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  • in reply to: whats wrong with me? #15828

    ok hun calm down nothing is wrong with you. i just had my son 3 weeks ago and i am going thru the same thing. I miss being pregnant so bad but know it is way too soon to do it again. I think you may have post partom depression, i am not saying this to make you mad or offend you but i have it and you sound like you feel the way i do. if you need to talk or just vent leave me message i am here for you!!
    :kiss: i hope you start feeling better if u need me you know how to get ahold of me

    in reply to: Do you think?! #15040

    i would say you need to test. because its very possible.. so if you are you can start seeing an o/b asap. you need pre-natal vitamins if you are. and so you know everything is good with you and baby. keep me posted!!

    in reply to: weird… #14900

    dont know what it could be! ask your doctor!!

    in reply to: scareddd #14891

    hey hun i know how you feel! it is very tough figuring out a way to tell your parents you are pregnant. but its something that has to be done. when i got a positive result on my pregnancy test i freaked. the only thing that freaked me out was how i was going to tell my parents. i thought all night. the next morning i called my older sister who had just had a baby balling my eyes out. i was happy i was pregnant but i did not want my parents to be disappointed in me. I was 17 when i found out i was pregnant and i am 18 now i am expecting any day now but my due date February 11! but anyways, my sister just told me to just tell her straight forward. but i couldn’t do it so my sister told my mom but i was there. she cried but now is very excited about it. My mom told my stepdad. just be honest! I am sure everything will be ok. but keep me posted!!

    in reply to: Marry just because I am pregnant #14807

    Being pregnant by someone is no reason what so ever to marry them. You marry someone because you love them and feel you can not live your life with out them. I am 38 weeks pregnant and i have been with my boyfriend for 3 years, and we both know we are not ready for marriage. if you marry someone just because your pregnant and you think its the right thing to do chances are it will not work out. but if you love this person with all your heart and feel you could really spend the rest of your life with him go for it. i am just saying i have went through the pain of divorce and it can truly hurt a child. just think about it REALLY REALLY hard before you make a life changing decision such as marriage. keep me posted and i hope everything goes well for you and your little one! i am here if you need to talk about anything just let me know!!

    in reply to: #14795

    i know how you feel. but i am not saying go ahead with the abortion because i know everyone i know and everyone i have ever talked to who has gotten one ihas ended up regretting you. i will only say you make the right decision for you. but you have to tell your parents i know its going to be hard o tell them but you need to tell them. and u need to tell the baby’s father. before making the decision for the baortion talk to evryone to make sure you will do the right thing for you. i am here if you need to talk just give me a shout!!

    in reply to: baby #14754

    no it is not. i have had my baby’s name picked out since like a couple weeks after i found out he was a boy!! and i have not changed my mind one bit! i am naming my little boy christian alexander, but no sweetie it is not wrong!!

    in reply to: All Day Sickness! #14753

    i know exactly how you feel i stayed sick like you are explaining for my first three months. but i wasn’t losing any weight! i was gaining a lot of it!! lol! i would just say to talk to your doctor about it.

    in reply to: what should i do? #14690

    you should probably go ahead and test. let me know how it goes!!

    in reply to: 37 weeks measuring too small #14689

    🙂 ok i went today for my FOURTH ultrasound i am 37 weeks and they said my baby is weighing in aroung 6 pounds exactly. he has a chubby face and they could even show me that he had hair on his head!! so i think thats good? is 6 pounds at 37 weeks good? they said it was!

    in reply to: WENT TO THE DOCTOR SATURDAY #14685

    :whistle: congats gurl!! keep me posted!! if you need anything just let ne know!! i will try my best to help u!!

    in reply to: i think imprego #14592

    i am not syaing you are and i am not saying you aren’t i am telling you to go speak with an ob or family doctor about what is going on!! keep me posted though!!

    in reply to: Excited/Scared #14591

    i hope all goes well for you!! i am only 18 and i was scared about being a mom at first too but the closer you get the more excited you get and i mean i am sill scared but i know God doesn’t throw you anything in life he don’t think you can handle!! Everything happens for a reason! now the marriage thing i dont know what to say about that cuz me and my boyfriend have decided we are not ready for that yet! but keep me posted! when is your due date? mine is february 11! so close i can’t wait!!

    in reply to: I am 16 and pregnant #14558

    i was 17 when i found out i was pregnant i am now 18 but i had to tell my mom as soon as i found out. i knew it was something that had to be done and i really wanted her to know! pregnancy is not something you can hide. so what i did is the night i found out i only told my boyfriend!! i thought that whole night and most of the next day and i just came home and told her mom i am pregnant. she cried at first but has been very supportive the whole time! just don’t let her try to make you make a decision you do not want to make. you will always have to live with yourself and the decisions you make! i am here if you need to talk about ANYTHING just let me know if you have anything you need to talk about and i will try to help you out as much as i possibly can!!
    keep me posted!!

    in reply to: Will he get into trouble?… #14557

    wel i am pretty sure he can not get into trouble unless your parents will press charges, but like someone else has already posted, every states laws are different. i would research it! and you need to tell your mother because you need to be going to an ob and taking prenatal vitamins they are very important especially in the 1st and 2nd trimester!! keep me posted on whats going on hun!!:kiss:

    in reply to: i took the test!! #14555

    congrats!! so how far along are you? i am 36 weeks i am due february 11! take care of yourself and your little one!!

    in reply to: confused! #14554

    [color=#0000FF]this is my advice, if you do not want an abortion do not get one. the decision is yours and yours alone. everyone i know who has gotten an abortion has regretted it. and i am sure you will since you dont believe in it. i know your in a tough situation but that is no reason to abort a baby that you do not want to abort. there are so many gurls here who will support you thru your pregnancy. but if u need to talk about anything just let me know!!!:kiss: just remember what ever decision you make you always have to live with yourself and the decisions you make!!
    keep me posted!![/color]

    in reply to: 9 weeks pregnant and haven’t decided to keep it #14343

    hey there hun, i don’t think he should make you choose. i think that is very wrong. but remember the choice is yours not his, if he really leaves you then it wasn’t meant to be. everything happens for a reason(or at least thats what i believe) i really dont know what to say except make sure whatever you do is what YOU want. don’t let him threatning you give up a baby that you truly want. everyone i know who has given their baby up, regrets it. but keep me posted and i will be praying for you.

    in reply to: I don’t know what is happening, HELP! #14311

    hey hun i really do not know what those pains would be i would just say that the nest time you go to see your doctor you make sure you tell him/her about them. dont warry too much untill you find out if something is really wrong because cramping is normal i have them all the time!! just like i said before i am here if you need me!! just let me know!!

    in reply to: Does this really mean that I’m pregnant? #14165

    hey hun, i am sorry to hear that your mother does not support you. if you have not had a period since october 19, 2006 and have taken two pregnancy tests and they cam back positive, yea hun you are pregnant. your insurance has to cover all your medical bills, for one because you are still a minor and two because you are pregnant. it is illegal for them to deny you coverage, i was 17 when i found out i was pregnant and i am 18 now and my parents insurance is stil covering me. i am sure in time your mother wil support you, when i told my mom i was prgnant at first she cried, then now we are all just waiting for the day my little man comes. i am 33 weeks pregnant and am due february 11 2007. but i am telling you that you need to be seeing a doctor, you need prenatal vitamins,and so you know that everything with baby is going well. does your boyfriend support you? i have been really lucky that my boyfriend has stuck with me, and will be such a great father. i am here if you need any advice so just get at me! but if your mother refuses to make you a doctors appointment or something like that you need to go to like a planned parenthood, or your local community clinic. well sweetie i hope everything goes right for you and like i said i am hear to listen if you ever need to talk!!

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