was AFTER it had already happen. This is what has happened to you, unfortunatley the consequences were painful and life altering, you brought yourself sadness and grief instead of happiness and empowerment. When we find ourselves with an unplanned pregnancy, the emotions we feel are overpowering. Fear rides us night and day and constantly we question ourselves “WHAT SHOULD I DO? WHAT SHOULD I DO?” and all too often someone who is not in favour of the pregnancy says “just get the procedure and it will go away” as you know, it doesn’t. But your boyfriend manipulated you while you were in your most vulnerable moment. What you need to do now is grieve. The baby is gone. You have lost something very special to you and you should feel all the feelings there is. Talk to other people who have had an abortion. And most of all let yourself love the new baby. You will get through this guaranteed.

    in reply to: has anyone? #23083

    How about a restraining order and a transition house. DO NOT mess around with creeps like this not only are you hurting yourself you are putting your child in harm’s way. Don’t worry about a nice way to break up with him just get out NOW!

    in reply to: i just cant do this!!!! #23082

    Hey, my friend Chantal got pregnant when her daughter was two months old, Rylee and Ray’s birthdays are three days apart and she is loving every minute of it. She now has a toddler who is old enough to be independent and listen to what her mother says and a baby to do all the fun baby stuff with. You will be ok, just breathe and don’t worry about the scary stuff, just think about the happiness to follow. Don’t doubt yourself and let your husband be supportive. 🙂

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