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Participanthi there,
i know excatley what you are going through, i lost my baby at 12 weeks. they could not find a heartbeat either. Plus5 months earlier i went through an abortion so it was even harder loosing a baby. if you ever need someone to talk to please ill be there for you
love lisa xxx
Participantim 23 and i had an abortion last year in oct, it was and still is the most hardest thing to get over, i had the abortion just to keep my man. The early this month (april) i was 10 weeks pregnant and i lost it.
Please keep your child, i wish i stood up to my man he first time around and kept it, would be due in 2 weeks with my first one.
Participanthey, just an update
went for a check up yesterday and the docs could not find my babys heartbeat, so i had no choice, i had to get the fetus out of me, but im fine.
Thanks everyone
Participantgo to the doc and get a bloodtest done, its quicker
Participantif you missed you period all the way through feb i reckon that you are very pregnant.
Participanthey in in the same boat as you at the moment but im only 8 weeks pregnant. I heard from someone that its just something inside that is growing so it has room for the baby to grow, search on the net to see if you can find something and be sure to share it with me coz i like to also to know
Participantyou could be pregnant but its a bit early to tell.
When i did my first test and my second the second line was very faint aswell. U can either wait another week and do another test or the better optio is to go to the doctors and get a bloodtest done.
Participantmine was sore breast, and painful stomach
Participanthi there,
If you had sex this month on the 12th, i dont think that you can start to feel the pregnancy symptions just yet. It usually takes up a while after you have missed your period.
Just wait till u missed your period and if you do take a pregancy test.
Good luck
Participantwait till you are a week late for your period or like i did wait till middle of the month and go to docs and get a bloodtest. Or there is a pregnancy test that can dect if yor pregnanta couple of days before you are due. Keep me posted
Participantim really sorry to hear that. i know what you are going through. If u need to talk about please do
Participanti know how you feel, i had an abortion oct last year and it was not my choice, i listened to my partner and had one. Im still in a depressed mood but now i have something to cheer me up, im now 4 weeks pregnant and we are keeping it this time.
I hope that everything works out for you hun
Participantplease dont get an abortion its not worth it. I had an abortion 3 months ago and its the most hardest thing in the world. I was pushed into having one by my boyfriend, he kept on saying get rid of it coz its not even a baby yet, or we aint ready or if you get rid of it we will get engaged. He proposed to me so he kept his promise.
The day that i found out that i was pregnant he told me to organise for an abortion, I was 8 weeks pregnant. i knew right there and then that i should have left him, but i thought that he would come around and accept that i was pregnant but he didnt, he even punch me in the stomach, but not hard enough to make me have a miscarrage
After i had my abortion i went into depression and i still have got it, i have to tabe tablets and see a social worker once a week coz i cant get over what happened. I have flush backs about what happend that day, i get them everyday and when i start crying, my partner always says we have done the right thing, but hes not the one that went through the operation so he does not know what i have been through
I wish to this day that i left him and kept my baby. So please think it through before you make any decision that is going to change the rest of your life
Participanthi there,
Go to the docs and get a preg test done there, they are always correct.
Good luckangel_gal84
Participanthi there,
i know how you feel. I had my abortion 3 months ago. I was pushed into having one by my partner everyone told me that i should keep it, but i went along with what my partner told me to do i didnt stand up to him, and now i wish that i did coz i have nothing but emptyness left in my heart.
Im still not on birth control havent been since 3 weeks after my abortion. But im going to start taking them when i get my next period (which should come next week). I have also suffered from depression and now i see a social worker once a week to help me. It was wrong of your mum to say that to you, you also had the right to decide what you wanted to do.
If you ever need someone to talk to please email me.
Love lisaxxxx
Participantthats really good news hope everything goes well with your new family. Best wishes
Participanthi girls,
havent been on hear for a while so can somebody please tell me if this girl had her abortion? (hope not!!!!)
Participanthappy birthday to your daughter
Participanthi there,
i know what excatly what your friend is going through. i had an abortion just over 2months ago and its the most hardest thing to do.
the reason why i had my abortion was coz i didnt want to break up with the babys daddy, he basically forced me into having one saying that he was not ready and we are not ready blah blah blah.
We are now engaged and planning our wedding but it seems so hard knowing that i would be 20 weeks along about now.
i too have breakdowns i had one yesterday, its something very hard to get over.
I see a social worker once a week to work out what i have been through and they are helping, slowley tho.
Maybe you should bring up the idea to your friend to see a social worker, i dont know what they charge over there to see one, but over here in australia if you have had any kind of operation its free to see one.
if she ever needs someone to talk please please get her to email me. i like
talking to people that have been the same suitation as melove lisaxxxx
Participanthi there,
i talked everything over with my finance and we agreed that i go off the pill and that we can try for another baby now if we want and i told him that i want to try for child.
He tells me everyday that i should not have had an abortion because he knew how much i wanted it.
i know think that i could be pregnant as i type this messgae but i have to wait till the new year to find that out.
i hope that you are ok??? i know it hurts i know i had one 2 months ago and the pain is still with me to this day its something that no-one can or cant get over.
I know the pain that you are feeling and so does other girls on this site that has had an abortion but we are all hear to support each other in a time like this.
If you ever need any help just email me, i mite live in australia but ill try my hardest to help people that have been through this.
please email me if you ever need to talk.
please dont have an abortion, i had one twom months ago and the pain is still with me to this day. its something that cant/wont go away,
go to the docs and get a bloodtest done.
Participantplease dont have an abortion
it will be the worst thing that you will ever do trust me i know i had one just over two months ago and im still living with the pain, something that you dont have to go through, please think about it really hard.keep us up to date
love lisaxxxx
Participantplease dont have an abortion.
have an open adoption instead