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  • in reply to: Having the baby!!! #21577

    My best to you and little bundle. Take care of yourself and allow others to help you.

    in reply to: Question?!?!? #21487

    Yes, nautious stomach can occur at any time during pregnancy. Hang in there!

    in reply to: More Help…. #21462

    Leannyxpoo and all- please know that if you need an non-judgemental ear I am here for you. If you are looking for someone to tell you what to do, I’m not the one. However, I’ll be glad to chat, be a sounding board, let you cuss, fuss, and cry while exploring your own feelings and future. Let me know if I may help.

    in reply to: 50% and 1 cm #21460

    Meg-Hang in there girl! We are all here to support you through this. Sending peace and prayers your way.

    in reply to: Now What?!?!?!? #21386

    Sweetie, my heart goes out to you. It appears you have a lot going on right now and just need some guidance in putting the puzzle back together. From what you have written you are suffering from depression. This may be hormonal in origin. I have a feeling that what you are wrestling with (baby and family) may be a significant contributor in how you are feeling.
    First, you are not odd or crazy for not feeling connected to your baby. I too went through a similar sitation and it scared the hell out of me. So much so that by the age of 25 I had my tubes tied. Having children of my own scared me to no end. Not because I don’t like children, only that the thought of a body growing inside me was too much to bare. Motherhood is not for everyone!
    Second, you need to decide your next step. Abortion or adoption. You stated in the original message that you are not leaning toward abortion. The pain a woman feels after abortion can be terrible. Certainly you are aware of the pain, guilt and misery. Explore open adoption. (I’ll get to your family in a second) Open adoption will allow you to pick out the parents for your child and remain in touch with your child during his/her life. I am adopted and currently seeking to adopt. From first hand experience, adoption is the best of both worlds. Growing up I knew that I had the family specially picked out for me. In fact, it was the family my mother had wanted for herself as a teen. Imagine how great it is to know that two families loved you (birth and adoptive family)! Talk about security.
    So you are concerned that your family will disown you? Why do you think that? Have they said they would? Ultimately, the decision is yours. They were not with you when you became pregnant. Why should they feel comfortable in telling you what to do with your baby?
    Let’s look at this from another angle. Would you be "disowned" by the parents if you did not place the baby with another family?
    No? Are they sending you the message that you must pay for your mistake of becoming pregnant? OR Are they scared they will never see the child again if adopted and want to keep the child in the family?
    If you were not pregnant would your family find another reason to "disown" you? Look back on this last year and think to yourself-what other adult stance have I taken to butt heads with my family? I’m suggesting that your pregnancy is only one of several reasons a woman your age may be scared of being "disowned" by family. From your profile photo you don’t look over 21. You’re at a time in life when the teen years are behind and the adult years are beginning. Many parents have a difficult time dealing with their children during this transition period. Maybe what you are sensing as disown is just your family’s way of dealing with change. Did you have the same problems when becoming a teenager? I bet you did.
    I know this is long and a little rambling. Just think about a few items in this post. I know it seems dreary at this time but I assure you….it will get better! You are strong enough to come out of this a much stronger woman.

    in reply to: I think I’m pregnant…now what? #21304

    Sweetie, have you taken th HPT yet?

    in reply to: Depression #21299

    I have impatiently waiting for you to post an update. It is wonderful that you have found a bit of peace while waiting for Medi. Be aware that clinics are available for those waiting for insurance. Whould you need any assistance locating such a resource, please do not hesitate to contact me. Much love to you!! Blessings and peace.

    in reply to: My Story. #21271

    Hi Marrisa! Welcome to the board. Sounds like your parents are very supportive. How lucky you are. You didn’t mention future plans. Have you been able to attend school during the pregnancy? Are your parents going to help raise the baby?
    As for packing-leave the beauty supplies at home. You may wish to take chapstick. Lotion is always good but the hospital should have some. If you’re nursing take two open front gowns. A good choice are house gowns that snap in the front. Sometimes the rooms are a little cold so take a sweater or long sleeve to slip on. Don’t take anything for yourself that you are concerned about soiling. It’s going to happen.
    My best to you and baby.

    in reply to: you never know what you got till its gone #21268

    My heart goes out to you. Miscarriages are very difficult for women. Your mom gets a big hug too. Sounds like she handled the sitation beautifully.
    As for your bf-I don’t believe men are capable of understanding the pain women experience after miscarriage. My opinion is that they can’t comprehend the idea of carrying a life.
    It is normal to blame yourself. Please don’t though. Share with your mother how you feel. May I suggest that you seek a professional to chat with? In general, most women receive some bit of peace after speaking with a trained professional about their pain.
    May peace find you and wrap you in a beautiful, loving embrace. Love to you.

    in reply to: Wanting to be Pregnant but need help! #21267

    I’m thinking your wish is granted. According to your post topic line, you want to become pregnant. From what you have said you are displaying typical signs of pregnancy. My best to you.

    in reply to: ???i wonder??(need help) #21266

    Going just on the typical fertility schedule your first "mishap" occured during your most fertile period. For this reason alone, I suggest a HPT.

    in reply to: Am i pregnant???? #21265

    No tenderness or increased mucus and the HPT was negative? I would bet you are not pregnant. Such fluctuations in monthly cycles would drive me batty. How do you manage?
    How long has the foul taste lasted? Could it be heartburn?
    Take care of yourself.

    in reply to: please help me out here, pretty confused. #21264

    Pregnancy is possible but probably not highly likely. While most women would LOVE to be without a period, do you have any idea why you haven’t had a period for 3 months? Been checked out by a Dr? Lost alot of weight? Changed medication? It is not usual to go months without a period. It may be a sign that your body isn’t getting enough nutrients or is somehow out of whack. Got any idea why this is happening right now?

    in reply to: More Help…. #21263

    Hi ya emmyboo!
    First, I’m sending you a hug bear hug for comfort. Your life appears to be complicated right now. Caught in the middle of what your parents want and what you feel is best. Your parents are probably a little shocked and hurt knowing that their little girl is pregnant. If they just learned about the baby, give them a few days to come around. If they don’t come around, you can cross that bridge later. Sounds like you mom isn’t wanting you to leave right now anyway. Make sure you are in a safe location.
    Second, parents have a habit of reacting poorly to early pregnancies. I know it feels bad right now-that the entire world hates you or is against you-but your parents are upset with your decision to have sex. It doesn’t mean they love you any less. They are scared as hell right now and don’t know what to do. In all honesty, how did you expect them to act?
    Third, YOU need to make the decision. Not your parents, his parents, or bf. Abortion is a quick resolution to a life changing decision. I don’t believe men can understand the soul level pain some women experience post-abortion. Not because they don’t care but because they are incapable of carrying life. Give this some thought. Who is suggesting abortion? The men in your life-not the women. From your posts is sounds like you are leaning away from abortion, too. Do not cave into what others want you to do. Make the decsion yourself.
    With that said, you need to begin to prepare yourself for changes. If you choose adoption or to keep, either two require insurance. Have you applied for Medicaid yet? Seen a Dr.? Prenatal care is important. I suggest that you begin the application process. That way you will have one less item to think about.
    Finally, and again, You must make the decision. You can get through this difficult time. There are plenty on this board who will gladly chat with you. I am one of those individuals. Take care of yourself. Give this some serious thought. Find a quiet place and think for yourself.
    Another big hug and much love for you. I’m here for you….untbunny

    in reply to: Depression #21251

    I just conducted a quick Medicaid coverage check for depression and antidepressants. Treatment is covered. This should provide a bit of peace when considering what to do next. As one who has experienced the exact symptoms you mentioned I suggest that you quickly get yourself to the wellness clinic for help. What you are experiencing is NOT weakness. The pain is real. You are not crazy or insane. Your body has been through a lot in the last month and hormones or chemicals in your system have not returned to normal.
    Take care of yourself and trust that everything will return to normal soon. Please do get to the wellness clinic. Keep us updated please.

    in reply to: baby blues before baby? #21250

    Oh dear…What you are experiencing is very normal. You have hit difficult time of the pregnancy. The end is near but just out of reach. You can do this. During the next few weeks you may feel as though riding a roller coaster. Up and down, down and up.
    Friends come and go. And while it hurts right now you are experiencing a transition in life. I promise you will meet some really great friends after your daughters birth. Imagine the great women you will meet when out with your daughter. Hang in there just a bit longer my dear. Sending a big hug your way.

    in reply to: PLEASE HELP ME AGAIN !!!!! #21198

    If you are concerned about pregnancy, I suggest to take another test. While it is unlikely that you would have a false negative followed by a regular period, it has happened before.
    Regarding your symptoms you could have a bug. However, you sound as though they are psychosomatic. At one point not too long ago, I experienced the same shortness of breath, aches, etc because I was concerned about being pregnant. It went so far as morning sickness and I was convinced I felt fetal movement. During the month, I took several HPT and all were negative. Take a test and relax a bit.

    in reply to: What are the chances? #21197

    Did you have a vaginal birth? If so and you didn’t use a condom you may have experienced a bit of irritation during sex. 4 weeks after birth your cervix isn’t producing mucus for lubrication. No condom also reduced the possibility of lubrication. I would guess the blood was probably a rust color or dark red and not your usual period color.
    To answer your initial question, yes you can become pregnant. Your body has not returned to its original cycle and very well could release an egg prematurely during the month.

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