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  • in reply to: 20yo mum of 2 – things arent always that bad #17918

    Hey I’m Kat!
    I’m a single mother of a 2-year-old boy!:)

    in reply to: Governmental rights #17867

    I don’t know how it is in the USA, but if it gets too bad, there might be shelters..but that is ONLY if things get REALLY bad. TRUST me they’re not the best places, especially with a young child. But it’s better if you’re in an abusive household sometimes.
    Just a thought, and throw it out if that’s not the case, because shelters aren’t the best places.

    in reply to: 1 week to my abortion. #17866

    Hey girl, just read all the posts, and just wanting to say that it’s just a bump in the road, it’s not the end of your life or career or anything. Trust me. It’s your choice at the end of the day, but I had my son at 17, and I’m 19 now and at university doing a journalism and international relations degree… son adds so much light to my life.
    PLEASE don’t do it for the sake of not just your baby…but YOU. I have friends who had abortions, and they just look at my baby and wish they never did that.
    A woman at church nearly broke down in tears when I was laughing about how I’ll be 34 at my son’s formal and he could take me lol! because she had an abortion when she was very young and now she’s 45 and she was never able to have children after that.
    So think about it. A baby is not the end of your life. It’s just another adventure, another one of life’s lessons.
    🙂 xx kat

    in reply to: Thank you #17865

    I just want to congratulate you on your baby and your bravery!
    You go girl:)!

    in reply to: Kaleb Schwade Awareness #17864

    She definately should be put behind bars

    in reply to: what do guys think? #17794

    Thanks for the advice Erick, and I really appreciate it and think a lot of it is correct.
    But I read another one of your replies to one of my questions in the other forum, and I still can’t shake off the feeling that you feel sorry for teen girls such as me?
    I doubt you’ll believe me, but my son and I are perfectly happy!:)

    in reply to: we’re a problem #17793

    I agree with the fact that there are pretty horrible mums out there no matter what age…I still manage to look around me and see great teen mums as well
    I’m not saying there are good teen mothers out there…But you just can’t help it but think that the media is oversensitising the issue….
    I don’t know what it’s like in AMerica…but here in Australia there’s always this talk about girls getting pregnant just for the welfare…and I swear most of teen pregnancies are accidents, at least 90% are, that’s at least…from what I see around me. Yes, there are idiots out there too, and an extremely extremely small amount of girls who got married really early and started a family more responsibly, usually from some ethnic group…
    I guess what I was trying to say is that the way we’re presented, the amount of time given to bad vs. good stories, isn’t exactly fair…

    in reply to: it might seem awkward for a guy… #17753

    I still refuse to believe guys are decent at all.
    I’m going to stay single for the rest of my life I’ve decided. Forever. That’s it. No more of this s***.

    in reply to: "Knocked Up" #17751

    No, I haven’t.
    I’m still thinking whether to go and see it.
    Why, is it any good or should I not bother?

    in reply to: 7 months #17750

    A name is something special. Throughout my whole pregnancy I just knew I wanted to call my son Alexander, which was a bit of a drama since my son’s dad’s dad had just died and his name was Alexander — but it had nothing to do with that, the name just suited my son.
    So I say if you really really want to call your baby something, it’s probably meant to be!

    in reply to: not much longer #17732

    You’re from Aus?
    Me too. What city?

    in reply to: i wihs #17731

    I just want to give you a big massive hug!
    You must be going through so much heartache right now! I know there’s other sites out there for people who are going what you’re going through with abortion….I just don’t know what they’re called but I’m sure if you google something should come back…

    in reply to: I need alot of help #17730

    I think that if it’s meant to be waiting one more year as hard as it sounds would be a good idea.
    After all, people have waited far longer than that — some even decades if you look at all those romantic love stories haha — to be together!
    And all the best for your family!:D

    in reply to: In School #17658

    Have you considered home schooling for when your kids under six months? Do they have that in America? The reason I’m saying that is because you can study with the baby around when youre babies that young because they sleep a lot…….

    in reply to: In School #17646


    Well I live in aus so I don’t know if it applies. But my boy goes to daycare….

    When I was finishing year twelve though I did home schooling because i thought he was too young….

    So don’t know if that helps any…

    in reply to: hey girls #17092

    Whats your story if you dont mind me asking?

    in reply to: Losing Everything you ever worked for #17065

    Hey girl,

    I know it hurts rite now, but one day you’ll either get bk together with him or youll move on n wonder wat you ever saw in him…..

    I kno it sounds cruel and painful rite now what Im saying, but my longtime bf left me wen i was five months pregnant, and two years on im really fine and happy. i guess i was lucky, i could lie there and cry for months until my son was born….but one day itll be fine, trust me.

    Until that day, just keep holding on, I guess.:) that day will come.

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