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ParticipantCongrats girl, it’s great you’re believing in yourself!
I fell pregnant at 16 and was alone at 16 as well, became a mother at 17, so I can damn sure relate!:kiss:alexanders_mama
ParticipantCongratulations, and thanks for the wonderful words of encouragement!!
ParticipantI’m having serious problems toilet training my son. As in serious. He just loves his nappies. I’ve never met a child who WANTS to put on nappies. I bought him nice undies with Bob the Builder on them, so he wears them now, but if I gave him a choice, I know he’d pick the nappies.
He’s 2 and nearly 5 months, and we have a lot of accidents at home. I keep encouraging him, but it does seem like we have a pretty long road to go….alexanders_mama
ParticipantAt my ultrasound at 21 weeks. I definately wanted to find out, because I was going to him Alexander if it was a boy, and Elizabeth if it was a girl.
I had a baby boy!!:Dalexanders_mama
ParticipantJust to reiterate everybody else lol, yes shortness of breath is normal for that far along.
ParticipantPlease don’t throw your virginity away lightly.
I regret throwing mine away so lightly, it was with my first boyfriend, but honestly I felt used that night, to him it didn’t seem like such a big deal at all.
There is nothing wrong with waiting until marriage to have sex.
It shows you have respect for yourself and your body. I know I was the last one out of my friends to lose mine at 16, but that doesn’t mean you have to follow everyone, right?
Just because they’ve lost theirs doesn’t mean we should all rush out and have sex…alexanders_mama
ParticipantYou got it pretty much right breathless (I would say your name but I don’t know if you want me to in forums lol…?)!
That’s one of the biggest factors I guess so true!alexanders_mama
ParticipantHow old were you when u got pregnant? 16
How old are u now? 19
How long was your labour? 4 hours
Did you have ne drugs or interventions? nope all natural
Did you finish school? yes, uni in progress
Would you change things if you could (eg abortion, adoption)? Never ever thought about it!
Are you still with the father? He broke up with me when I was 5 months along
Who do u live with i.e parents, partner etc? With my son!:))
Participantmy baby — slept through the night — nearly 2 years (yay lol)
held bottle — 1 year, when he started having cow’s milk
rolled over — 3mos
sat up alone — 6 mos
crawled — 5 months!!!
first step (as in started walking) — 9 months
running — 10 months AAAAAAAAA!!!!!! lol
first word — 6 months, mama
laughed — I think it was 6 wks.?
stood up — hmmmm……5 months I think, maybe even 4….He’s 2 but as tall as a 3yo !!! (touch wood)
ParticipantI think something scared her, probably at her dad’s house. What is your intuition telling you?
Meanwhile, it would probably be best if she slept with you so she could feel a bit more safer…That’s just my opinion, because that’s what I should do. It’s not like she’s being naughty, something must have really scared her…alexanders_mama
ParticipantI’m speechless. I’m sorry, but I just can’t call you a hero. It’s probably painful for you to hear, but I just can’t say anything more after you wrote that.
That is SO exciting!:lol: Welcome to the world, little fella!:cheer:alexanders_mama
ParticipantGET OUT….NOW!
Or do you want to stick around until he murders the baby? And maybe even you while he’s at it?
This is one of those times where you really have to run no matter how much you love him, your baby’s life is far more important than an abusive relationship.
There are domestic violence shelters for women, and police you can go to….please, please, tell them he hits you, and get away from him while you’re both still alive!alexanders_mama
ParticipantI’ve heard second pregnancies are bigger because your body’s used to pregnancy by now, and your stomach muscles aren’t as strong and locked in.
Lol I only showed at 5 months, and even then when I walked into Russian school on high heels and an open top that pretty much concealed the tiny bump I had, everyone was whispering that I’d gone ahead with an *shiver* abortion. They were wrong lol!alexanders_mama
ParticipantLol I’m in the uni library how dare u make me cry lol!
I wish everone would read this. I can’t believe some of the girls who say ;this just isn’t the right time’. How can murder be justified with ‘this isn’t the right time?’!????alexanders_mama
ParticipantLol I’m in the uni library how dare u make me cry lol!
I wish everone would read this. I can’t believe some of the girls who say ;this just isn’t the right time’. How can murder be justified with ‘this isn’t the right time?’!????alexanders_mama
ParticipantI’d say there’s a higher chance the hospital got something wrong and not you.
I’d make them do the whole test thing again….alexanders_mama
ParticipantHey…as I said before, that woman does not and will not live your life for you. In the end, the guilt and the conscience will be on you, and you will be the one who will have to deal with it for the rest of your life, wonder whether it was a boy or a girl for the rest of your life.
I was 17, and JUST turned 17, when my son was born, and I was even alone, completely alone. And I’m still here on planet Earth together with my son (touch wood lol), living independently, and I’m halfway through my journalism degree. And if you’re going to have support, that’s going to make it even easier for you…
We have food to eat, a roof over our heads, and just enjoying the time with my son dancing and reading books and laughing together…I don’t know about the prime of my life, and I’m sure I’m missing out on heaps of parties out there (in FACT i know there’s an 18th I got invited to right now in a club rite nxt to me), but I’m still having a really decent good time… I’m sure my son’s life is more important than that party, because I can go to some other one when I get a night off…
Sry for the rant, I don’t know what to say, but listen to your heart. You said you didn’t want an abortion. You may want the woman to like you after all she’s done, but in the end hopefully she’ll come round. In most cases, people do. LISTEN TO YOUR HEART.alexanders_mama
ParticipantHoney, what are you doing?
How can this be right for you and your family? If they are pressuring you into abortion, it is wrong so wrong!
Oh just have a breath, and think about the consequences. Think about what it is you are actually goign to do.
In or out of the womb, babies are playful creatures. Yours may already have discovered his first toy — the umbilical cord — which he’ll enjoy pulling and grabbing. Sometimes he may even clutch it so tight that less oxygen gets through, but don’t worry — he doesn’t hold onto it long enough to harm himself. The circulatory system and urinary tract are in full working order, and he’s inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid through his lungs. ‘ that was just a quick thing i found on a pregnancy site. Just google 2nd trimester+pregnancy and see what you get! Your baby is PLAYING with its umbilical cord. Ummm…how could you possibly kill it now?
Honey, please think about what you’re doing. If you ever need any help or support, I am here, you can write to me anytime, but please think about what you’re planning to do, planning to kill your own baby. Will you ever be able to sleep after it?
I know women who have had those abortions: and they are 50 now, and it’s finally hit them hard, and they can’t sleep at night, they feel so guilty, they go to church so often now because they can barely stand what they did, and one of them couldn’t have children after having one.
As for at 6 weeks, the baby’s heart is beating. It’s alive. Please think twice about this.
Most women who have an abortion regret it. Most women who carry on with their pregnancies never regret it. Think about that.alexanders_mama
ParticipantHey I breastfed my son until 17 months, and the bonding process of breastfeeding is so awesome. But you really have to watch your diet, I didn’t eat junk food or anything, and no coffee or alcohol (well, yeah, I did drink when I was out some times but I pumped milk out beforehand lol).
It was really painful for the first 10 days, my nipples bled, and that’s a normal occurence. And the baby has trouble latchigno n at the beginnign usually, that’s normal as well.
But after that, it was awesome, and I’m sure it was healtheir for my son than formula, which he’s never had.
It stops being painful after about two weeks, and then you’re usually on track. That’s my experiences with breastfeeding anyway.:))alexanders_mama
ParticipantHey hun.
I don’t know what your boyfriend has because I haven’t talk to you guys face to face.
I think he should see a psychologist just to talk about his past (I don’t mean it in a patronising way or anything).
From what you’ve said, I wouldn’t rush to conclude it’s bipolar, although it could be. I wouldn’t rush with the medication also, because it’s very strong, and you’d want the right diagnosis first.
It could be that he has PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). That’s what it sounded like to me anyway. We had a psycho man trying to kill everyone in our complex at the beginning of this year, and I would wake up every morning at four and have a panic attack until sunrise. What was happening was that I was losing control over where I was, I thought I was there instead of here if you know what I mean, in the past. I talked to the psychologist at uni, because it was really wearing me down, and he diagnosed me and suggested doing things like counting the number of buttons on a shirt or the number of handles on a big drawer etc. and it works, it kind of draws of draws you back into there here and now a little bit. With PTSD, you just need some will and hopefully some support, and you sound supportive, but I wouldn’t rush with medication, I never had any. (Luckily that man got taken away to the acute psychiatric ward lol so I stopped having the attacks).
It also helped me praying.
I suggest go see a psychologist and soon as possible, and that he needs counselling to work through all that happened to him. Your baby’s and your safety are key here, you must remember that. That’s by far the most important thing
Also, this has nothign to do with it, but what is heltsuik? I’m just really interested in native culture, that’s all. I also had a thought, maybe if he got closer to his culture, and who he is, maybe that could help? I’ve heard native people are very attached to their land, and I don’t know where I’d be without my own (Russian) culture.
Hope this long essay rambling on helped lol.alexanders_mama
ParticipantAww, that’s just plain horrible to say thigns like that, especially coming from your aunt.
Man, I’d be so annoyed. Every mother, no matter what her age is, gets overwhelmed when a new baby comes along, and when they hear deragoratory comments like that it makes things just worse. Don’t ever let her convince you of these things, because you know yourself that it isn’t true.
Just keep focusing on your baby. I’m sure you’re a great mother.
Just ignore her as much as you can, a sharp witty remark will do, I don’t think anything good would come out of a long chat at the current moment, except for get you more upset.alexanders_mama
ParticipantI’d say you’ll just have to keep giving her the gripe water even if she doesn’t like it.
Also, try massagine her tummy in the counter-clockwise direction, and also do the ‘bicycle’ with her legs, I used to do it so my son and he used to calm down to that.
Can you check with the doctor to see if she’s on the right formula? She may have problems with the current formula she’s on…
All the best.alexanders_mama
ParticipantAww, why so, hun?
I was sixteen when I fell pregnant, and we’re doing just fine. There’s a lot of people in that boat and we’re doing fine.
What makes you feel that way? -